How are naps going for your almost 2 year olds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sara26, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    My girls have always been good sleepers. They started sleeping through at about 4 months, and by 6 months they were taking really good regular naps. I am a very scheduled person, and I think that has helped them to be good sleepers. Lately though, we've been having trouble with naps. When we finally got down to one nap a day, which was around 16 or 17 months, they were eating lunch around 11, going down around 11:30, and they'd sleep until 1:30 or 2. Now, at almost 22 months, they don't want to nap until 1 or even later sometimes. Is this normal? We've been eating lunch around 12, and I usually put them down aroundt 12:30. Sometimes they go right to sleep, but often they spend up to an hour laughing and talking and goofing around before they fall asleep. So they don't fall asleep until 1:30, and they're usually up by 2:30 or 3. It's like they're bodies are used to waking up at 2:30, and it doesn't matter if they fell asleep at 12:30 or 1:30.

    I'm wondering how long other people's kids nap - does an hour and half seem like enough for kids their age? And what time is nap time at your house?

    TIA :)
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    You're lucky my almost 2 year olds (Dec. 21st) went to one nap at 19 months and hardly nap longer than 45mins maybe 1hr-1.5 hour if I am lucky.
  3. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    My guys are napping at 1 and get up at 4. They take a while to go down and sometimes they get up in the middle but then fall back asleep. I need to cut back their naps a little (1-3) but it is the only time for me to eat, clean, etc. My oldest has been cutting out naps all together. He only naps once or twice a week so I don't get much done on the days he is awake.

  4. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    C&K go down around 1 and usually sleep for an hour to an hour and a half. Some days it is only 45 min, some days 2 hours. They have always been good nappers, but going from the 2 to 1 nap really screwed up their good napping. It is not ever consistent anymore.
  5. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We have to do naps around older DD's preschool so they don't go down until 1:30 and sleep soundly until 3:30 when I have to get them up to pick up other DD from bus. I recently dropped their AM nap which was 9:30-10:30 but will add it in if they are not feeling well/super cranky. If they do take it, they still sleep for the 2nd, but recently started monkeying around and lost part of that 2nd nap time so I cut it out.
  6. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We have never been good sleepers, but have been pretty consistent nappers since about 5 months.

    We moved to one nap at 13m.

    lunch at 11
    nap 12-2:30/3

    We have a long nap b/c they just won't sleep longer than 9.5/10hrs at night. We've tried every permutation imaginable and they are just 8-6 guys.

    I do think it's perfectly normal to not nap until 1pm. I think most toddlers ages 2-4 probably do a nap from 1-3pm. The only reason I do it at noon still is b/c we can't sleep past 6:30am to save our lives and just can't make it to 1pm.
  7. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(SweetpeaG @ Dec 7 2007, 08:44 PM) [snapback]525130[/snapback]
    We have never been good sleepers, but have been pretty consistent nappers since about 5 months.

    We moved to one nap at 13m.

    lunch at 11
    nap 12-2:30/3

    We have a long nap b/c they just won't sleep longer than 9.5/10hrs at night. We've tried every permutation imaginable and they are just 8-6 guys.

    I do think it's perfectly normal to not nap until 1pm. I think most toddlers ages 2-4 probably do a nap from 1-3pm. The only reason I do it at noon still is b/c we can't sleep past 6:30am to save our lives and just can't make it to 1pm.

    Maybe this is the difference between a short nap and a long one. My girls still sleep 12-13 hours at night - usually 7 p.m. to 7:30 a.m.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two nap from 12:15-3-3:15 usually. Emilie is sometimes up by 2:30, but Trevor usually sleeps 3 hours.
  9. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    My girls go down at about 1:15 & are up by 4. They sleep 7:30pm to 7:15am on most nights.
  10. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    C&C go down anywhere from 12-1:30 depending on how tired they are and usually sleep for 2 hours.
  11. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    I think a 1.5 hour nap at 1pm for a 2yo is pretty normal. That's pretty much what we were doing at that age. When we first switched to 1 nap (at 2 yo exactly), they usually only slept for 1.5 hours or so. Since then they have gradually lengthened that and now they usually do at least 2.5 hours, sometimes up to 3.5 hours, and they don't go down until about 2pm.
  12. EMc2

    EMc2 Well-Known Member

    My two girls are 19 mo old and they eat lunch, go down for a nap at 12 and depending on whether they play or not and for how long determines how long I let them nap. Usually between 12 to 3:30pm is nap time. If they sleep straight away I get them up at 3, if they play 3:30.
    I put them to bed tonight at 8:30 and at 9:30 had to open the door and tell them to quit pounding on the walls and their crib toys. "Knock it off!" They finally quit and fell asleep. Geeze, I'm starting to sound like my mom.
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