How do you feel about quiet time?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Song, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. Song

    Song Active Member

    Hi, I am new. I have 3 year old B/G twins. They used to nap in the afternoons around 1pm up until they were 2.5. Over the summer they decided that they just didn't want to nap anymore, so I ended all naps. It was harder on me, but I found ways of getting things done with them during the day. Also, I have noticed that they are extremely grouchy come 5pm, and they don't sleep all that well at night. I am also entering into this phase where they fight ALL day long. I spend most of my days refereeing and kissing phantom boo-boos. I do let them watch some of their favorite programs, but they are usually running errands with me or out in the yard doing yardwork. Of course, always fighting and screaming during these times.

    Well, I have decided that they need quiet time from each other. My DH and I have put them both in separate rooms. They are in twin beds so they can get in and out of bed if they decide to nap or not. Also, they have books and toys in each of their own rooms for doing their own thing. They want to creep out into the hallway, but I make them go back into their room. They don't like it, but they are slowly adjusting to it. What do you do for quiet time? Not sure if I am doing the right thing, but it is sure saving my sanity. :rolleyes:
  2. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Mine ended their naps early, too, and I also had quiet time in their rooms. Sometimes they may watch some PBS during that time (not if they are fighting with each other, of course) in the living room together. It gives them and me a break. Our quiet time lasts about 90 minutes.
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine just turned 3 and don't nap ALOT of the time. I put them in separate rooms every day for quiet time for one hour. One goes in their room and one in my room. They can choose to take some books in with them if they don't want to nap or they can nap. Some days they tell me that they want to sleep and they do, other days they take some books and I'm happy if they just stay in the room and don't jump on the beds. It sounds like you're approaching it the right way. I too need that break during the day for my sanity! HTH :)
  4. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My oldest dd is 4 and I still give her quiet time. She needs, I need it, hey we all need it! I think it is a great idea!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When my oldest DD gave up naps at 3.5, I would make her stay in her room for at least an hour of quiet time, we both needed it! Many times she would fall asleep during it. :)
  6. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    My oldest wanted to give up her naps right when I was about 8 1/2 mos pregnant with the twins. I NEEDED that nap time - and I think she did too really. I told her she had to stay in her crib & listen to her music tape (a tape of her baby mobile music playing over & over - 45 mins long) she it still doing it. She probably only falls asleep 3 or 4 days a week but I thik the break is good for us both!!
  7. Zigcanada

    Zigcanada Well-Known Member

    My girls just gave up their naps recently. At their 3 yr check up, their ped said that they should have a minimum one hour quiet time every afternoon. The girls heard her say it, which helps with the reinforcement ("the doctor said...").
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