How accurate are these ultrasounds? Im having 2 girls..

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kayliesmomma, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. kayliesmomma

    kayliesmomma New Member

    Hi all! I had my anatomy study yesterday and was told by the sonographer.. not MD that she saw 3 lines on each baby.. 3 lines makes out the vagina hee hee.. But baby B's lines were fuzzy.. could not really tell. BUT.. She states that she is accurate about the sexes.. BUT my GUT FEELING is telling me that this is not true and I feel that there is a boy in there. From the get go I knew they were B/G. My girlfriends went through the same thing. One of them were told that she was having a BOY and 4 weeks later it was a GIRL! that's crazzzzyyy!!! :eek: So Im thinking of getting the 4d ultrasound done maybe in another month to maybe get a clearer picture of them.. we'll see how it goes. Any suggestions??? Or should I just suck it in and accept the fact that I'll have 2 girls.. which makes a total of 3 girls.. yeah I have a 2 yr old princess..!! Im rally excited. but like I said my GUT FEELING tells me something else!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: and Welcome to Twinstuff!! Congrats on your twins! :Clap: :Clap:

    How far along are you? Since you had the Level II u/s, maybe around 20ish weeks? I'm not sure what the stats are on them being right/wrong on these things, but they were right with me. :D They told me at 17 weeks that it was b/g and then again at 20 weeks. I say if you have any doubt, don't buy anything yet ;) and wait until your next u/s appointment when they can check again. :good:
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    well, how far along are you?

    It's more common to have them tell you a girl and it actually be a boy than it is the other way around.
    It's far more accurate after about 18 weeks, boys parts are usually descended by then.
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :wavey: HI!! Congratulations on your Twin Pregnancy and Welcome to TS!!

    I was CONVINCED I was having 2 boys...I told everyone I was having boys. At 19 weeks I went to my OB and she told me I was having 2 girls. I didn't believe her! I thought for sure she was wrong. So a week later I went and had a 4D u/s done, and sure enough....TWO GIRLS! My gut was off, but having twin girls is a blast!
  5. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Hi & :welcome:!!

    At around 17 weeks they told us that they saw 2 girls and she was right!
    We didn't rule out having a boy until our u/s after 20 weeks, but it was still 2 girls ;)
  6. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I had a VERY hard time accepting mine were girls, i guess i really wanted them to be boys.. My peri guessed at 12w Girls, and then again at 16w, 18w she said girls then too.. And when i went for my 20w scan i could see the 3 lines for myself.. They are def all girls...

    Depending on how far along you are.. seems like around 20w they are the most reliable..
  7. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    I am having boy girl twins and at every ultrasound since my first at 17weeks....21wks and 25 wks I always have the tech make sure my girl is still a girl! Worried something might pop out :lol:
  8. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    If they saw the lines that's a pretty good indicator as opposed to just looking for the absence of boy parts! I'm guessing, like pps, you must be near 20 weeks so I'd say it's probably fairly reliable that you're having two girls!
  9. Debbie F

    Debbie F Well-Known Member

    we saw what we thought were 3 lines - I had a pink room and ended up with a boy!

    I never trust u/s. I had an u/s at 6 weeks and they told me 1 healthy baby! At 22 weeks, wow - I have 2 healthy babies!
  10. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Hello! And WELCOME to TS!! :)

    I think it really depends on how far along you are. At my 20 wks [when I found out I was having twins!!] the U.S. tech told us that it looks like there's one placenta, but it was kind of hard to tell for sure cause I was pretty far along. It's my understanding that identical twins share one placenta, so if one was a girl the other would be also.

    Personally, I'd stick it out and wait until the next ultrasound to know for sure. Although, it would be kind of cool to have the 4-D picture of them for their baby books ^_^

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I have a DS and when I was pg with my girls I just knew I was having 2 boys and I was so upset because I desperately wanted atleast one girl (only one placenta so identical). These would be our last children. So when we had our u/s my heart was beating sooooooooo fast and she asked us what do you think you are having and I said boys and my DH says girls (he never once said that he thought they were girls before that day, I was soooo peeved at him becasue I am a thinker and a worrier and constantly asked him "so, what do you think we are having" and he would always say "I don't know"). Anyway, she says "their girls" and I just started bawling because I was so happy! Good luck, hope you get what you want!
  12. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    DH and I were both convinced we were having a boy and a girl, but we are having two boys. So I don't know about gut instinct. I'd think the tech is probably right, but I'm assuming that since you're having twins, you'll get plenty more ultrasounds in the rest of your pregnancy, right? So more chances to confirm? (Even though the tech said they were 'definitely' both boys at 20w, I still asked her to double-check during my 22w follow-up anatomy scan. :))
  13. beillaboo

    beillaboo Well-Known Member

    I will never trust an ultrasound. With my first singleton I was told girl I had multiple scans from 8 weeks until 33 weeks and everytime I was told it was a girl, even by different techs. Well i was sure suprised to get my little boy on the delievery table.

    With my second they told me girl fairly early, then about mid pregnancy one tech said boy, then later ultrasounds said girl. I had a girl.

    The 4 D pics are amazing. I can't wait to do it. Although if you only want to do it for gender detection I would save your money and just wait until your next scan.
  14. twingma

    twingma Well-Known Member

    They are more likely to be wrong telling you it is a girl and turns out to be a boy. Two acquaintances in the last two years were told their singletons were girls and then around 39 weeks with each there was the "oops, it is a boy, n0t a girl". I would wait til next ultrasound since the lines were blurry on the one baby. Ultra sounds are fairly accurate on the sexes but there are those "oops".
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