Holy Crap - they are yell monsters!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by LisaLonnie, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. LisaLonnie

    LisaLonnie Well-Known Member

    I truly don't remember our DD's yelling this much...ever. For the past week or so they seem to yell all day long. Upon waking up in the morning. After nursing. After solids. Upon nap wake up. After nursing. During playing. After solids. Etc, Etc, Etc.

    I know they are both teething pretty bad and we're doing our best to manage it. Using Motrin, ice or frozen fruit in mesh teethers, and frozen washcloths. We even broke down and bought baby orajel.

    Is this a phase or something? Do they actually like yelling?

    Holy crap.
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It could be a phase or their teeth. Do they seem really upset or are they just yelling to hear themselves yell? If they have no other symptoms, I would say it's probably just a phase that will pass (hopefully sooner rather than later for your poor ears!).
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I bet they just like hearing themselves yell. I agree with Tina, probably just a phase.
  4. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    my girls yell all day long, but not in pain. i believe it's all in fun because it's followed by giggles. it's cute, but it does get rather loud.
  5. LisaLonnie

    LisaLonnie Well-Known Member

    It's hard to say since they are teething pretty bad. Sometimes I swear they are just yelling since they like the way their voices echo in our great room. When there is tears accompanied by yelling, I'm assuming it's their teeth.
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Around that age Jake started screaming. He was doing it just to hear himself and test how loud/quiet he could get. I bet they are just experimenting and learning about themselves. Of course, with tears, its probably the teething! We found that by ignoring Jake's behavior he stopped quicker than if we reacted to it.
  7. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    Amber shrieks all day long too, i've noticed she does it alot more when she is practicing a new move or concentrating alot, it sort of builds to a crescendo right before nap time aswell lol I hope she learns a new sound very soon as it is wearing thin.
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