How can this be? No period, no fertility drugs-

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by E&Msmom, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    My twins are 13 months and were conceived with Clomid and a trigger shot after many many months of being unable to get pregnant on our own.
    Given the difficulties we experienced conceiving them, coupled with the fact that I am nursing and have not had the return of my menstrual cycle we werent extrememly cautious. We should have been. :eek:
    I took a pregnancy test last night and some how by the grace of God Im pregnant! This is freaking unbelieveable. We're in complete shock.

    I didnt want another child until the twins were 3 or 4. My husband wasn't sure he wanted anymore at all, period. We are both in disbelief that this happened! I have no clue how far along I would be since I havent had a period in years! yikes!!

    Can we do this? I mean seriously. We are happily married, we have a house, jobs, insurance, transportation etc and all baby stuff since we just had a boy & girl already.
    It's just going to be tough with 3 little ones. Somone please give me hope!!! Has anyone else had this happen?

    Im not telling anyone till I go to the doctor. I need to be happy about this when I share the news because I think people are going to think we are nuts for having 13 month old twins and being pregnant again! :unsure:
  2. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!! I have no advice or anything, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Must be a big shock!!! :)
  3. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  4. shandy

    shandy Well-Known Member

    first of all - CONGRATS! that is really exciting news! and what a miracle to concieve doing nothing! (well, I guess you DID do something.. but no intervention - LOL)
    well, I don't have your exact situation but my last 3 are just 19 months apart (my son was 11 months when I got pregnant with the twins) and while it is hard (physically - just keeping up with the energy to "do it all") it is so much fun! and just think - your 3 will get to grow up together and close in age and be friends -- when you go out on family outings (when they're older) they'll all be at the same age and be "into" the same sort of things so you can choose activities that the whole family will enjoy...
    anyway, I'm sure you'll get mounds of encouragement - now if you go in for the u/s and it's another set of twins -- whoah mama! LOL

    and like you say - you're totally "set" in regards to baby gear and clothing/accesories for whichever sex this baby ends up being :) Plus you're already in "baby mode" and I'm sure the transition will be smooth :)
  5. caba

    caba Banned

    Of course you can do it!!!! Congrats to you on your surprise! I don't have any advice, but there are losts of moms on here with 3 under 2 (or who had that at one time) and I'm sure they can offer lots of good advice!
  6. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your pregnancy. I know a little bit how you are feeling. Our son was 6mths old when we found out we had twins on the way! He will be no more than 15mths when the babies are born. Just remember this was obviously God's plan and what He plans is always for the best. You will do AWESOME with three little ones!

    Take care.
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Mar 27 2009, 12:04 PM) [snapback]1247087[/snapback]
    anyone else had this happen?

    :hi: ME!!!! And my result was TWINS again!!!! The twins just had their 2nd birthday when I conceived. They were three months shy of being 3 when Evan was born. It's been a true joy!!! We did really play up the baby in mommy's tummy ahead of time, but mine were older. It's been great!!

    Congratulations!! I knew of another internet friend who had both male & female factors. Found out at 4 months that she was pregnant with a boy.
  8. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Wowzers! Congratulations on your pregnancy!! :) I am sure it will be busy and crazy - but you'll do just fine! You've survived the 1st year with twins, you can do anything! ;)
  9. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
    I have to say that I could have written your EXACT post 10 months ago ;) We ended up doing an IUI to get the twins and while I was ex-pumping and hadn't gotten my period I found out I was pregnant. The twins were 4 months when I found out. I had my ds a month ago and him and the twins are exactly 13months 2days apart :lol:
    We were in such shock and it was so incredibly hard to tell my family. I knew they'd be happy but I really didn't want to hear all the comments... "you'll have your hands full", "how will you do it". etc.
    We had to focus on the positive.... (once we knew we were only having one)
    We had EVERYTHING that we could possibly need (we had b/g twins as well).
    The pregnancy was a walk in the park! I think this had to do with the fact that I was so busy taking care of twins that I couldn't focus on the pregnancy, and also because it was just one baby.
    We were already in "baby mode" so it's been easy to adjust.
    We didn't have to worry about any jealousy issues with the twins, they're too little to understand. If they even notice that Ethan is around all they want to do is steal his bottle/pacifier/blanket.
    They sleep A TON when they are newborns!! So you can still easily focus on the twins.

