How can I move their "bedtime" up?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by veggiehead, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Right now, their last day feeding is at about 7/8pm and then to bed about 9pm. I would love to move that up, but I do not know how to go about doing that? Any suggestions?
  2. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    Right now, their last day feeding is at about 7/8pm and then to bed about 9pm. I would love to move that up, but I do not know how to go about doing that? Any suggestions?
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age mine were doing that as well, and going down around 9 also... it didn't change for us until around a year of age, they sort of stuck with that schedule, and they debveloped it pretty much on their own.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Yeah....I wasn't able to get their bedtime moved up at that age. BUT, the MUST be taking an evening that would become their "bedtime" and then you would likely feed again at 9:00 to put back to sleep.

    I liked 9 because it was my bedtime and I felt like I might get a longer stretch out of them at that time....
  5. IslandGirl

    IslandGirl Member

    My babies have moved their bedtime earlier, completely on their own so you may find that too as they get a litte older. It used to be quite late, and now they're in bed asleep at 7:30 at the latest. They just started getting tired earlier and earlier, and so we'd put them to bed when they were tired. I have read that if you want to change a bedtime to change it by 15 minutes at a time. So if you usually start your bedtime routine at 8pm, try starting it at 7:45 for a few nights, then move it up to 7:30, etc.
  6. Trillian

    Trillian Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Charley726:
    My babies have moved their bedtime earlier, completely on their own so you may find that too as they get a litte older. It used to be quite late, and now they're in bed asleep at 7:30 at the latest. They just started getting tired earlier and earlier, and so we'd put them to bed when they were tired. I have read that if you want to change a bedtime to change it by 15 minutes at a time. So if you usually start your bedtime routine at 8pm, try starting it at 7:45 for a few nights, then move it up to 7:30, etc.

    Same thing is happening with us right now. We had a 9 pm bedtime and over the past 2 weeks it's moved to 8. The babies just seem to be going to sleep at that time, so that's when their new BT is [​IMG]
    If they decide they want to go to sleep even earlier in the next few months we'll just go with it.
  7. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    We artificially changed their bedtime when they were 2.5 months old to 7 pm. It was pretty easy, I guess you just need to make sure you get your feedings in... it was amazing how early they really do need to go to bed once they get a little older. We now put mine down (5mo) at 5:30 or 6p -- who'd have thunk.


    Teri D
  8. thunder7177

    thunder7177 Member

    If you put them down that early, how many times do they wake up to feed? I would love to put mine down that early, but I would rather them not wake up more than once for a bottle.

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