How do I have a Christmas tree with 17 month olds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tvnewsgal, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. tvnewsgal

    tvnewsgal New Member

    So my boys are now 17 months old and are into EVERYTHING. So, our home is pretty much decoration free. Seriously, it looks like an apartment you lived in when you were in college. (except clean!) Anyway, the baby proofing is a necessity since so much still goes into the boys mouths.

    I was thinking about Christmas decorations and really don't understand how one can put up a tree with kids this age. Seriously, the ornaments, needles, lights, knocking the tree over. I can't imagine it :eek: I don't know what to do! I love Christmas and have to have a tree. Any suggestions?

  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls were 15 months last year. I didn't put anything on the tree that I cared too much about. I put soft and kid-friendly ornaments at the bottom and they LOVED to stand there and just stare at the lights and play with the ornaments a bit. I set the ground rules about how to touch it, etc. and after a few days they were very good with it.

    I know others who have put a superyard around it to keep the kids out.
  3. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Well, our tree hasn't looked the same since we started having kids 4 years ago. The boys will almost be 3 this Christmas, and I'm really hoping our tree can look somewhat "normal".

    It seems a post like this has come up each year and some parents talk about setting rules and being really strict about no touching, look only, etc. I tried that. It didn't work unless I was with the kids every second. If they went into that room and I was in the kitchen, they had an ornament, or the garland, or a light, etc. I really did try! Obviously that works for some children; heck, I'm sure it would have worked for my DD, but my boys (one in particular!!), are a different story.

    What we have had to do is put our Super Play Yard around our tree. Last year we also had to keep ornaments off the bottom half because the boys would climb the gate until they could reach over and grab an ornament. I just got tired of finding ornaments everywhere and disciplining. The only time our tree truly looked pretty was at night when the Christmas lights were on!

    We sold the play yard last summer, so I really hope they can resist the temptation this year! Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Our little ones are gated into the family room, so the tree will go in the living room. No clue how it will work on Christmas morning when we open presents, but at least it can come down right after that, LOL.

    We do have a Super Yard that we no longer use, so I just may have to put it around the tree!
  5. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I've never put any of my knick-knacks away with any of my kids, they learned early on not to touch certain things. Of course I catch them with things occasionally, but honestly it's not very often so Christmas trees have never been an issue for us. However I was careful about what ornaments I put at the bottom of the tree since some of them have special meaning. If your child isn't used to knick-knacks around the house, then I would put a super-yard around it or in a room that is blocked off.
  6. Echicoine7

    Echicoine7 Member

    My guys will be two this year and I don't trust them not to touch. I made some ribbon ornaments last year. I just looped some preety ribbon onto a florist stick and placed the loops all over the tree. So my plan initially is to just use the ribbons and on X-mas eve have a romatic late dinner with my hubby while we trim the tree with the good ornaments and during boxing day brunch untrim the tree:) I figure x-mas day they will be unable to get into too much trouble b/c they will be distracted:)
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We've never had too many issues with our Christmas tree much to our surprise. We kept the ornaments (breakable ones) up high and made sure to tie the tree up so it couldn't be pulled down.
  8. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Our then 20 month son was a terror to our tree and my parent's last year. We tried being really strict about touching, but the Christmas tree became too much of a temptation for him. So we finally moved it into our kitchen which was gated at the time. However my parent's couldn't gate their tree and he ended up eating a glass ornament. Literally took a chunk right out of it. My mom saved the ornament cause it has perfect bite marks. Anyways, we aren't sure what to do now that he will be over 2 1/2 with twins possibly crawling. Thanks, for starting this post. I look forward to seeing what other people are doing.

    Sorry I have no suggestions. We never had a problem with the older three. Every child is different. I can attest to that.
  9. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    we will be using our super yard to keep the tree safe :)
  10. Angela0580

    Angela0580 Well-Known Member

    I only decorated the top half of our tree last year (the girls were 18 months old!) This year I will probably put the play yard around it since we have the girls and a new puppy who's a chewer! (he's only 8 weeks!)
  11. momlissa

    momlissa Well-Known Member

    With DD, we had it up on a table, out of reach and then surrounded by a Super Gate.
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We didn't have a tree when they had just turned 1. Last year (when they had just turned 2), to my surprise, they left it pretty much alone. We had one or two broken Christmas balls (the cheap ones), after which we moved all the ornaments we cared about to higher branches. We also reinforced the "touch with one finger" rule often. But after the first few days, it wasn't a big problem. They never tried to climb it or drink the water or anything.