    The hardest things...
    I had to have a c-section... I would have KILLED for a vaginal birth but it wasn't in our cards. So having to recover from that was extremely tough. I ended up having my dh and my bf stay at the house and take care of the twins 24/7 for 2 weeks. After that everything was fine.
    I didn't realize in those 2 weeks of not being able to care for the twins how much I would miss them!! This was something I didn't expect and really hit me hard!

    Sorry this is so long, I just happen to be living it :p If you ever need any advice please don't hesitate to ask! I was so freaked out at first and immediately came to this group and felt so much better. I hope you feel the same!

    Congrats on your pregnancy!!!
  10. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats :Clap: I'm sure that was quite a surprise!
  11. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Oh wow! CONGRATS!!! When do you go to the Dr? My current pregnancy was a surprise for us, not exactly in the same way since we never used fertility drugs for any of our kids, but I found out I was pregnant when the twins were 4.5 months old. So actually I'll have 6 kids, 6 and under plus a teenager. I found that getting the little ones all on the same sleeping and nap schedule worked the best for us.

    Can't wait to hear how far along you are and how many are in there!!! :)
  12. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! You will be great. Molly was born when Micah and Lucas were 26 months, it was a bit tough at times but it is absolutely wonderful now. They love her and they are all close enough in age that they are great helpers.
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    oh Jess :hug: I hope you get excited about it soon. Congrats!
  14. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Congratulations!
  15. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :eek: Congratulations Jess! You can do it. :hug:
  16. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    Congrats MAMA! Yes you can do it! I'm certain of it. Our family planning doesn't always turn out like we "planned"! I started over by surprise when my oldest was 14. Hang in there. Take a deep breath!
  17. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    Congrats! There seems to be a lot of "miracle" babies around here lately! We TTC 5 years, finally got twins with IVF. Then I got pregnant last summer....somehow! My cycles were never regular and we barely had sex, lol! Still in shock!

    You will do great! Just remember people have babies close together, on purpose, every day, and you can make it work. Be thankful you have the support and finances necessary, and just stay positive.
  18. lbrooks

    lbrooks Well-Known Member

    What prompted you to take the test? What are your symptoms? With no period you can't know how far you I bet the doc will get you in right away.
  19. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! That is pretty much how I got this one too! :) 3 is fun!!!
  20. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(girls! @ Mar 27 2009, 11:00 AM) [snapback]1247276[/snapback]
    What prompted you to take the test? What are your symptoms? With no period you can't know how far you I bet the doc will get you in right away.

    Honestly my husband wanted me to take the test because we had sex unprotected a few times. Even though we didnt think we could conceive the majority of the time we are still careful.
    Ive also been very tired lately, Ive gained a couple pounds with a small pudge belly, and Ive been eating like mad. Lastly, my friend and I went on a roadtrip she was eating mints and the smell was making me sick, I chalked it up to carsick. I was taking the test just to reassure myself that I was NOT pregnant.

    My hsuabnd thinks im like 2 months...we'll see! My appt is Monday at 2pm for an ultrasound.
  21. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Congrats :)
    I too didn't think I could conceive without help and BOOM...... I'm here with you!
    I hope 3 is the magic number :)
  22. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Mar 27 2009, 02:57 PM) [snapback]1247387[/snapback]
    Honestly my husband wanted me to take the test because we had sex unprotected a few times. Even though we didnt think we could conceive the majority of the time we are still careful.
    Ive also been very tired lately, Ive gained a couple pounds with a small pudge belly, and Ive been eating like mad. Lastly, my friend and I went on a roadtrip she was eating mints and the smell was making me sick, I chalked it up to carsick. I was taking the test just to reassure myself that I was NOT pregnant.

