How can I get them to drink more?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by koozie, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    When they were on formula IN BOTTLES, DS was having 22 ounces a day (plus 3 meals) and DD was having 17 ounces. This was clockwork; not an ounce more or less. They knew exactly how much they wanted and life was easy.
    Then everyone said I had to switch to sippy cups for their formula at 11 months. (they have been having water in sippies since 6 months old and they loved it). So we did the bottle switch to sippies and they stopped drinking anything. So after 2 days the pedi convinced me to go back to bottles since they had to drink something. She said some babies just hate giving up their bottle.
    Well, now they are just over 1 year and I put them back on sippies for their milk a few weeks ago. And now I am lucky if I can get 8 ounces of milk in each of them a day, AND they hardly drink ANY water anymore. They eat like HORSES, but I am frustrated and worried they are not getting enough liquid. I will of course ask the pedi next week at our visit, but I was just curious if anyone had any magic ideas to help them drink. (and yes I give it to them BEFORE all meals. I even hide the food because they look for it on the counter before drinking.)
  2. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Try finding a juice (apple) or something new that they like. I started giving my kiddo's apple juice in the morning, and they are now so use to it..they ask for it when they wake up. Also maybe try some popsicles...let them suck on ice..ect. I also wouldnt be too worried about it..if they are thirsty they are going to drink. I hope you find some ways to get them to drink some more.

  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I think it's probalby just a phase as they get used to the transition from bottles to sippies. When mine stopped nursing and switched to sippies full time they didn't drink much for about a month. I would stick with milk and water and just try to feed them lots of fruit b/c it has a high water content. They'll start drinking more soon!
  4. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    we don't use juice, but maybe you can entice them into drinking water by offering it in a glass (one you'd drink out of ) yea, it's messy but my kids think it's such a cool thing to drink out of a glass or out of a bottle. that might get them interested again. Also -- I put ice in their sippies so it clanks - and they like that too.

    My kids drink tons of water, though, so I don' t know if these ideas will help.

    As for milk -- my kids get no milk -- we've just introduced dairy and my Dr has told us that 16 ounces of dairy products (yogurt, cheese, milk,etc) is perfect and you can mix milk into other things (mac cheese, eggs, etc.) 00 so I wouldn't get worked up about the milk drinking if they are having dairy in other forms.

    Teri D
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Hey Kathleen!
    You sound like me when we did the switch. For the first couple of days it was great and then it dwindled. What worked for us is giving them the sippies at meals AND between them. I found that if I wait about an hour before or after a meal they will chug a good portion of the sippy. Good luck - it's always a challenge, isn't it?
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    maybe a bit of lemon or orange juice
  7. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    I dunno if this will help or not, but it's like a game I play with my two. They see me drinking constantly, so when I get finished taking a sip, I'll let out a big "ahhhh". Probably not teaching them the best manners in the world, and I'm sure they're going to use it on me eventually, but they'll imitate me and drink outta thier cups when doing so. I also always offer them thier sippies after meals so they can wash whatever down and I let them carries the sippies around all day. My two only drink water, not so sticky when I turn them loose with them.
    Good luck and like pp said, they'll drink eventually. How many wet diapers you getting in a day? Have you been able to see the decrease in the size of the diaper? NWIM?
  8. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    thanks to everyone who responded! the pedi said today that I was not to worry. He said milk was basically a source for fat and calcium. So as long as they are getting 1,000 mg a day in calcium from ANY source, than it's ok if they don't drink a lot of milk. phew!
    I have also been leaving their sippies of water out, and they seem to drink it a lot throughout the day now. YEA! I feel so much better
  9. mmhzmom

    mmhzmom Well-Known Member

    I am glad that you got the reassuance that you needed. I had to defend my choice not to force my kids to drink a glass of milk every day to my MIL (I HATE milk and greatfully was never forced to drink it as a child). I actually wish that more pedi's would let parents know that milk is not a requirement for healthy children and not the only way to get calcium into thier diets.

    I am glad to hear that they are drinking their water again.
  10. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like you got good advice from your ped but I also wanted to suggest trying yogurt drinks. My babies love them and they down them in 2 seconds. It's a good way to get dairy into them. I can also make my own by mixing 1/2 yogurt 1/2 milk.
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