
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by chef_franks, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. chef_franks

    chef_franks New Member

    Hello, my name is Dan and I am new here today. Maybe someone can help me with this question. Do mothers expecting twins have twice the hormones and mood swings as normal pregnancies? My girlfriend is 13 weeks along now with twins, and it's as if I can do nothing right! We have 4 kids between us so we know how it goes with pregnancies, but she is very emotional at times and i don't even know what to say or do? Any suggestions?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hi Dan and welcome to Twinstuff. :welcome: Congrats on your girlfriend being pregnant with twins. :Clap:

    I think every pregnancy is so different. That said, I didn't notice anything different, mood swings, hormones, emotional wise with my twin pregnancy vs. my singleton pregnancy. They were both about the same. I do think I've become more emotional since having kids, my singleton was first, so I very well could have been more emotional during my twin pregnancy due to that.

    Just be there for her. You don't necessarily need to understand it all, but be supportive and sympathetic/empathetic of her and the pregnancy. A twin pregnancy is generally harder on the body.
  3. chef_franks

    chef_franks New Member

    ok thanks!
  4. alynenicole

    alynenicole Active Member

    Hello Dan, I just want to say that i am a bag of hormonores!! I will be fine one minute than the next i will be so mad or just start crying for no reason.. I have two boy's and with those pregnancies i had a couple of emotional moments but nothing like this pregnancy. My poor husband has no idea what to do because i have so many melt downs right now, poor guy :grr: . I'm not sure if it is because it's twins but i like to think so. All i can say is just hang in there, it will all be worth it in the end! Good luck :good:
  5. fahrenheit79

    fahrenheit79 Well-Known Member

    I too have to say that I have been very hormonal this pregnancy, and will react with tears at the slightest thing. I keep telling everyone that I don't remember being so emotional with my son's pregnancy, but then again that may be wrong. It's been 3 [sup]1/2[/sup] years since, so I may have erased those memories from my head. I go from praising my husband to finding fault in what he does in a heartbeat. An example? I've been hospitalized for the last 2 [sup]1/2[/sup] months, and he works LONG hours. My car has been sitting home needing the oil changed and I had asked him to hold off on that (STD payments suck compared to my regular pay! Need I say more?). Well, he told me last week that his car needs new tires, so I suggested that he does the oil change on my car and drive that until I can free up some money for his tires in the budget. He has since spent every waking moments either at work or with me at the hospital, tired or not, but I still got upset with him last night for NOT doing the oil change on my car before he started driving it around town. I must note that it rained a LOT the day before yesterday and yesterday morning!!! The poor man can't win! :unsure: I know it's not safe for him to be driving around in his car, but I hated that he's not only putting a LOT of miles on my car, but also not caring about taking good care of the engine. Like I said, he can't win.
    He's even starting to say that I am right whenever we argue (which he rarely did before!!!) and that infuriates me too, because I don't want him to 'just say it' but mean it too.
    I hope that my long post, and the sharing of my husband's martyrdom, has made you feel a little better. Just be as supportive and understanding as you can. Believe me, you may be criticized and made to feel like you can do nothing right, but all you do is appreciated! :bow2:
    P.S.: Congrats on the twins, and good luck with the next 27w!
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