How do you do arts and crafts?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We made dough ornaments today, and it was not the festive family fun I had envisioned. The whole process, I just found annoying. The girls had fun, but I sure didn't. Then painting them was even worse. I made the mistake of making a quick phone call, and ended up with Ainsley squirting out half a tube of red acrylic paint out. The ornaments don't even look nice. Yeah, I know they are painted by 3 yr olds, but when they paint stuff, it just ends up being a mishmash brown-purple color because all the colors get mixed together. I was trying to get them to keep the paint colors separate, but it didn't work. Now I've got red paint on the carpet, on Ainsley's dress (yes, we used art smocks, but she still got paint on her dress), dough crumbs all over the floor.

    I know, I sound like a big sourpuss, but how do I do crafty projects with them and me having fun? I try to just let them do whatever they want and not be controlling, but I still need to avert disaster and at least guide things.
  2. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I let Granny Louise (the library Grandma) and the fine children's librarians handle it. Mine turned 6 on Sunday, and this will be the first year we do cut-out cookies together. What you are describing makes me crazy (bad mom, I know), so I just made sure they attended the craft program at the library. They were all set up to handle the mess and had the patience I lacked. It was totally worth going over there every week. My kids got crafts and none was on my carpeting. ;)
  3. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We only do them on rainy/snowy days. Craft stuff is for when they can't go run, jump or play. I allow it now a bit more since they are older, but it truly wears my patience.

    With paint, I found something that really helps me. I put out a bowl of water in the middle, and give them each a pile of paint brushes. They get to use a paintbrush for one color and then they put it in the water for me to clean. I clean all the brushes so I know the colors aren't getting mixed too badly.

  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I find it so hard too. I think we need to remember its going to make a mess and they're going to get into things they shouldn't. I sometimes think I can set them all up at the table paper down aprons on and let them go to it while I get something done, no chance, even in a controlled environment its not fun lol.

    so I'm not giving advice becoz I'm the same as you, so maybe I'll wait for more answers lol
  5. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Well, I think the key is to start doing small projects with minimal material. The less to manage, the better! You can establish some "rules" , which will take a long time to enforce, but will pay off in the end (stay at the table, check you "elbow room" before you start, etc.). Before you start the project, have everything ready for clean up, and have paper towls within arms reach. You can buy a shower liner and use that as a tablecloth/ dropcloth. Don't let them wear clothes that you care matter what, they WILL spill paint on them, or get it on their sleeves! As much as it would be a wonderul break to sit them down with a little painting project, they are still young enough that they need supervision (even with the color wonder finger paints, which I found out the hard way). So, expect to sit with them and do the projct with them, and have fun, too!

    The key for me not getting frustrated is knowing what to expect. Sometimes I set my expectations too high. I find myself aggravated with the spills or disappointed that the ornaments don't look perfect. But, I have to say that over time, I have realized how much I treasure the brown fingerpaining, the brown ornaments, etc. I try really hard to have fun with them. I know it will be messy. But, I also notice how much they love the time with me. I'm looing at my Christmas tree and smiling at the crazy ornaments from two years ago! Even thouhg it's hard to believe, you will, too.

    I know an art teacher who always said "It's not the product, it's the process." Have fun!
  6. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We do a craft almost everyday....but I like them, an not a neat person by nature, and they love it.

    Some ideas we do often:

    I cut out shapes and they glue them to make something (we did green triangles, colred cirlces, and yellow stars for Christmas trees)

    They use stamps with WASHABLE ink

    We collage pictures cut out of the paper (think toy & food ads)

    Paint w/ a brush for each color. I put out 2 colors at a time then add/switch as they ask.

    Paint with water books

    Waterpaints (much harder to mix colors)

    Sticky foam art projects (craft store, you peel off the back and stick)

    Color wonder art (fingerpaints are good)

    'draw' with glue-place in shoe box and sprinkle glitter, shake off excess glitter and you get pretty patterns

    'Murals' cut out pics from wen to make a scene--color, cut, paste, out with them

    Sheet of butcher paper and lots of stickers (mine love this!!!)

