hot flashes and feeling like theres no air?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by kitkat72783, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. kitkat72783

    kitkat72783 Well-Known Member

    for the last week or so every now and and again I get this weird feeling of being hot not sweating hot just like my head/face is hot and there's no air in the building/room where I am, i also get a little nauseas. It passes in about 20 minutes then comes back in a few hours. I dont know if this is normal/hormonal or something bad. Anybody else ever get this way?
  2. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    YES. When I was pregnant w/ the twins, I would sometimes feel like my face was hot, or I would feel some wierd kind of pressure in my head.. I kept thinking I had high blood pressure, but I never did. I got hot very easily during all of my pregnancies, but this wierd pressure/heat on my face/head only happened with the twins. I never figured out what it was.
  3. h2believe

    h2believe Well-Known Member

    I've experienced this a few times! no clue what it is but it does always pass after a while.
  4. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I felt it early in my pregnancy, the can't breathe feeling, then it went away for a little. Now it comes back once in a while. I heard that it gets bad at the end, past 35 weeks, and that once the babies are out, you are grateful they are healthy and that you can breathe!

    The hot flashes have never gone away. I felt those early and they have been here to stay!
  5. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    Yes, i get the hot flashes also. i have to keep a window open for the cool air and my DH always comes in saying " it's not hot in here, it's cold ". lol Obviously im a bad judge of temperature anymore.

    28W4D mono/di boys
  6. jen8675309

    jen8675309 Well-Known Member

    I was always hot and sweaty when I was preggers. I will tell you that towards the end when I would feel that way, and sometimes I would feel light-headed too, I was having contractions. They didn't hurt in my belly, they just made me feel bad that way. I think it's totally normal though. Good luck!
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