How did you switch to the sippy cup

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hot2trottt4u, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    My pedi suggested that we start trying to get them used to a sippy cup. They like to have them off the bottle around a year old.
    I tried it a bit today and they played around with it in there mouth but did not seem like they were getting anything out of it?
  2. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    We switched at about 14 months and we used the soft spout Nuby cups like these:

    The top is kinda like a nipple, so it made the transition easier for us. the girls didn't get regular sippie cups at all at first. IHTH.

    One day, I just got rid of the bottles, and we never looked back.
  3. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    We tried several different cups, and I finally had luck with the playtex sipsters. I personally hated the Nuby ones, I could never get the nipple part to stay in place when I screwed the lid on, and the "variflow" was too fast for them.

    As far as introducing it, I gave them some water or watered down apples juice with their meals and snacks. Most of the time they would play with them, but I found that as they started eating more, the got more thirsty while they were eating so that encouraged them to want to drink.

    It was a long process, probably took 6-8 weeks until they would actually drink out of the cup when they wanted some, and not just play with it, although they still do play with it...Sam thinks it is hysterical to throw it down and have mommy pick it up for him, and he loves to bang it and smash his food.

    Good luck, I started with the cup at about the age yours are right now. It might take awhile but they will get it down.

    Now if I could oly get them strictly on the sippy and off the bottles...this transition is no fun either!!
  4. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    We did it gradually, first introducing them at around 6 months, and then giving them with meals and water -- but they still got their bottles three (or was it four?) times a day. Then we started knocking out one bottle at a time and giving them the cups instead, until the night time bottle went -- but for us that wasn't until nearly 18 months. No trauma.

    I remember at first they had a hard time with sippies, but since we were mostly just having them with meals at their high chairs we used the disposable First Years ones. And even though they are a pain (too many parts to clean), they really liked the Avent cups as well. At around the time we gave up that last bottle we also started using straw cups regularly (earlier attempts had failed). To this day we use the straw cups -- we use the Playtex Insulator Sport cups for what it's worth.
  5. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    We switched one week after their birthday. We switched to the soft spout nuby's. They never looked back.
  6. tmschefke

    tmschefke Well-Known Member

    About 7-9 months I started introducing a sippy cup. I think it was Gerber , it had handles and a soft spout for an easier trasition. I started with juice, because they loved it and tried a little harder. It took a couple months for them to get the hang of it.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I started serving water at meals in a sippy around 7 months. It took some trial and error before I got a cup they would drink from. For a while we used the Nuby straw cups, but they became a total PITA to clean and they also discovered how to make them leak all over the place, so those were gone. Now we use Gerber hard spout cups. We ditched bottles at 13 months. They were down to only one in the morning and evening, anyway. We switched that to a sippy of milk and they were fine.
  8. 2peasNApod

    2peasNApod Well-Known Member

    We used the Nuby's at first and they were okay for about a month until my kids started biting them and then they just made a mess EVERYWHERE (my friend had the same problem with Dr. Browns sippy). So, then we moved to gerber soft spout, they have two handles and a soft spout - Soft spout.

    I started with watered down apple juice and drinkable yogurt to get them interested in the sippy. Once they got the hang of it, we started moving the milk to it. HTH!
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I highly recommend the Nuby straw sippy cups. My girls never got the whole tipping thing required with regular sippy cups.
  10. Amanda+2

    Amanda+2 Well-Known Member

    When they were about 7 months old I started giving them a sippy at meals. All they did was play with it, but eventually they started catching on. I tried a few different ones and they liked the Nubby soft spout ones as well. By a year they were off the bottle. Then they figured out that they could turn the Nuby over and hit the spout against their tray and water would come out, so we had to switch again. Just keep at it, they'll get it!
  11. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    I started introducing the sippy cup with water around 7-8 months. Around that time they mainly played with it until they were able to really drink from it. Then around 11 months, I got the Nuby type to get them to drink their milk from. After a couple of weeks, they got the hang of it and no more bottles. The key is persistence. At first we would give in and go back to the bottle. Then we stopped giving in.
  12. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    We started off slowly. One meal a day we switched to sippys - the same meal, every day. Eventually we added another meal. Until we only used bottles at their nighttime feeding - 12 months. Then we switched to sippys at that feeding at 14 months. When we made that switched they didn't seem to care. I think I was making a bigger deal out of it. All and all, it went pretty smooth.
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