    If they had not been the kind of kids who could stay away from the tree, I would have just not had one. The years that I did that, I was not as sad about it as I expected. For one thing, our house is so small and crowded that it was sort of nice not to have to figure out where to squeeze in a tree. Also, we had so many family plans around Christmas that we were hardly home anyway. So, of course I prefer having a tree, but I learned that I can skip it without total heartbreak.
  13. junglemomx2

    junglemomx2 Well-Known Member

    I am a Christmas junkie and decorate the whole house... with that being said, we have never really had a problem with the boys messing around with the tree... I put soft non-breakable decorations on the bottom half and my more cherished glass ornaments on the top half.... They are curious but not rough and generally look more than touch. On the staircase I wrap garland and place ornaments in the garland and they really don't bother it much either... I think it has less to do with "tricks" and more with the personality of your kiddos... If they are going to be rough and you are worried for their safety, I would definately err on the side of less decorations. A bummer for you, but safer for them in the end! Good Luck!!
  14. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I think I'll get a short tree and put it up on a counter. That's what I did last year and it worked out quite well. My boys were 9 months and crawling and starting to cruise. This year they'll be 21 months and of course they're walking, running and jumping. Having the tree up will hopefully allow them to admire it without causing themselves or the tree any harm. Only time will tell!
  15. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    Our plan is to put up the tree and leave off most of the ornaments. I think they will find it pretty interesting to have a tree in the living room. I'd still like to at least put lights on it; hopefully they won't eat those.
  16. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    My boys are infamous for getting into everything (see my recent post). We were 21m last year and honestly, it wasn't that bad. I didn't use most of my usual ornaments. I bought a bunch of ribbon to use as garland (I usually use strands of beads) and then ordered some inexpensive, soft and non-breakable ornaments from I focused the cheap and sturdy ornaments near the bottom and there were a few days of interminable busy interest, (mostly their favorite activity was to flick at the branches and watch the needles flake off :rolleyes: ) but overall it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.

    You could delay putting it up until later in the season so it wasn't an issue as long.
  17. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    We had a short tree last year and put it up on a countertop between the kitchen and dining room. The boys managed to get kitchen utensils and swat at the tree ornaments whenever they had an opportunity- I still put the "safer" ornaments at the bottom and nothing was ever broken. I think we will get a larger tree this year- we'll see how it goes!!!
  18. caba

    caba Banned

    I am a Christmas nut ... seriously, the day after Thanksgiving we get our tree ... and by that night it looks like a Chrisitmas bomb exploded all over my house ... last year they weren't even crawling, so we were fine ... this year, we are going to put the superyard around the tree .. .but I'm going to put my knick knacks all around the house (and some even go on the floor) ... so we'll see how it goes ... I just can't scale it down ... seriously, I have a problem.
  19. ariel53098

    ariel53098 Well-Known Member

    What is a super yard?

    When DS was a year old we had our tree in his pack and play in the living room. It looked totally tacky but it kept him out! :)
  20. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Before you put up a tree, read below.

    Just after their 2nd birthday, we put up the tree in the living room and moved the couch to block it. We *thought* we put the ornaments out of reach. One day, DH sees the tree go by out of the corner of his eye. They had moved the couch and were proceeding to haul the tree to their bedroom. :eek:

    I can :rotflmbo: now, but in the process they broke all of our ornaments.
  21. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    When the kids were 23 months we did the Superyard around the tree. It worked out great and that was the only year we had to do it.

    QUOTE(RachelAKAariel53098 @ Oct 28 2008, 05:55 AM) [snapback]1045174[/snapback]
    What is a super yard?

    This is a Superyard--
  22. lindylooo

    lindylooo Member

    I've been so busy and off twinstuff for a while. i opened this thread and have been laughing my butt off, so funny. threebecamefive...funny and 'the one finger rule'. very amusing. thank you ladies.

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