How do I get them to let go and start walking?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sara26, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has been cruising for a good two months now. She can stand up by herself in the middle of the room, but doesn't do it very often. She can take one step without holding onto anything - usually she does it when she's going from one piece of furniture to the next. And she can pull herself to a standing position on almost anything - including totally flat surfaces like the wall or the kitchen cabinets. The only thing she doesn't want to do yet is walk holding onto only one of my fingers - she wants to hold onto one finger on each of my hands.

    She is a very cautious baby, and I know you'll all probably tell me that she'll walk when she's ready. But does anyone have any ideas for how to get her to be more confident? It seems like she's physically able to do everything she would need to in order to walk, but she lacks the confidence to do it. She's been seeing a PT from EI since March, and she's made great progress. We're kind of at the point where there's nothing left to do from a PT standpoint - we're just waiting for those first steps!

    Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. TIA :)
  2. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley was a late walker and cruised forever, I think about four months. She is also very cautious. Some things that helped were to encourage her to take a few steps, but still give her reassurance that she will have something to hold on to. For instance, the PT told me to set up a series of objects a few feet apart so that she would have to take a few steps in between on her own, but there was something close by to grab. Also, if you have any push toys, those are great. Really, it will just take time and she has to have the confidence to do it.
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I agree with Kelly (Snittens)...Just take the furniture and move it apart a little further so there's further to go between them.

    Also, we would set them up at the edge of the coffee table and then encourage them to come to us, or play "go-see-daddy/mommy" when both of us were available to work with them.

    Don't WILL happen!
  4. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    My Payton is the same way. She has been in therapy for 8 months now. She isn't even standing on her own now. I know she could but she just won't.
  5. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    Yes, I think she will do it when she is ready. ;)
    But just make it easy for her to feel comfortable enough to let go. Make sure you are right there, and that there is LOTS of cheering and excitement when she makes some progress.
    Hang in there! It will happen soon and it will be extra-sweet when it does because of all the waiting you've had to do!
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    No suggestions, I have one in the exact same situation. Fully capable of walking with no PT issues, just very cautious and won't do it. I can't get her to let go for anything.

    Our EI rep suggested putting boxes or chairs apart from each other with appealing toys that maybe she would take a step to get from one to the other. All she does when we do this is get down and crawl to the next one, even if it is just one unassisted step away!
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