holding pee

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MichelleL, May 29, 2009.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I searched through 8 pages to see if there is a relevant thread before I started my own. :D

    We are on day 3 of potty training. :crazy: We have had some success, BUT, they hold it for like 3-4 HOURS!! The past two afternoons (with no naps on top of this <_< ) I have made them sit on the potty after 4 hours, and they go. They know the signs of having to go, they have used the potty before, why the heck are they holding it?

    Two months ago they wouldn't even let us take their diapers off and sit, and now they are in panties all morning/afternoon and sitting to try. I have "incentives" for them to go ;) and that seems to be working, but only when I tell them they have to sit and go and then they can have their M&M's will they go.

    Any tips/tricks/strategies?
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Michelle...that's ok. They are fresh into it. If they can hold it and go when you tell them to, then it's a successful thing. Nicky was potty trained but only went when I stuck him on the potty for 3 months. Now he goes on his own all the time. It just takes figuring it out. Be patient, they'll figure it out soon. In the meantime...just keep sticking them on every couple hours. :yahoo: for the fact that they hold it and the fact that they go on the potty :hug: Hang in there, they'll get it.

    I remember with Izzy, I started giving treats even just for sitting. She didn't even want to sit. Then I gave treats when she sat and went. It was a progression, but it comes. You are doing awesome, momma :good:

    Just a question...what happens when you let them go long enough to have an accident? Maybe let them go until they do, and then let them figure out they don't like accidents, and then they'll start telling you. But, honestly, give them a little time. They (and you) are doing great!
  3. Kathy1109

    Kathy1109 Well-Known Member

    The first 3-4 days I started PT Anthony, he would hold his pee from 7:30AM until he got his pull up on for a nap at 12:30PM. One day he just got it and started going. Treats worked great. In our house it was one gummy treat for pee, two for poop. Good luck! It sounds like they are doing great. Isn't amazing how much those little bladders can hold?
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Kathy1109 @ May 29 2009, 05:46 PM) [snapback]1332899[/snapback]
    The first 3-4 days I started PT Anthony, he would hold his pee from 7:30AM until he got his pull up on for a nap at 12:30PM. One day he just got it and started going. Treats worked great. In our house it was one gummy treat for pee, two for poop. Good luck! It sounds like they are doing great. Isn't amazing how much those little bladders can hold?

    Same thing happened with Aaron. It was at least three months before he would go without me telling him to. And for me, if I'm telling them to go every hour, I am the one trained, not them! I just waited him out. He would occasionally go on his own or if I made him sit before we went out somewhere but it was not at all uncommon for him to pee when he got up in the morning, in his diaper/pullup at nap and then at bedtime. I figured if he was keeping the undies dry without me being on top of him all the time, he was trained. Just roll with it!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Do they have accidents when they hold it that long? If not, I would ease up on the pressure. I've been amazed at how long my girls could hold their pee, even on the first diaper-free days. (Although they were around 3 years old at the time -- maybe that makes a difference...?) I was always sure they would have an accident but they almost never did.

    But the more I asked (or required) them to go potty, the less likely they were to go. And I could never "just sit them on the potty" -- if they were determined not to go, it provoked major fits. (This may be age-related too!) So in the end, I just more or less quit asking and figured they would tell me when they had to go.

    We do have occasions where they suddenly realize they Have To Go Really Bad and they barely make it to the potty (or they don't -- but they usually make it into the bathroom at least) -- I figure that's how they learn the difference between sort of having to go and having to go really bad. :D
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ May 29 2009, 01:38 PM) [snapback]1332881[/snapback]
    Just a question...what happens when you let them go long enough to have an accident?