    My hsuabnd thinks im like 2 months...we'll see! My appt is Monday at 2pm for an ultrasound.

    Did you notice a dip in your milk supply? That's what was the first thing that prompted me to take a test.
  23. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(pamallhoney @ Mar 27 2009, 12:51 PM) [snapback]1247480[/snapback]
    Did you notice a dip in your milk supply? That's what was the first thing that prompted me to take a test.

    My milk has decreased yes, however my LO is only nursing 2-3x a day at best now at 13 months so I just attributed it to his decreased interest in nursing. He always seems happy and I offer more than he accepts.

    This is so surreal for me. Im at work and cant concentrate on a thing!
  24. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I'm another one! Took us 5 years to get and STAY pregnant (several m/c's) the twins were just turning one and I had started takin BCP again to regulate my cycle that I hadn't had in over 6 months (my problem was PCOS, so no periods w/o some type of prompting) and funny thing my cycle never started... I complained to my mom that my body was SOOOO screwed up, she all but forced me to take a pregnancy test.

    3 days before the twins first b-day, I got a positive. Mind you, DH and were NOT DTD on the regular (first year w/twins, shift work, etc) so I was trying to figure out WHEN it happened. Go to my u/s 2 weeks later, I was already FOUR months pregnant!

    So, my miracle son (And I call him nothing less, given the circumstances, our previous problems, etc) was born when my girls were just 18 months old.

    It's been a roller-coaster, but we've managed. I still work full-time. Sometimes I wonder how I really manage to do everything, and a lot of days I don't, but we're still in survival mode so I've learned to let go of the little things......
  25. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
  26. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the support! I guess we'll see how far along I am on Monday -- seems like forever!
  27. ginagwen

    ginagwen Well-Known Member

    Wow, what a shock. Congrats! Everything will be fine, and you'll be a supermom!
  28. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Good luck Jess. I can't wait to see how far along you are. My MIL got pregant with her first 3 kids back to back to back, and she was exclusively breastfeeding all of them. Her AF never even went away, so within the 5-6 weeks after giving birth it was back. It's crazy. I bet you were just about to start again. If I was a betting women, I'd guess your only a few weeks along.

    I hope everything goes well. I know you had said before that you and your DH didn't see eye to eye on how many kids, so I hope y'all work everything out. Congrats!
  29. lareesab

    lareesab Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Don't worry, you'll be fine! :hug:
  30. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Congratuations!! Hang in there & it will all work out :hug:
    Good luck on Monday :good:
  31. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I'm excited to see how far along you are after the ultrasound. You can do this!!!!! :):)
  32. Kristensnow

    Kristensnow Well-Known Member

    My girls were also 13 months old when I found out I was expecting again - crazy and wild, but totally do-able, I hope! I am getting a bit worn out these last few weeks of pregnancy with 19-month-old twins toddling about, but it will be great to have them so close together in age. Congratulations!!
  33. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

  34. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! :D
  35. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sullivanre @ Mar 28 2009, 12:57 PM) [snapback]1248462[/snapback]
    Good luck Jess. I can't wait to see how far along you are. My MIL got pregant with her first 3 kids back to back to back, and she was exclusively breastfeeding all of them. Her AF never even went away, so within the 5-6 weeks after giving birth it was back. It's crazy. I bet you were just about to start again. If I was a betting women, I'd guess your only a few weeks along.

    I hope everything goes well. I know you had said before that you and your DH didn't see eye to eye on how many kids, so I hope y'all work everything out. Congrats!

    You know Its funny...Hes taking this WAY better than I am. I was sobbing as he was hugging me telling me all the positive things about this! LOL He even said he feels like this is his fault because he should have been more careful :) He thinks this is really going to be a nice compliment to our family and it will no longer be he & I, and then the twins, it will be all of us :) God absolutely works in myseterious ways!!!!
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