How do you clean your girls' private areas?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by doubledownmom, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    We have been potty training the girls for a few months and they are pretty much completely potty trained (they will turn 3 on June 24th). We have also tried to teach them how to wipe themselves, but they are not that good at it. We still call the entire area down there their "bottom". So they don't even really know the difference between their vagina and their booty. Today, when I was putting on clean "big-girl bloomers" on one of my daughters I noticed an odor. I guess it is from her not wiping well? And I also have not been as diligent as I used to when it comes to really cleaning their vaginas during bathtime - not like I was when they were infants.

    So, my questions are: do you call it a vagina or do you have a nickname for it? also, how do you clean their vaginas (after every time they potty, or just at bedtime, etc.)?

    I know I sound like the biggest please pardon my stupidity!!!! Thanks so much in advance!
  2. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    you may want to check out THIS IMPORTANT thread about names for children's private areas.

    My 3 y/o will wipe after pee pee byt not poop yet. I make sure I wipe my girl between her labia carefully and gently or she will scream bloody murder! She too develops a smell if I dont do this daily. My other dd never had that problem. We try to always use proper body names.
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I'm not potty training yet, but I do clean them every night during bathtime along with during diaper changes. They know vagina and folds (I guess I should say labia), but they will tell me "Mommy I have cream in my folds"- meaning in the bath they see some diaper cream in there and use a wash cloth to wipe it off.
  4. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My girls refuse to PT right now but I wipe them during changes and after "practices" with PTing. Every nite at their bathtime, we clean it very well. Don't want any nasty infections down there. We call it their vagina.
  5. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We call that area the vagina and then their butt or tushy. My girls are older but we have always done the same thing when they started to wipe themselves we just always make sure we wash their vaginal area well at bath time (we give baths ever other night).
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I guess I am the odd man out, but I call them her girl parts! :unsure: I wiped them at first and then when she started she would get really red etc. and it would hurt her. So I have to keep tabs on it. He bathe every other night! But she was able to get pretty red when we didn't wipe well. I STILL make her lie down and check her sometimes!!! Then I put Monistat or something soothing on the folds (NOT inside - for the record). Desitin works as well!!

    It's NOT a stupid question!! This is what we do for each other! Chances are there's someone else who wanted to ask, but didn't - you probably helped more people out! :hug:
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    They stink a lot more now than they did in diapers. I guess it's from not getting wiped thoroughly every time they pee... They are very independent about going potty, which is great -- and they're in daycare most of the time, and the teachers will help with poop but not, as a general rule, with pee.

    Anyway, we wipe them with Cetaphil cleanser and a baby wipe every morning and night, and give a bath every 2-3 days. They still smell, but when we skip the Cetaphil just once, we can tell that it's worse.

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