How did you start PT'ing?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinzmom2b, May 30, 2008.

  1. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Did they wear pull-ups during training? Did they wear undies and just learn by having accidents? How about those plastic coated pull-up training pants???

    I'm SO lost. I WANT to start PT'ing, but I don't even have a clue so it's like too much of an undertaking, so I just ahven't done it...I just don't know what to do. I feel like this has been the hardest part of being a parent in the past 3 years...I would rather have infants again :)

    What about a schedule for training. How often did you sit them down to potty? How long did they sit there? Was it until they went or was it like 10 minutes and then we'll try again in a bit?

    Also, my girls are still completely soaked through in the mornings when they wake up. It's not like, "Oh, they are ready to PT b/c/ they wake up dry." Once they are PT, do they just learn to hold it during the night...or do I have to wait longer until they are waking up dry in the mornings?

    I think they could totally start PT'ing. They tell me as they are pooping that "I have to go baffroom" as they have this look of "Uh oh, it's too late" on their faces. They have gone in the potty after their baths on occasion, but that's about it.

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously feel completely adn utterly lost and now that they will be 3 in 3 weeks, I feel like I NEED to do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member am I (at a loss)! My boys have been waking up dry for the past few weeks and I have had potties in the living room for a long time now. They sit on them plenty but NEVER GO...ugggh! Right now they are strictly in pull-ups I tried character undies but got tired of cleaning up the pee on my rug so right now we are at a standstill. I don't force them to sit on the potty because that would cause mayhem, instead I ask them frequently and they will sit for 5 minutes or so at a time. I also have a Potty DVD they watch it for a minute or two and want it off. My friend's daughter is the same age as mine and she started last week and her daughter has already went twice in the potty...I'm at a loss too, I wish they came with the instinct to go in a potty at a certain age and just do it.... I dread PT time!
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My opinion is that there is a big difference between daytime training and night training. All my kids were daytime trained before two, and the girls followed suit at night within the month or so, but the boys are a different story.

    Now, I'll just tell you what I did. I gave them lots to drink so they had to urinate ALOT. Then I start bottom naked, and when that first potty runs down their leg I say, see, that's potty. That's what goes in the potty chair. And by the 2nd or 3rd time they figure it out, that it goes in the toilet or potty chair. Keep pumping them with liquids so they really get it.

    Then, when they have the naked bottom thing down (1st dd took one time, 2nd dd took about 2 days, boys were all within a week), then I added underwear. When underwear initially goes on, we usually had quite a few accidents because they felt something on and thought, diaper, and will go. But, they soon figure that out. Then, when I go in public, I put pull-ups on, but told them it was paper underwear so they'd keep it dry. It really seemed to work for me (each time).

    Good luck, you can do it! :clapping: Woohoo for trying! :yahoo:
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Great advice...thanks!!
  5. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ May 31 2008, 08:10 PM) [snapback]803185[/snapback]
    My opinion is that there is a big difference between daytime training and night training. All my kids were daytime trained before two, and the girls followed suit at night within the month or so, but the boys are a different story.

    Now, I'll just tell you what I did. I gave them lots to drink so they had to urinate ALOT. Then I start bottom naked, and when that first potty runs down their leg I say, see, that's potty. That's what goes in the potty chair. And by the 2nd or 3rd time they figure it out, that it goes in the toilet or potty chair. Keep pumping them with liquids so they really get it.

    Then, when they have the naked bottom thing down (1st dd took one time, 2nd dd took about 2 days, boys were all within a week), then I added underwear. When underwear initially goes on, we usually had quite a few accidents because they felt something on and thought, diaper, and will go. But, they soon figure that out. Then, when I go in public, I put pull-ups on, but told them it was paper underwear so they'd keep it dry. It really seemed to work for me (each time).

    Good luck, you can do it! :clapping: Woohoo for trying! :yahoo:

    I am going to second this! Great advice Heather! :clapping:
  6. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ Jun 1 2008, 12:10 AM) [snapback]803185[/snapback]
    My opinion is that there is a big difference between daytime training and night training. All my kids were daytime trained before two, and the girls followed suit at night within the month or so, but the boys are a different story.

    Now, I'll just tell you what I did. I gave them lots to drink so they had to urinate ALOT. Then I start bottom naked, and when that first potty runs down their leg I say, see, that's potty. That's what goes in the potty chair. And by the 2nd or 3rd time they figure it out, that it goes in the toilet or potty chair. Keep pumping them with liquids so they really get it.

    Then, when they have the naked bottom thing down (1st dd took one time, 2nd dd took about 2 days, boys were all within a week), then I added underwear. When underwear initially goes on, we usually had quite a few accidents because they felt something on and thought, diaper, and will go. But, they soon figure that out. Then, when I go in public, I put pull-ups on, but told them it was paper underwear so they'd keep it dry. It really seemed to work for me (each time).

