How do I get my 11 month olds to nap in their crib?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by teamturner, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. teamturner

    teamturner Well-Known Member

    My 11 month old daughters will only nap on me or in their stroller, car seat, or bike carrier. (Ugh, I'm not proud of this.)

    A little background: they sleep GREAT in their cribs at night, my house is TINY so I can't figure out how to separate them for naps (ideas welcome), and the only technique I've tried is CIO, which did not work for naps (worked GREAT for nighttime). Well, I did try a little back patting and soothing, talking about the nap, etc., but they went ballistic.

    How can I transition them into their cribs for naps? I need help!!!!!
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Do you still use 2 hour technique? I still put mine down after 2 hours awake. But sometimes, they get tired even before 2 hours. yeah my kids hate to go to their cribs because they know its nap/bed time. So they cry alot. What i do is that I put some toys in their cribs. put them down a bit early before they get tired. So they will play in there for a while when they are tired and ready to fall asleep, they just pass out lol. sometimes, they wake up before their nap time over. I dont take them out. they stay in there play with their toys and fall back to sleep after 5-10 mins. even if they dont fall back to sleep, i still leave them in there until nap time is over. And they are totlly cool with it as long as they have some toys to play with. Hope it helps! i know its really fustrating. But i have to tell you. Your babies are 11 months now. its a bit harder to break their habits. but its totally doable! good luck! :youcandoit:
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They may be overtired but chances are they are just used to napping everywhere but the crib so I would try CIO again without the patting, ect. I also agree with the pp that I put mine down about 15 mins before their actual "naptime" to give them some time to just settle and play a bit before falling asleep. Good luck!
  4. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Ditto, my twinks started getting into habit of sleeping everywhere but in thir cribs for naps... and that was a BIG nono for me... they sleep good at night, and I just followed the 2 hour rule for naps, and started putting them in there... :youcandoit:
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