How do I get my dd to stay in her bed?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwinLove, Nov 16, 2009.

  1. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    We switched to big kid beds yesterday. Now I do realize it's still "new" to them but this started a few weeks ago. :gah: My dd has been having issues going to sleep at night. She'll say she's scared, hungry, just about anything to get us to go back in there. It was easier with the crib because she was contained and settled down after a bit of talking to. Now it's a different story. Last night it took us a while to get her to stay in her room (bribed with a sticker in the morning :blush: ) and tonight it didn't work at all. She was having no part of it and would not stay in her bed. I finally broke down and laid down with her in bed until she fell asleep. Great, right? :nea: I don't want this to become a habit. What in the world do I do?? I had to do "CIO" with my son a few weeks ago... but it was in a crib. Do you ladies have any suggestions? She said she's scared. We have a night light, her main light on, toys, books, and I've given her one of my PJ pants :)rolleyes: ) as a safety thing but NOTHING is working. :help:
  2. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: These are the reasons I'm terrified of moving to big kid beds... I really hope you can figure something out, or that someone with more experience has some wise advice!

    Big, big hugs - hang in there, Liz!!
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  3. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :hug: Liz!!

    No advice, just hugs. I do like the idea of sitting in the chair and slowly getting closer to the door. I heard that from a very wise woman ;)

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  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are still in I can just tell you what I've heard. Everyone knows I like the Supernanny approach on alot of things. So...I would recommend what Brandy said. Sitting in the room, not making eye contact or speaking but just sitting near her bed until she falls asleep. Each night make your spot a little closer to the door until you are eventually out of the room.

    Has she said what she is scared of?? Monsters?? Maybe make a "monster be gone" spray and let her spray it in her room every night before she goes to bed.

    :hug: to you! Like Erin said, this is why I am not looking forward to the switch.
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  5. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    It is very hard.. My boys like to wonder & are always scared. Just stick to your guns & stay consistant & this will slowy start to get easier. I do sit in their room & slowly every night leave to go potty (wink) or get a drink or something & i take longer & longer each time I leave til finally they are sleeping. it is very hard but I have to stick to a plan & stay with it..

    Good luck :hug:

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  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I'm sorry she is having trouble. But honestly it just takes time. This is new freedom for her and she knows it and she is going to see what she can get away with before she gives in and stays in bed. What we have always done, is just go back up and put them in bed and don't say anything to them, except maybe to remind them they need to stay in bed. It usually takes a few days sometimes longer for them to get used to this new freedom. But I agree, I would not lay down with her, that is one habit I know you don't want to start. It will be rough for a few days for all of you, but she will eventually learn she has to stay in bed.

    Sorry, I don't have any magic answer other than, it takes time. We have gone through it all with all 3 of ours, but it only lasted maybe a week at the longest. Hang in there. :hug:
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