Hospital visit, BP issues & swelling

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by buddhababybelly, May 24, 2009.

  1. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    So, I just got home from the hospital..This morning I woke up, not feeling to hot, could tell my BP was up. My hands were swollen, toes, ankle, etc swollen, hell honestly I felt like a big overripe tomato. So, all day I laid down and tried to get rid of the swelling, drank lots of water, before I took a nap DH and my 13yro DS were staring at my face and both informed me that it was like my nose spread overnight. My Nose spreading? Thats been a nightmare of mine. With DS I had toximia-sp, so I wanted to be safe rather than sorry, carrying 2 babies, etc. And I just felt that something wasnt right, wasnt sure what it was, but something was different than before, at one point I thought I was just being paranoid. So, I took a nap, when I woke up feeling like poop, weak, headache, I knew it was time to head over there.
    So, off to the ER we went, admitted into L&R for observation.
    BP was up a little when I got there, swelling? yes. And the big shocker for me, is Ive dilated 2cm, 75% effaced. I didnt dilate with my son, so Im like wow, really. Contractions, at one point I had one at 705, one at 710, then 735. They stopped until 820. The last nurse, I was there for shift change, said that if it was up to her she would put me on strict bedrest. Im 34wks 3days. And throughout my pregnancy Ive been very active, Saturday, I was ready to head to the flea market with the fam. Had gotten ready, sat on the couch, got up, and felt really weak like walking around the little 3 lane flea market wasnt such a good idea. Guess listening to my gut really does help.

    So my goal is to make it to 37 wks, that's what I would like, but the dilated part scares me. Had alot of cramping this past week, back pain thats--upper back especially and some in my lower back..Have been drinking tons of water, laying down more, sitting more, eating lots of protein-Im trying to pack some weight on the babies and myself since Ive only gained 1lb a week the past month.

    DH started freaking out, saying Im not ready for them to come yet, sad part he will probably be saying that in 2-3 weeks too. Then DS was freaking out after him, it was quite the scene. Why was I the only brave one in the room? It has been almost 14yrs since I had a child, not to mention 2. Im afraid of everything. I dont even know how to change a girls diaper or do HAIR. I had help with my son, this time it's all me and DS will be working. I was the bigger income coming in, and Ive been off work since the end of March. Our lease is up May 31st, we cant go anywhere bc of my condition and its more convenient for us to stay here for an extra month until I heal than to pack up like that and leave--My Fears. Sorry it all comes out now. Calm,cool, collected me, is having a moment.

    Going to research other posts on dilation and how other ladies have coped, I dont see my DOC until Friday. Go in 2 days this week for NST's Tuesday and Thurs/Fri. Felt like venting, and talking to someone who knew what I was going through about it. My mother is like, oh you can have them now and everything will be fine. They said the same thing when I had you--I just found out I was born premature, aint that some crap?!
    I dont want to visit my little apple bums in the NICU for a month, not to mention the fact we havent settled on names. If they come on their own it's one thing, but I dont want to contribute to them when I could just sit my little happy tail down somewhere. Let me let it be known, Ive done any and everything Ive wanted to do since Ive been pregnant. OK, going to get some rest, thank you for allowing me to get it off my chest, not many people around me understand what its like and its hard to explain how I feel, think, or may be going through, or any other fears Im experiencing..
  2. traceyp

    traceyp Active Member

    Hi Tarsha
    Sorry to hear you're having a rough time and are feeling scared. I'm not as far along as you so I can't speak from experience but if I imagine myself in your position, I'd feel worried too AND I'd be mad/sad that it seemed like my doc didn't care enough. Do you think you could ask the doc about more clarity about bedrest and if he/she would see you sooner even if it is just for reassurance? You deserve to feel like you and your babes are getting the care you need.

    ...sending best wishes your way
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad you decided to go to the ER to get checked out. Hang in there. :grouphug:
  4. fromthecabbagepatch

    fromthecabbagepatch Well-Known Member

    You are so close! You can do it! Just a few more weeks!

    Good job going into the ER. For me it's always a difficult decision...should I go or shouldn't I? Better safe than sorry though...right?

    You just take it easy and keep those babies cooking!!!

    P.S. That's great though that you've been able to be doing the stuff you needed to this pregnancy. I wish I could say the same here... but have just been too miserable.. doc put me on modified bedrest almost as soon as we found out we were having twins at 19 weeks. Oh, well.
  5. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    Try to keep your chin up, I know it's hard...yesterday was meltdown city for me LOL! We all have our moments, or days. ;) You can do this! Take it easy and relax as much as you can and before you know it they'll be here!
  6. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    Hi Tarsha,

    Just want to send you some good vibes. So sorry that things are hard right now but it sounds like you are doing all the right things and the best you can to keep those babies cooking.

    And if it helps, I can totally relate to your fears about the little things. I stare at my nose for ages every day trying to determine if it has spread. I'm constantly on the lookout for the pregnancy mask covering my face and neck. I was a teenager when my mother had my brothers and I remember thinking that she turned into a MONSTER when she was pregnant so I'm paranoid about that. These are my first babies and it looks like one is a girl. Like you I worry about things like "how am I going to do her hair?!!" I'm black and my husband is white and I have no idea what my daughter's hair will BE like let alone how I'm going to manage to plaits and braids. :eek: There are so many little things that we worry about and really I think that your fears are all normal. I feel silly too sometimes so its good to know that someone feels the same.

    Try not to worry, keep relaxing and I think you'll make it to your goal.

    All the best to you!
  7. buddhababybelly

    buddhababybelly Well-Known Member

    Ladies, thanks for the well wishes and encouragement.. Just a few more weeks.. Im not totally miserable, I have my days. It could be worse I know. Hopefully today will be a better day, and yes I woke up with a swollen nose--bigger than yesterday, hands are swollen but foud it odd my toes look normal.

    I'll get to talk to my doc Tuesday, or at least the nurse to figure out the BP and swelling thing, and what I should do.
  8. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    Just want to send hugs!!!!!!!!!!! hugs and more hugs!
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s Momma. :youcandoit:
  10. forbiddendonut

    forbiddendonut Well-Known Member

    I have a friend that just had a baby (singleton), and she was dilated for 5 weeks before her daughter came. Just get LOTS of rest and hopefully they will stay in for a few more weeks!
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