How and when do I separate the last bottle of the day from bedtime?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ajg18, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. ajg18

    ajg18 Well-Known Member

    Hi everybody! You might remember me from such posts as "my son is 6 months old and still sleeping swaddled in his bouncy seat". Thankfully that situation has resolved itself (well, fine, my mom had to step in, okay?) and now both babies sleep in their cribs in their rooms! Score 1 for the parents! My current issue concerns bedtime. We have a pretty good routine right now of bath > PJs & sleep sack > bottle > bed. However, I would love to separate that last bottle from bedtime at some point in the near future and replace it with books or songs or stories. I think my twins might be too young for that at 7months and 3 weeks. Am I wrong on that? I would love to take the bottle out of the routine and wonder how others have done it.

    FWIW, here is our current schedule (give or take 15 minutes)

    6:30 Wake up
    8:30 8 oz bottle
    9:00 1st nap
    10:00 Wake up
    10:30 1st solid meal
    12:30 8 oz bottle
    1:00 2nd nap
    3:00 Wake up
    4:00 6-7 oz bottle
    5:30 mini car nap
    6:00 2nd solid meal
    6:30 Bath/ 8-10 oz Bottle
    7:00 Bed

    I am not sure where we would fit in the last bottle if not at bedtime, so maybe we have to wait until we drop a bottle? I don't know, and that's why I am asking you guys!

    Thanks mucho,
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I never did separate the two & actually my two, at 3, still drink a cup of milk right before bedtime. We do stories, milk, brush teeth, bed. :pardon:
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Mine had milk right at bedtime til 15ish months. We switched to sippies at 10.5 mos but they still had milk as part of the routine.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are on sippy cups (as of tonight :woo:) and we still do it before bed as part of their nighttime snack/routine :)
  5. ajg18

    ajg18 Well-Known Member

    Thanks all. So it sounds like we won't be eliminating a bedtime drink anytime soon. Right now they basically fall asleep on the bottle, so we can't read books or anything afterwards. I guess that will change as they get older.

    Thanks again!
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