Horrible sleep habits after an illness, not sure how to fix it....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jjzollman, Dec 30, 2009.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I've had pretty good sleepers since they were around 9.5 months. About 10 days ago they got their first *real* cold - high fevers (102.5), nasty nose, deep cough, drainage, poor appetite, etc. and it lasted for 5-6 days - we went to the doctor to make sure there wasn't anything else going on and the pedi said it was just upper respiratory. So, along with the high fevers and coughs came night waking. I'd go in there when they would wake up, pat them, give them medicine if their fever was high again, etc. - after multiple wakings during the first night, I started carrying my pillow in there and just crashing in there so I'd be nearby when they would wake-up crying, with a fever, having trouble catching their breath from the cough, etc. This lasted 6 or so days. Now, however, they are continuing to wake up during the night - and calling out for me. I've continued to go in there and (bad mommy!) had my DH blow up our air mattress so I can at least be comfortable while I'm sleeping in there. And now, they won't quietly drift off to sleep at the end of our bedtime routine, either. Even during their illness they continued to go to sleep fine on their own - but starting on Christmas night, they started yelling, screaming, crying (huge tears), and standing in their cribs when I left the room. This has gone on now for 5 nights - and me, being a wimp I guess, just sits in their glider and reads while they go to sleep b/c I just feel horrible hearing them scream like that at the age of 2!

    I have no idea what to do - tonight it took me about 2 hours to get them to sleep from the start of our bedtime routine to when I finally left their bedroom. I can't imagine how horrible CIO would be at this age b/c they are very persistent and they *know* that I'm out there, somewhere! :lol: Has anyone experienced this? They were such great sleepers and now, well, it is pretty darn awful! :(

    Help, please?!??!
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Go back to what you did at bedtime before they got sick. For me that would have been to do the routine put them in the cribs, turn out the light and leave shutting the door behind me. I would do that even if they were screaming. I'd give them ten to fifteen minutes and if they were still crying I'd go back in, give them back anything they may have thrown out, tell them "it's night time you need to go to sleep. keep your things in your crib and lay down" then leave again. I'd go back one more time after the ten or fifteen minutes and tell them "goodnight. mommy is going to sleep too. I won't come back unless something is very wrong. you need to stop yelling and go to sleep". Then I'd let them work it out. If you have a monitor, turn it off. If they are just that loud, put in earplugs or your ipod or something or just turn up the tv! lol It will take a few days but they'll catch on that mommy isn't part of sleeping.
  3. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    Could you DH handle bed time for a couple of nights? Maybe you could take some alone mommy time away from the house? My kids act completely different when DH puts them to bed and I am not there. When I do it, they want to blow their nose, get tucked in again, ect, ect. They do it because they know I will cave and come up and do what they are asking. When DH puts them in bed, they don't even try. Maybe a night or two of dad re-establishing the bed-time routine would work and they will return to their old sleep habits.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I second this! It may be a rough couple of nights for you, but go back to your old routine. The longer you accommodate them, the harder it will be to get back your nice sleepers. If you think they understand, talk to them during the day about what's going to happen at bedtime. Tell them that mommy will read a book, sing a song, and then leave (or whatever you normally do). Then stick to it. If they cry in the middle of the night, go in and fix whatever's wrong, then leave. Good luck!
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Ladies!

    You confirmed what I knew I needed to do...walk out that door!

    Last night they actually only cried for 5-10 minutes (nothing like I had worked it up in my head!) and then they did wake up at 2:30 and I did (bad mommy, I know) go in and sleep on the air mattress until they woke up at 8:00 this morning. I don't intend to sleep in there all night, but I guess it is comfortable enough that I just sleep without waking up! Tonight, same thing, they cried for maybe 5-10 minutes and I haven't heard another peep.

    Thanks so much for your responses! Hopefully the middle of the night waking will either a) stop or b)I'll work up the courage to just let them cry at 2:00 a.m. :)
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    Good luck tonight, Jori! Glad to hear things are getting better!! :hug:
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Good luck Jori. I too would have said go back to your old routine ASAP. Great job. I hope they give you a great night tonight. Fingers and toes crossed.
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