So today in the Dr.'s office, the Dr. is looking over their charts and out of the blue Auburn says "Mommy, can I look at your nipples?" and starts trying to lift up my shirt. WTF. Seriously -- W. T. F. The Dr. laughed, but I can only imagine what he thinks must go on at our house. Oh Auburn... I'll get you back when you're 14.
oh my goodness!!! I'd have wanted to crawl under the table!!! :escape: Though I can only imagine, being in the doctor's office that because they often lift their shirts to listen to them breathe or whatnot, that possibly got the idea in her head. But still, no matter the logical reason, I'd have been embarrassed too!!!!
Oh my word! :rotflmbo: I am sorry I'm laughing (and I'm sure you will too later) but that is hilarious! Gotta love kids and what comes out of their mouths. I would have been mortified. :hug: My dd did something similar to me in Target. She started screaming "stop beating me mommy, please stop beating me" :huh: It came out of nowhere and it was loud. And the dork that I am kept begging her to stop so of course she only got louder and louder. Loads of fun. :nea:
:rotflmbo: My girls are obsessed with my nipples too. Something about being in the doctor's office probably reminded her of nipples. Maybe she knew the doctor was about to pull up her shirt and poke at her tummy... Or maybe she knew it would embarrass you. They're just about the right age to start figuring that out. :spiteful:
OMG thats a good one. I just wonder how many stories like that most peds can say that they hear. My kids have said some like that before and I have just wanted to crawl under a rock. I am sure just retelling the story to her when she gets older will be embarrassing enough!
How funny! The other day I must've been wearing a lower cut shirt & bent over. I guess my boobs were kinda visible, but you know how it looks when you bend over. DS just saw the space between them & asked me "Mommy, why do you have a hole in your tummy?" And they won't forget it, either! That was about a week ago & they still ask.