    That's just it, they don't! The first day we had 3 accidents, the second day we had 1 and today we haven't had any. But here's the thing, they hold it until the get their naptime pullup or nighttime diaper. So I guess I should just be thankful right now that they are at least holding it? :pardon:

    QUOTE(Kathy1109 @ May 29 2009, 01:46 PM) [snapback]1332899[/snapback]
    The first 3-4 days I started PT Anthony, he would hold his pee from 7:30AM until he got his pull up on for a nap at 12:30PM.
    Isn't amazing how much those little bladders can hold?

    That is EXACTLY what they are doing. Today before nap I made them sit and said we will take a nap after they pee, and they both did. It took a little bit of time, but they both did and were SO excited.
    Yes, it is ridiculous how much they can hold!! :blink:

    QUOTE(ktfan @ May 29 2009, 01:59 PM) [snapback]1332925[/snapback]
    I figured if he was keeping the undies dry without me being on top of him all the time, he was trained. Just roll with it!

    I guess this is the approach I'm going to take. I just thought something was wrong because they weren't having to go every 1/2 hour or so.

    QUOTE(Minette @ May 29 2009, 02:01 PM) [snapback]1332928[/snapback]
    Do they have accidents when they hold it that long? If not, I would ease up on the pressure. I've been amazed at how long my girls could hold their pee, even on the first diaper-free days. (Although they were around 3 years old at the time -- maybe that makes a difference...?) I was always sure they would have an accident but they almost never did.

    But the more I asked (or required) them to go potty, the less likely they were to go. And I could never "just sit them on the potty" -- if they were determined not to go, it provoked major fits. (This may be age-related too!) So in the end, I just more or less quit asking and figured they would tell me when they had to go.

    We do have occasions where they suddenly realize they Have To Go Really Bad and they barely make it to the potty (or they don't -- but they usually make it into the bathroom at least) -- I figure that's how they learn the difference between sort of having to go and having to go really bad. :D

    They did have accidents the first 2 days, but haven't had one yet today. I can tell they are ready. It is completely different from our attempts earlier this year and both of them tell me just before they are going to go.
    This is what I'm going to do, quit asking and let the accidents happen if they need to.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Michelle, Trevor did this as well. I knew it was a good sign he could hold it, so that is good your girls have control. :good: But it was frustrating to me that he would hold it instead of going potty. Like you, if I put him on he'd go. So I just decided to use Thomas trains and tell him he had to stay dry all day, and he had to tell me he had to go potty when he needed to. Now that doesn't mean I don't have him go potty before we leave the house, I still do that. But I just decided to take the holing as a good sign and if he had an accident, hope he wouldn't like it and it wouldn't happen again. I also just asked him throughout the day, if he had to go pee-pee. And now we talk about big boys go pee pee in the potty and that he can go to school (in the fall) if he goes on the potty all the time, that seems to help. I also try and motivate him by saying all the boys in our family that are "big boys" and go pee-pee on the potty. He gets a hershey kiss if he tells me he has to go and goes. If I sit him on and he goes, he does not get one. I do sit him on before nap and after nap and he goes both times. But the rest of the day is up to him to tell me. I just came to realize, I can't control this and he may have an accident and hopefully that will help him realize when he has to go.

    I also let him go bottomless for a few days and that really helped, he definitely became more aware of it then, but now he doesn't like to be naked. So now he knows if he wants to wear his underwear and shorts he has to go on the potty. The other day Trevor didn't pee from 12:30-5:00, but he did go after that. I think they need to have accidents, so that way they realize, it's not good.

    Sounds like your girls are ready this time, that is good. :yahoo: It's better that they are holding it rather than having accidents, that lets you know they have some control over it, that's a great first step. Just keep reminding them that they have to use the potty when they have to go and maybe have some kind of incentive, like picking out some new underwear or a new doll they might like when they stay dry.

