How do I curb the crying?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by greenslade7, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. greenslade7

    greenslade7 Well-Known Member

    I have a 3 year old and twin almost 2 year olds. One of the twins is just much more demanding of attention ALL THE TIME!! He wakes up and if breakfast isn't ready quite yet, he whines until it is. He doesn't seem to have much of an attention span when playing with his toys, and then he just whines until I get him interested in something else. Honestly, some days it seems that he whines pretty much constantly all morning long. The other two are starting to really lack in attention because I am so busy trying to keep the other one occupied and frankly, I'm just plain sick of it. This morning, I just put him in his room and let him cry. I'm really getting frustrated and depressed over this, because it is affecting everyone! I just don't know what's wrong. He isn't sick, I've been to the doctor with him. He's just always been the one that when he gets wound up, it takes a lot to peel him back off the wall, if you know what I mean. Please...any suggestions would be so appreciated. Thank you!

  2. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    We are in the same boat here. My DD WHINES a ton. Usually I tell her "no whining please. There is no reason for you to whine. You have tons of toys, your doll stroller, the slide, Mommy is here, etc." If it persists, I say "Annika, are you tie-tie (meaning tired)? Do you want a nap? Do you want to go in your crib?" Believe it or not she usually stops, although carries an awfully ugly pout on her face. I do my very best to ignore her.
    Most often though it is SOOOO NOT FUN! I feel your pain. Just remember - you are the adult and they are the child. Ultimately you do know what is best for them so stick to your guns in whatever you decide.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    My Katrina used to whine a lot and some of it had to do with she was a late talker so she couldn't get what she wanted accross. Even now she is sometimes hard to understand and I have to ask her to talk slowly and repeat what she wants (it does frustrate her more sometimes since it does take a couple times of repeating to understand sometimes). What I did was ask her what she wanted if I didn't know why she was whining and then answer her. Like if she was upset breakfast wasn't ready I would tell her I'm making it now and to stop whining. If she keeps whining then she gets sent to her room until she stops. So whenever he is whining and you try to get him to stop but he just keeps going then send him to his room or a safe place and after a while he will learn that his whining isn't going to get him anywhere. He might get a little worse before he gets better since he will be testing the water but if you stick with it and don't give him the extra attention for whining he should stop.
  4. Chantale

    Chantale Well-Known Member

    I have little whiners as well and it is quite stressful. I will say like the other ladies; the one thing that works here is letting them know that if it does not stop. they will be going to bed. It works because they know that I will in deed put them in their bed if they do not put themselves in a better mood.

    I know just how you feel.. it's so draining, isn't it?

    Hang in there... my husband keep reminding me that it is all just a phase...
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :unsure: Is his name Jake?

    Yes, we have the whining here too, and most of the time I don't even think HE knows what he is whining about. He has been that way since birth! Anyway, I have started putting them in time-out for whining. They have a good-sized vocabulary, so I ask them a few questions, 'do you want.....', 'are you hungry?', 'want to go nigh-nigh?', etc, and if they don't stop, they get a warning of time out. If they still keep it up, they go to time out(our steps) and sit there until they stop. After they stop, I talk to them again about what they need/want, and usually by then they can tell me. Things aren't perfect, but it is getting MUCH better.

    I went through this phase with all of my kids. :wacko:
  6. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I often use the cue "Try again. I want breakfast" (modeled in a polite voice), and have him repeat what you said (politely). Reinforce by giving breakfast asap, or explaining that you are making it (can he help a little by holding the bowl, opening fridge, etc.). It takes a LONG time, but be consistent and it works! Also, try earplugs! :laughing:
  7. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    I try to encourage them to use their words but when that doesn't help, sometimes I leave the room when they aren't looking and go do something else for a few minutes like change the laundry. Usually they stop whining when they realize there is no one there to whine to! It helps me get a break too.
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