Holding in #2

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NatalieK, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    My DD has been doing great potty training, but now she does not want to poop. She is very uncomfortable and complains about it, but when I encourage her to go (either in the potty or diaper) she says "No, it will go away." It's been almost two days, which might not sound like much, but she was always going atleast once or twice a day before. I think this is connected to her refusing fruits lately and I think I've been letting her drink too much milk (She loves it). I am giving her some juice to try to help things along but she is not thrilled with the juice. Anything else I can do?
  2. Soon2Bmotherof3

    Soon2Bmotherof3 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had advice but we are going through the same thing. We are going on 4 weeks since my DS transitioned to big boy underwear and he has been doing great when it comes to peeing. As for #2 - no luck at all. He held it for 5 days in that first week and now goes about once every other day in his pants. She will eventually go - what we had to do with him was just completely ignore him when we saw he was going. If we said anything when he looked like he was starting to go (either encouragement to go or asking him to go to the potty) he would stop.

    This poop thing is so frustrating! I have tried reasoning, incentives and peer pressure (i.e best friend Vinny goes poopy on the potty so you should too) and upping the fiber/juice so he has to go more often. I'm going to the pedi today so plan on mentioning it to her and seeing if she has any advice. If she gives me any good suggestions I will come back and post them for you. Good luck - hope your daughter's strike doesn't last as long as my son's did.
  3. dtlyme

    dtlyme Well-Known Member

    Poop takes a while to get. ugh. My ONLY recommendation is to let them poop in their pants. DO NOT put a diaper on them. I have a friend whose 5 year old STILL only will poop in a diaper. So don't go there.

    We are struggling with the same thing here. She has pooped on the potty once and I praised her from heaven to earth. But yesterday she pooped in her pants. It just takes time!
  4. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    I would use baby lax or a suppository on her. My daughter did this for 3 months until we started using them and now she'll poop on her own.
  5. twins1231

    twins1231 Well-Known Member

    My daughter has been constipated since she was born. She has trouble pooping and every since we started potty training you could see her tightning her muscles and not letting things come out. She just cries.

    I asked the ped and they had me put her on Myrilax. It is a laxitive that used to be a prescription and now it is over the counter. They said start with 1/2 tsp mixed in any liquid and then we could play with the dosage if we needed more. They said things will come out more easily and she should start relaxing the muscle.

    Emily eats more fruit than any kid I've ever seen. The Myrilax has been a life saver!!!

    Mom to Samantha and Emily born 12/31/2005
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