How accurate were your ultrasounds?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lisagayle, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Okay ladies...we had a growth scan at 15 weeks to measure what they could and try and decipher if the twins had a shared placenta or fused placenta. At that ultrasound the tech told us that she *thought* that baby A was a girl and baby B was a boy. She said that it was still a little early though and not to go paint the nursery. Then last week at 18 weeks I had an ultrasound done at the hospital because of a bleeding episode and they tech confirmed, baby A girl and baby B boy. Then this past Tuesday at 19 weeks 1 day we had another growth scan and the same tech that did the others said it still is one girl, one boy.

    Today I had an appointment with my OB and she always uses ultrasound to check their heartbeats. When she put the transducer on my stomach the first shot we had was of Baby A's hiney and she made a comment about it being a boy. She even pointed out what looked like the scrotum! But then baby moved and covered up before we could see anything else. She tried to get another look, esp once I told her that was supposed to be our girl but baby A never would uncross those legs again.

    These are the pictures we got from our growth scan on Tuesday. We weren't able to get any pics today. My MIL says she thought she saw something on Baby A but I just don't. What do you guys think?

    This first one is Baby A's between the legs shot

    This second one is Baby B's between the legs shot.

    Thanks ladies!
  2. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Hmmm - I do think I see something between Baby A's legs, but it isn't as defined as on Baby B. Do you have ultrasound shots from the previous ones where they said A was a girl? With our boy and girl it was obvious for the boy, and for the girl I never saw the "three lines" they said were there to indicate girl but they were right. Did your ob/gyn think she was right and that they were both boys?
  3. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    With my current pregnancy, the tech told me girl at 13.5 weeks, and with my twins they told me boys and I'm guessing that was around 15 weeks.

    The 20 week ultrasound is more accurate, but so far it seems that they were right with the early guesses. Usually, they won't say anything unless they are pretty sure.
  4. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    My OB is very no nonsense when it comes to her appointments. She never "plays" on the ultrasounds, which is why I was surprised she even commented on it today. She normally goes straight for the heartbeats and then turns it off. So she didn't even check the other baby again to make sure that one was still a boy!

    I just went back through my files on my computer and I don't have any "crotch shots" of the babies from the last growth scan. Boo! I wish I did.

    We have one of those fun little ultrasounds that we are going to on Saturday morning so my mom and MIL and sister and DS can all go and have a chance to see. I'm hoping that both babies will cooperate enough so we can verify.
  5. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    I think that the first two techs were right, A is a girl, B a boy. On the first u/s photo, you can see the "3 lines", and I do see the nub that is protruding a bit. I don't think that's a penis though :)

    We were tentatively told two girls at 13w2d. We were told two girls at 17w2d at the Peri, and at 19 weeks were also told two girls at a 3/4d ultrasound center.
  6. MsTasha

    MsTasha Well-Known Member

    Is it possible that they switched places? I was under the impression that they switch position so baby A & B may not always be talking about the same baby unless there is some other identification (such as sex lol). If that is the case, maybe what was A this last time, was B before that? I honestly don't have first-hand knowledge of the babies completely changing places, but other people have told me that theirs did. Hope you get a definite answer Saturday, KUP so we all know!
  7. Rose Wright

    Rose Wright Well-Known Member

    I was told I have two girls at 15 weeks, then at 21 weeks. Plus they both seem to spread their legs a lot so I can see myself that there is nothing between their legs. And I am having u/s a lot because of having had surgery for TTTS.
  8. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I agree that A is a girl and B is a boy - A looks like she has the three lines. Or looks like a hamburger, as the tech with my first child told me. Interesting visual.

    My second child and the twins were identified as boys at my 12 week ultrasound - maybe lucky guesses - and probably easier to be accurate with boys - but correct guesses in my case.
  9. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    Our first reports said boys - and we had boys.

