How did/do you handle "bad" words

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kimr, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    I kept on telling my dh he needed to lay off on the bad words (and my mom and sisters have been on him as well), but he's always used the "F" word, like "I just smashed my thumb in the "f"in door" and other ways of using it very similar. I've been on him so much and he's definately cut down to almost nothing. But sometimes it just slips out and he doesn't even realize he says it. I know not very nice and I'm sure some of your dh's don't use these kind of words, but mine occasionally does. The girls have picked up on the "f" word. We tried ignoring it & not making a big deal of it for a while, as I thought that was what I had heard you should do. But they are still using it. My dh sat down with them on Friday and had a serious conversation with them (as serious as you can get with 3yr olds) and told them that it was a very bad word and daddy should never say it and neither should they. He then proceeding to do the old wash their mouth out with soap if they keep saying it. Well Natalie said it on Saturday (and its either usually in context or she is being silly) and my dh had the soap inches from her mouth and then took it away (I didn't see it but he said she looked terrified). So I thought good, she won't say it as much anymore. No luck. So what have you done to erase our terrible parental influence on their vocabulary?

    Thanks, Kim
  2. somebunniesmom

    somebunniesmom Well-Known Member

    We experienced a similar problem. I had luck replacing the "bad" word with a more acceptable one.

    Use the more acceptable one (ex. "fudgecicles!") frequently so they hear it in context, and when they use the inappropriate one, repeat what they said substituting the more acceptable one and then have them repeat it.

    It was quite a challenge to "clean" up our language. I had quite a few slips myself. Especially when the "new" word is very similar to the "old" word. Too easy to slip up! It takes practice! After all, we didn't learn the bad words overnight, did we?
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    If your DH can't keep himself from saying it, it's going to be really hard to keep the girls from saying it. But what if DH had to suffer some kind of punishment if he says it (in their hearing)? I wouldn't expect him to wash his own mouth out with soap (although that would be entertaining to watch), but maybe he could fork over a quarter every time or something. That would help enforce that it's really not OK for anyone to say it.
  4. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    i agree with pp's that it's so tough to clean up your language, and i know i will have a problem when mine are older, as DH tends to have a bad mouth as well, but he brushes it off when i tell him to watch what he says around the kids. *sigh*

    you need to make a consequence you can stick to, for both DH (in front of the girls) and the girls. part of the problem here will be that your dh already "bluffed" once (couldn't/didn't go thru with his original consequence) so they think it's really ok....
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I have told them that "those are adult words and you are kids" "mommy shouldn't use that word, but you really cannot use it. It's unacceptable" type stuff. I would also probably use time outs if that wasn't working.... good luck!!

    Martin was upstairs yelling "Got dammit" over and over on Thanksgiving or Christmas one year... can't remember which holiday, but HUMILIATING!!! :blush:
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    The thing is .. even if you personally dont use bad words .. they STILL manage to pick them up from SOMEWHERE !
    I dont cuss around my boys .. ever. But I still have had my jaw drop on a few occasions. :(
    When it DOES happen I explain to them that we dont use "potty" language here and if they continue then they will need to brush their teeth or wash their hands each time.
    Believe it or not .. it works. My boys HATE having to brush their teeth or wash their hands when they know its being used as a punishment.
    Now, one could argue that this will make them not want to do either one when its necessary .. but so far its what works for us. :)
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