    Good luck! :)
  8. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    I just remembered I didn't tell you my #1 rule when I start the PT. I give them tons and tons to drink...all the special drinks they want, plus watermelon and popsicles...tons to make them have to go. And we eat salty snacks (pretzels and crackers) that make them thirsty. This way they are forced to go and forced to make the choice between accidents or on the potty. Try it and see how it works.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I think this is okay. This is how Gracie is and now that I took a 4 day bootcamp weekend to keep her in underwear, she's not had an accident since. She even stays dry overnight, which her sister (who has been trained 8 months) does not.
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(HRE @ May 29 2009, 08:25 PM) [snapback]1333455[/snapback]
    I just remembered I didn't tell you my #1 rule when I start the PT. I give them tons and tons to drink...all the special drinks they want, plus watermelon and popsicles...tons to make them have to go. And we eat salty snacks (pretzels and crackers) that make them thirsty. This way they are forced to go and forced to make the choice between accidents or on the potty. Try it and see how it works.

    You have told me this before :wub: so I made sure I was stocked up on pretzels and juice boxes before we began. But...my girls aren't big snackers and aren't big drinkers, so it hasn't really worked in my case. Figures, huh? :laughing: Maybe over the weekend I will withhold lunch and just give them pretzels, watermelon and popsicles. They will be in heaven!!
  11. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I think it's great that they can hold it though, Chelle. I think it shows they know the difference and are strong enough to hold it when they eventually will not have a potty present. No accidents the third day is awesome! :banana: WTG girlies!

    I am still on Kevin with two times a day on the potty. Today though he actually held it and then I asked him to go and he did. All afternoon he wore a swim trunk with no diaper and never had an accident! :)
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It's fine, try not to pressure them to go, even if it's been four hours. I'm amazed at how long they can hold it too, I certainly can't hold it that long! :laughing: If they are going in their nap/bedtime pull-up though, just make it part of your routine to go potty before changing into the pull-up. If it's a routine time to go, they don't feel like I'm "making" them go, KWIM? I had to back off the bugging them to go potty thing, it just makes everyone stressed out. I only remind them to go before bed, and if we are getting ready to leave and it's going to be a somewhat long trip, and/or I don't know if we'll have potty access where we are going.
  13. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for all the advice!! One of them has totally got it now and is doing so well. The other one needs a little reminding and encouaragement, but is also going. I know we have a long road ahead of us, but it's worlds better now than the day we started last week. :Clap:
  14. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: good news Michelle!
  15. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I must be missing something. What's wrong with holding it for 3-4 hours? Isn't that the goal?
    Why would you want them to pee every hour?

    Now my dd holds it for about 12 hours no matter how much liquid I give her. I do think THAT is an issue and I am trying to remind her on a more regular basis to go. I really don't think 3-4 hours is anything but a great thing.
  16. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like they are doing great Chelley! It's actually a good thing that they can hold it so long, I would just make sure they go right before nap time or bedtime and remind them occasionally in between. You are definitely on your way to being diaper-free! :woohoo:
  17. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoplustwo @ Jun 1 2009, 11:28 AM) [snapback]1336210[/snapback]
    I must be missing something. What's wrong with holding it for 3-4 hours? Isn't that the goal?
    Why would you want them to pee every hour?

    I guess I phrased it a little wrong. They would hold it through the morning or afternoon and then go once we got the pullup on for naps or the diaper on for bedtime. I am happy that they have strong bladders and can hold it, I just wanted them to learn how to use it rather than waiting for the diaper/pullup. Does that make more sense? We have made tremendous progress with it at this point. :good:

    QUOTE(tinalb @ Jun 1 2009, 05:14 PM) [snapback]1336841[/snapback]
    Sounds like they are doing great Chelley! It's actually a good thing that they can hold it so long, I would just make sure they go right before nap time or bedtime and remind them occasionally in between. You are definitely on your way to being diaper-free! :woohoo:

    This is just what we are doing now, and it's working VERY well. :Clap:
  18. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(MichelleL @ Jun 1 2009, 08:54 PM) [snapback]1337104[/snapback]
    it's working VERY well. :Clap:

    :yahoo: :woo: I'm glad it's working!!!!!!!!!!
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