    I can't get the pics to load (dial up) so I'm no good....
  10. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Our guess at 15 weeks or so was Boy/??? (80% sure on the boy), the other baby was not cooperative. I think they saw umbilical cord and not 'boy parts'.----well at 16/18/20+ weeks were all two girls. We painted the nursery a mossy green 'just in case' !! We have 2 girls! So all but the 1st U/S was accurate.
  11. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    they said two girls at every u/s in our case - although, it was always followed by the caveat that that's not guaranteed. :laughing: i think baby A looks like a girl & baby B looks like a boy - hopefully you'll get a good look on saturday! :D
  12. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    With the girls they guessed girl/girl at 15 weeks and sure enough when we went back 4 weeks later they were still g/g for sure and stayed that way. She did say the 15 week guess was just that since it's still early and things can be hidden. But at the 19 weeks she was 100% sure.

    This time at our 14 week the tech said she was thinking b/b and was 90% sure they were both the same gender. At 16 weeks a different tech said that they were boys for sure (it was obvious even to our untrained eyes) and at 20 weeks they are still b/b.

    So they've always been very accurate with us. FWIW A does look like a girl to me - boys are usually much more obvious (like your B).
  13. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I definitely think A is a girl...if it were a boy you'd have more of the "turtle" effect like you have on B
  14. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Thanks all! You know honestly it doesn't really matter either way. But I am one of those that likes to plan!

    Thanks for all your input and stories ladies. Hopefully A will let us have another peek tomorrow and we'll know then. I know it's never guaranteed, but still!

  15. mommyto3girls

    mommyto3girls Well-Known Member

    With the twins, the tech could never tell both on the same scan. They told us since they never could tell both on the same day that they may be looking at the same baby but the positions were reversed from scan to scan. Maybe like PP said, the baby the doctor was looking at was B on the previous scans.
  16. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    At one point in my pregnancy the babies switched, and it took the tech forever since they were both boys to realize they actually did switch places. I don't know how she figured it out, but said at the end she was very confident they switched places. Maybe that is what happened with your twins.
  17. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    And out of the 6 kids that a tech could see the sex, all 6 were right.

    Be sure to update us.
  18. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I have had the gender accurately identified at 12 weeks for all three of my kids (the twins and my older DS). With DS she was positive, and with the twins she said "probably" but was correct.
  19. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    I had an US yesterday after completing our 22nd week and both babies were confirmed (again) to be girls. Our girls' bottoms look just like your A's bottom and I have never seen anything like your baby B's bottom in any of our scans. So, if the picture you posted is the scan that most makes you question A's gender, based on the similarity of your picture to the pictures of our girls, then my guess is that A is a girl.

    At this point in your pregnancy, your kiddos still have room and may be moving around a bit. It is possible that the boy momentarily swam in front of the transducer when your OB was looking at A.
  20. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I think baby A is a girl. I've had two u/s of boys' in my experience and you can normally see a lot more than that!! And the girls aren't completely flat down there you know!! Actually some girls can be born rather swollen in that area...can kind of freak you out until you realize it's normal!! It goes away as your hormones leave their system!
  21. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    From the pics you posted I agree A looks like a girl and B like a boy, congrats!
  22. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Hey all! Just wanted to update you and let you know that at today's ultrasound they were still a boy and a girl! I'm not sure if my doc was just confused as to which baby she was looking at or what. But one of them definitely had boy parts and the other one definitely had nothing.

    Thanks for all your input ladies!
  23. confettiangel

    confettiangel Member

    At my 19wk scan I was told we had two girls.
    At my 23wk scan I was told we had two girls.
    At my 25wk scan I was told we had two girls.
    At my 27wk scan I didn't bother asking.
    At my 29wk scan I was told twin b was still a girl, twin a was hiding.

    The photos from the 19/23wk scans clearly show the "3 lines" so I am very confident that we have two girls on board.
  24. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    A is a girl, B is a boy. That seems obvious from the pics. We found out I was having boys at 13 weeks to the day.
  25. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    We were told at 15wks that they were girls. Our tech was 100% sure and said we COULD paint the nursery :). Actually, she could only get a visual of one baby but since we knew they were mono/di we didn't need to see the second. Also, our babies did switch places but I don't remember when that happened.

    My mw (who I saw in the beginning of the pg before being referred to high risk) said she was not familiar with the u/s machine at all but used it to confirm we were having twins after hearing two hbs. She barely even knew how to turn it on :)
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