    Good luck, you can do it! :clapping: Woohoo for trying! :yahoo:

    THe only thing I'm wondering about (with running around nakie bottom) is that tomorrow I start watching a 3.5 yo (girl...she's PT already) and her brother who is almost 2...not sure I want them running home saying my kids run around!
  7. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinzmom2b @ Jun 1 2008, 10:09 AM) [snapback]803813[/snapback]
    THe only thing I'm wondering about (with running around nakie bottom) is that tomorrow I start watching a 3.5 yo (girl...she's PT already) and her brother who is almost 2...not sure I want them running home saying my kids run around!

    Totally understand. You could just try the naked bottom til next weekend when they are not there. And then go to underwear on the Monday? Does that sound more doable?
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    We're finished with diapers come Monday. I am throwing them out!! My girls are so ready, they are wearing me out with changing diapers. I have bought the cloth training pants and have also bought the diaper covers for nighttime. The thought of buying any more diaper like products makes me sick, so no pull-ups for us.
  9. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would skip the pull-ups. Sydney has being peeing and pooping in the potty for almost a year and a half (but on her schedule) but she is not potty trained since she loves her pull-ups and wants nothing to do with underwear most days.
  10. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    We had to use pull up at preschool, so my boys think pull ups and diapers are the same. They also hate to be bottomless. So I bought a lot of underwear (19 pairs), they picked them out, and just did the switch after school about two weeks ago. I covered the sofas with plastic and towels, gave them lots of liquids, and stressed that pee-pee goes in the potty not in the underpants. I have two little potties and two toilet rings, so they could use whatever they prefered. We had a lot of accidents and some tears that first day. But they got the hang of it pretty fast. Now the only accidents are when they are playing video games and get distracted.
  11. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Utopia122 @ Jun 1 2008, 02:57 PM) [snapback]803864[/snapback]
    We're finished with diapers come Monday. I am throwing them out!! My girls are so ready, they are wearing me out with changing diapers. I have bought the cloth training pants and have also bought the diaper covers for nighttime. The thought of buying any more diaper like products makes me sick, so no pull-ups for us.

    Tell me about it...our diaper bill with 3 in diapers is being completly freakin' ridiculous...'specially since the twins are old enough to be trained. I think Saturday is going to be a diaperless (nakie) day! We'll see how it goes!
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twinzmom2b @ Jun 4 2008, 01:52 AM) [snapback]808580[/snapback]
    I think Saturday is going to be a diaperless (nakie) day! We'll see how it goes!

    Definitely let us know how it goes!!

    I want to take a weekend and do the diaperless (nakie) day with Lily. She's asking to sit on the potty at daycare, and pee'ing on it. I think there are other children being potty trained right now and she wants to be part of the crowd. And she poops on the potty at home at least a couple times a week. We just haven't tried the potty training boot camp weekend yet, but I really want to. This weekend we have plans both days, so I'm shooting for the next weekend.

    Grace, well she's not ready. Hopefully she'll get jealous if Lily becomes potty trained. ;)
  13. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Babies4Susan @ Jun 4 2008, 06:09 PM) [snapback]809814[/snapback]
    Definitely let us know how it goes!!

    I want to take a weekend and do the diaperless (nakie) day with Lily. She's asking to sit on the potty at daycare, and pee'ing on it. I think there are other children being potty trained right now and she wants to be part of the crowd. And she poops on the potty at home at least a couple times a week. We just haven't tried the potty training boot camp weekend yet, but I really want to. This weekend we have plans both days, so I'm shooting for the next weekend.

    Grace, well she's not ready. Hopefully she'll get jealous if Lily becomes potty trained. ;)

    The little girl I'm also watching is 3 yr. 7 mo. and the girls LOVE watching her potty...they are fascinated. She explains to them how to do it all, it's hilarious! Today, she had to poop adn the girls are in there with her and you could tell when she "finished" b/c my girls were clapping and saying "YAY, you poopied!!!!" Too funny...they know we make a big deal when they do it, so they had to make a big deal when she did. I was cracking up!
  14. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't even know if you could call what we're doing "training" -- but FWIW, we just got out two little potties around 18 months and started inviting them to sit. They were also doing this at daycare (though they sat at more frequent intervals at daycare), and figured out pretty quickly how to pee on command. So for several months (like, from 18 to 28 months!) that was our routine -- take off diaper, pee on potty, put on clean diaper. Their diapers were usually wet, and they never pooped in the potty (except for one week when Sarah mysteriously did).

    Around 29 months, Sarah started keeping her diaper dry (at least sometimes) between potty visits. She did this for a week or two, and we decided it was time to try underwear, but it was a total failure. She seemed less able to hold her pee while wearing undies than she did while wearing a diaper. And since we gave up and went back to diapers, she has hardly ever been completely dry.

    Anyway, my point is just that (for us at least) there seems to be a huge hurdle between knowing what to do on the potty, and being able (or willing) to do it ONLY on the potty. Have no idea how to get over it.

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