How can I boost their Immune Systems?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by stephe, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    I need some help ladies. Dh and I are both getting desperate for some way to keep our boys healthy for longer than 1-2 days.

    I literally have lost count but estimating that since the last week of Dec we have been to the doctors around 20 times. 3 times just this week alone b/c the boys had to get Rocephin shots for their EI's that were not going away with oral abx. I'm not even going to mention out much we have paid in Co-pay's this year already. Cooper gets tubes next week(Eli sometime in Mar) and I'm praying that makes a dramatic difference but I would also like to explore some homeopathic ways.

    We currently give them Acidophilous daily, First Years Flintstone Vitamin daily, Zyrtec daily and Flovent Daily, albuterol as needed

    I try to buy Organic as often as I can and get veggies in them as much as I can.

    Is there anything else(vitamins) that I can go to Whole Foods and try out for them? I know Toddlers get sick a lot(esp in day-care) but our case is getting out of control!
  2. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    Vit C is a natural immune boost.
  3. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    It does get better- my son was sick the first 2 years and now age 4 he is very healthy. I don't believe in giving them over the counter remeidies. Their immune systems will build up naturally. The same with my girls - they were born 2 months early and have had some ups and downs but almost 2 years later, they are relatively healthy and all 3 are in daycare.

    Tubes will help - all 3 of mine have them and have done great.
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Last year my kids were sick nonstop for about 6 months. <_< This year seems to be a bit better, if it weren't for that nasty flu/cold/bronchitis bug that's going around. We started giving them oranges every day & honestly, that seemed to help. Otherwise, my doctor told me to run a humidifier in their room every night during the winter. She says it cuts their chance of getting sick in half!! (cool mist)
  5. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    PS - when we were at the doctors recently, I asked basically the same question since ds & I were sick & I wanted to know what I could do to help dd NOT get sick. That's what she told me to do, plus also rinse their noses out with a saline spray. She said they're too young yet for stuff like eccinacea (sp?).
  6. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Feb 21 2008, 02:55 PM) [snapback]633087[/snapback]
    Vit C is a natural immune boost.

    I second Angie7! You can get adult size capsules, break them open and pour them into applesauce to disguise the tart flavor. You could also look into Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). It is a high concentration of Vitamins C, E and bioflavonoids. Here is a site containing some information. If you want more information, PM and I'll fill you in on more info. or where to buy, etc. Side note: GSE was a life saver for preventing mastitus and clogged ducts when I BF the twins!! I tend towards mostly organic, all natural food and remedies...
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our ped told us to put 1 tsp. of Larix powder in their juice each day to help.
  8. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies!!

    I went to Whole Foods during my lunch break and with a sales associates help this is what I ended up with. After getting all of this together at night and their regular meds(abx, Albuterol, Zyrtec) I'm going to feel like a pharmacist!

    Acidophilous(they are actually already taking this one)

    Nordic Naturals DHA Omega 3 (Fish Oil)

    Nordic Berries Multi Vitamin

    Kal Vitamin C Supplement
  9. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(burgybabies @ Feb 21 2008, 06:34 PM) [snapback]633539[/snapback]
    I second Angie7! You can get adult size capsules, break them open and pour them into applesauce to disguise the tart flavor. You could also look into Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). It is a high concentration of Vitamins C, E and bioflavonoids. Here is a site containing some information. If you want more information, PM and I'll fill you in on more info. or where to buy, etc. Side note: GSE was a life saver for preventing mastitus and clogged ducts when I BF the twins!! I tend towards mostly organic, all natural food and remedies...

    What kind do you give them? I dont give my girls any vitamins, etc. and they are both extremely healthy so I'm not sure they even need it. They've only had 3 minor colds since they were born and the last 2 colds that they were exposed to, they didnt even get sniffles. One was just last week, dh and I were sicker then dogs, horrible, horrible cold. It was all the flu symptoms but only lasted about 3 days. They didnt get anything from it so I know their immune systems are excellent. We also feed mostly organic, whole foods, organic drinks, snacks, etc. They get organic, whole fruit and veggies everyday too. But just curious what kind you give. I know you have to be careful with things like that b/c some vitamins contain lead. Do you know if the kind you use doesnt?

    ETA: spelling
  10. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your little ones have been sick so much. I hope your vitamins do help you some.

    I second the Grapefruit Seed Extract. Also LOTS of fresh fruit and veggies. My kids eat lots of Pineapple chunks, steamed broccli and asparagus, greenbeans, sweetpotatos,....I try to give then a veggi and some fruit and each meal. I think it is the best way to get your vitamins. Good luck.
  11. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    OP: It's really hard having sick kids. Sometimes you just reach the end of your rope and need to try options... Hope the vitamins help...keep us posted!

    QUOTE(angie7 @ Feb 22 2008, 02:39 AM) [snapback]634674[/snapback]
    What kind do you give them? I dont give my girls any vitamins, etc. and they are both extremely healthy so I'm not sure they even need it. They've only had 3 minor colds since they were born and the last 2 colds that they were exposed to, they didnt even get sniffles. One was just last week, dh and I were sicker then dogs, horrible, horrible cold. It was all the flu symptoms but only lasted about 3 days. They didnt get anything from it so I know their immune systems are excellent. We also feed mostly organic, whole foods, organic drinks, snacks, etc. They get organic, whole fruit and veggies everyday too. But just curious what kind you give. I know you have to be careful with things like that b/c some vitamins contain lead. Do you know if the kind you use doesnt?

    It sounds like you are doing great!!! And your girls sound so healthy!!

    Regarding your question about the kind of vitamins I use: Natrol Vit-C and NutriBiotic GSE tablets (small and easier for kids to swallow). The Nutraceutical Sciences Institute (NSI), NutriBiotic is made by NSI, company that you can read on the label of the GSE has an excellent reputation. It is purified. NSI says that their products are pharmaceutical grade. That means pure. Natrol Ester C is a national brand, very reputable and is sold in Walgreens and CVS. I'll also say that not every brand works the same for each person. Each person's body responds differently to different formulas and potencies. Do you have some information that would show these brands contain lead? I'm always interested in learning more about the vitamins that we take. Also, I don't give the kids C or GSE unless they are sick.

    I too feel that foods are the best way to get vitamins, but if the kids can't get enough through their foods, then vitamins are a great alternative.
  12. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to add- don't forget fluids! Esp when kids are exposed to sick people, or when they are starting to get sick, it's important to push fluids. When I am sick or my boys are sick is the only time they are allowed juice (cut with water) and that seems to help. Also, they love to eat ice cubes, whatever that is! :rolleyes:

    Anyway, make sure you give them a little extra to drink- and yes, the tubes will help! I would get both of them tubes as soon as possible!
  13. veggiehead

    veggiehead Well-Known Member

    I have been keeping mine home a lot this winter...Hard for me...but, at least they have not been so sick. I also give them JuicePlus...It really works!

    I also agree with the liquids...give them plenty of water. Wash hands all the time...I wash mine and theirs all the time.

    Winter stinks, doesn't it?

    ETA: I also take them outside almost everyday no matter the weather. The fresh air really helps clean you out.

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