    Empty box and markers/crayons....make a bus, house, whatever

    Pom poms--glue eyes on them and/or glue on paper to make patterns

    rubbings --place objects (fairly flat) and rub crayon on them to make a design (bark, leaves, wooden floors, shoe treads, etc work well)

    HAve fun....somedays this is WAY more fun than others--but I have learned what works and what does not and somedays are just crazy and others I am happily surprised at what they create! Other times it is all a brown, sticky mess.

    Cover the table, have a dust pan handy and enjoy !
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Keeping in mind that we hardly ever do art at home (fortunately they do tons of it at school, so I don't feel guilty!)...

    I usually only let them have two colors (and we only have red, yellow, and blue). That way, when they get mixed together, at least it's not hideous.

    I keep a pack of diaper wipes nearby so I can wipe up spills/smears before they get everywhere. I try not to be TOO anal about this, but if paint gets on the floor or their elbows or something, I swoop in.

    We do art in the kitchen -- no carpet. If we need to do it at the dining room table, at least we have hardwood floors, but I still try to put newspaper down.

    I don't expect them to do it unattended, ever.

    Mostly I try to just acknowledge that for every 5 minutes they spend actually doing art, I'm going to spend 10 minutes setting up and 10 minutes cleaning up. That's why we hardly ever do it. :D

    However, they have free access at all times to self-inking stamps, crayons, washable markers, and a big stack of scrap paper. I think that gets some of the "creativity" out of their system without making too huge a mess -- I just recycle all the used paper (which they never look at again) after they go to bed.
  8. ehm

    ehm Banned

    I take them to the library too! I have to sprint home from work, shovel dinner down their throats to get there but by George I am going to get there so that can do the weekly craft!

    We have done cookies the last couple of weekends and the children have had a blast but I have been practically insane. I have all these memories of doing these things with my Gram and now I can't imagine how crazy I must have made her. I just grin and bear it and hope these are the things they will remember as they get older. I know my children are soo proud of their cookies. They brought them in for their teachers and when I have gotten the thank you emails they all say how proud the children were saying how much they helped etc etc. I guess that makes it worth it??!!
  9. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    With a glass of chardonnay in hand ;). Just kidding.

    I have learned to be a bit more patient with them during crafts. They are getting it more now, too. I did just order these paint cups with individual brushes for each color to make it a little bit more organized.
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    No way would I give them access to a whole bottle of paint! I make up paint trays for them (they were drip trays for meat or cheese or something and they happen to be a good quality plastic...) I squirt dime-sized dabs of several colors in their tray and let them pick a brush. They are reminded that the paint does not leave their newspaper. I have them strip to underwear and then put on smocks and they go straight to the tub when they're done. I also monitor very, very closely. They LOVE to paint and while we do have some mud projects, we've also gotten some really beautiful stuff.
  11. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    I just remembered: I let mine give me "tattoos" with washable markers on my back. Comes off easily enough in the shower, and I have a lot of interesting skin art.
  12. Tivanni

    Tivanni Well-Known Member

    We started our first activity very early on and it actually surprised me when I looked at the date and realized I had them "autograph" their first Father's Day card. They were 7 months old. I taught elementary school for 13 years....half in Kindergarten 1st & 2nd grade and I think my experiences working with 25 four and five year olds and doing 25 Christmas gifts for parents, 25 Mother's Day Gifts, and 25 Father's Day gifts really helped when it came to crafts with my girls. :D

    Anyway, if interested I have put together some easy craft ideas and recipes that I've done with the girls. I've also included a couple tips on setting up that might help.

    I have a comment box and if you have any suggestions or comments for me I'd love to hear it. My site is only a month old and I am adding things daily so it will be growing steadily.

  13. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    First rule of thumb I remember is 'washable' and when I went looking for paint for them to put their handprints on my 9 month pregnant belly, I had a hard time finding somthin 'washable' that wasn't water paints. Then it dawned on me to use FACE paint! We had a BLAST with that! I put them in white onsies (they were 18 months at the time) and sat them on their alphabet floor (foam) and we went to town. Initially, I painted their hands and put the prints on my belly. After that, I gave them the tubs, the brushes and we took TONS of pictures!

