how contrary can you get?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    At lunch, Ivy bit her lip and then got mad about it. "Don't want to bite my lip!"

    I told her, "It's ok, it will feel better soon."

    She scowled at me, "Don't want to feel better!"


    (And she'd better be giving me something to laugh about, because her latest favorite word is not just "no" but "no-no-no-no-NO!")

    OK, misery loves company - anyone else have funny stories to share from the land of NO? :lol:
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    That's so funny!

    DD is a year younger and really doesn't talk yet... just a couple words really, but she mostly just whines and getting her to repeat something is like pulling teeth.

    She's used to putting her sippy on the right side of her tray (there's a spot for it). We went out on Saturday night and her sippy was on her right again, very close to the edge of the table, so dh picked it up and put her on her left, in the middle of the table. She looked at him, picked the sippy and put it back on her right while saying 'no no no no no' and shaking her head. They did it about 10 times... it was so funny to see her do that considering she never talks.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Both of my kids, no matter the question, the standard answer is either "No, Nope..." or my favorite, "NO WAY, MOMMY!"
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Too funny Holly!

    I can't think of any really funny ones from my two right now (still working on my first cup of coffee this morning). But last night Ana decided she didn't want to get in the shower so she ran into her little fort (giant cardboard box) and told me to "Be quiet mommy!" She got a time out for that and the entire time she was in time out Meara was saying to me "Mommy I would NEVER say BE QUIET MOMMY!" Suck up :D
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We seem to be out of the NO stage for right now. :banana:

    But Derek is my disagreeable child. And his new favorite thing to do when he doesnt get his way is cross his arms, put his head down, scowl, and say "Fine! I am leaving" and run to his room. :lol:
  6. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    Last night I got Ezra hysterical because he wanted to play with his fire truck. Nobody was stopping him playing with his fire truck. I kept on saying "fine Ezra, play with your firetruck" but he just kept standing there crying holding the firetruck saying "want to play with firetruck". I tried to help him play with his firetruck but he pulled it away insisting that he wanted to play with his firetruck. WTH?
  7. lemongrrl53

    lemongrrl53 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear I am not alone in all this craziness! I know my two have contradicted themselves a lot I just cant think of a specific example right now. Here is another thing to make me say "huh?" If they are having a fit about something and screaming, I always say "when you are done screaming/crying I will talk to you." and then I leave the room. Last night Sophia was doing this, so after a couple minutes I went back in and asked "are you done?" She stopped screaming/crying long enough to say "No I still crabby." So I said "Ok" and left again, and she continued to scream about 30 seconds then abruptly stopped and said "now I done." :headbang:
  8. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Not quite a NO story but mine seem to think they have mastered the art of reverse psychology. We are constantly on them about saying "I WANT". We make them replace it with "May I please". So instead of saying I want they now say I DON't want. As in, "mama, I don't want that lollipop" which very clearly means "give me that lollipop". It turns into this long confusing dialogue where I respond with ok, you don't HAVE the lollipop so everything's good, right? They come back with no, I don't WANT the lollipop. And so on until my head explodes and I hand over the lollipop. Ahhh!!!!
  9. Saramcc

    Saramcc Well-Known Member

    My DD is pretty straight forward, if she doesn't want it it's simply "no" or "yes" but my DS, bless his little sensitive heart.

    If I ask him to sit on the couch, it's not "no" it's "noooooooooooo" with his bottom lip sticking out and the eye brows down. He's becoming such a whiner about everything and he always has this worried look on his face like it's the end of the world.
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Also not quite a no story, but we are constantly working on sharing. Logan decided he didn't want to share the toy hammer with Mason. He got it fair and square so I wasn't going to make him, but was staying close in case of a fight. He ran into the playhouse and sat on the bench with it behind his back. Mason and I followed him in the playroom. I was mouthing to DH in the kitchen that Logan was hiding the toy when I hear Logan say, "No Mason, it behind me back." Well, of course with that announcement, Mason proceeded to try to take it. I noticed this evening that he hid a book from Mason behind his back and didn't announce it to the world. My sneaky little boy is learning quickly!
  11. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Oh my the no's in our house...
    One day I was coloring with the girls. They usually want me to color with them and will give me colors, etc. Well, I was coloring part of the picture and Hailey reached over with her crayon to color and said, "No Mommy, I do it" lol
    This morning she kept crying to DH that her blanket was "broke" who knows what that meant... :search:

    Hannah usually just says "no" if something she doesn't want to do, like comb her hair...
  12. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Brooklyn is the QUEEN of no's! Right now, if she doesn't want to do something or doesn't want to eat something it is "No, I can't like that". WTH?
  13. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    One of my DD's is just starting to answer me, it's all "no" of course but I love (now) because I feel like we are finally talking. When she says no it sounds more like a question "no?" So I've been playing this game, do you want a snack? "nnoooo?" do you want a million dollars? "noooo?" and yesterday I asked Do you want a knuckle sandwich (using my best Bugs Bunny imitation)? "yuuuummmmm" she said! I didn't expect funny!

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