    I tend to get overly controlling too. My way of dealing with this, is to remember there will ALWAYS be a mess to clean up. I generally let them play in just their diapers (so the clothes don't get messed up) or cheap white onsies that I don't care about. Then I just arm myself with a camera and sit down on the floor and watch. If I'm taking pictures and preserving the memory, I won't get as upset about the mess. I participate as well, they love that I'm on their level playin gwith them....

    The ornment idea is really cute. I'd say sure, they don't look perfect, but they were made with love, the kids had fun and well, in their own way they ARE perfect, and 20 years from now you'll look back at them and say how cute they are (haha I still have ornaments my mom saved from my grade schoold years!)
  14. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(debid @ Dec 23 2008, 05:01 PM) [snapback]1120806[/snapback]
    No way would I give them access to a whole bottle of paint! I make up paint trays for them (they were drip trays for meat or cheese or something and they happen to be a good quality plastic...) I squirt dime-sized dabs of several colors in their tray and let them pick a brush. They are reminded that the paint does not leave their newspaper. I have them strip to underwear and then put on smocks and they go straight to the tub when they're done. I also monitor very, very closely. They LOVE to paint and while we do have some mud projects, we've also gotten some really beautiful stuff.

    Ugh, I know, I should have moved the tubes of paints when stepping away from the table. I'm pretty sure the dress Ainsley had on is ruined, and she always has to wear a nice dress now, but that's another topic. :rolleyes:
    I did squirt just little dobs of paint out of each color for them, and the idea was that they would have a Q-tip for each color. But then they complained about the Q-tips, wanted paint brushes, all the paints got muddied, eh, oh well. Live and learn.
  15. OneBoyOneGirl

    OneBoyOneGirl Well-Known Member

    Oh wow...I thought I was the only the one who had this problem! I feel better now. I imagine this cute little family crafy scene with my kids and it always ends up in chaos and I end up about losing my mind :eek:
  16. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Dec 23 2008, 04:35 PM) [snapback]1120777[/snapback]
    With a glass of chardonnay in hand ;). Just kidding.

    I have learned to be a bit more patient with them during crafts. They are getting it more now, too. I did just order these paint cups with individual brushes for each color to make it a little bit more organized.

    Those paint cups look like just what I need! Thanks!

    Tivanni, thanks for the website too. Lots of ideas for the craft-impaired :)
  17. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Okay, so I am not nearly as experienced as my twins are younger and I probably do not have much to add; however,

    I will say the one thing that has allowed me to do some crafts with them at this age and stay sane is to STAY IN THE MOMENT! We have done fingerpainting, pumpkin carving, and gingerbread cookie decorating amoung other things (but these are the messiest). I really make myself stay in the moment and I do not even think about how I am going to clean everyone up or how much of a mess it is making until it is over. I put something down on the floor, old clothes on, or even go outside and relax and enjoy the project until they are done. It has really helped me. Just sit there, make the mess, and do not let one thought about mess enter your mind. When they are done, fold up the floor mat/covering and hose/shower them down. It cannot bother you if you do not address it in your mind.

    I hope that made sense.

    Last week our library had a gingerbread house making day where you signed up your family and brough them in. Every family got their own kit. I walked in, just me, with Jack and Lily and these ladies looked at me like I was nuts. One even said my kids were too young. I just smiled and sat down and got us started on our cookies ( we did cookies instead of a house). Jack sat in a chair beside me and Lily on my lap and I gave them a cookie and frosting and a spatula to spread it and they had a blast. The key prior to going was to not even think about the logistics, but to just do it. If I actually considered the logistics and the cleaning in everything we would not do a thing.

    Anyway, I am not sure if that helps but I am just sharing something that has helped me!
  18. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys are 3.5 and I finally found the key to happiness and success with crafts. I do it with them one at a time. I reserve a time that DH or my dad is here. They play with one while I craft with the other. It's gotten really fun where before it was not -- at least not for me :).

  19. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(moski @ Dec 23 2008, 01:35 PM) [snapback]1120777[/snapback]
    With a glass of chardonnay in hand ;). Just kidding.

    I have learned to be a bit more patient with them during crafts. They are getting it more now, too. I did just order these paint cups with individual brushes for each color to make it a little bit more organized.

    I love those paint cups! The girls got an easel for Christmas and I was going to try to find some way to keep paint under control and these should be perfect.

    Sharan-your qwebsite looks great!
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