Hives from yogurt?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E's 3, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    The last 2 times my girls have had yogurt they have broken out in hives around their mouths. They have not reacted to any other foods and have been having yogurt (same brand, same flavours) since before they were one (can't remember exactly when I introduced it). The hives last about 30 minutes or so and then go away. I haven't noticed any other symptoms. I guess I should stop giving it to them!

    Anyone else had this happen? They seem to be fine with all other milk products...
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's weird.. although allergies are a "learned" response, so they can pop up at any time. Maybe it's the flavouring? I'd try plain yogurt to see whether it's the yogurt or the other stuff in it.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would maybe question the flavor? Strawberry? I remember having a student in preschool and she kept breaking out in hives. It was so weird. We couldn't figure it out...but then we looked at the lunch menu and saw strawberries and she was eating something with them as an ingredient.

    I would put a call into the pedi and see what they say. Good luck!
  4. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I thought of the flavour thing too but the first time one had peach, the other had apple and today one had vanilla and the other had banana.

    I also find it so incredibly weird that it happened to both of them the same day. I keep trying to figure out if it's something else but the only thing that was the same about both the meals they had before the hives appeared was the yogurt. Maybe I'm missing something...
  5. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I just looked at the ingredients and there's a lot of other fruit juices in all the flavours, like pineapple, so maybe that's what it is. I think I'm going to ditch this stuff and go back to a plain one. Usually I'm a crazy label reader and for some reason I never read the label on this brand...that'll teach me!
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was going to say that maybe it's one of the additives in the flavourings. Pineapple could definitely do it.. I know whenever I have pineapple my mouth gets all red around it.. doesn't stop me from eating it because pineapple is delicious ;) .
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Are you sure it's hives? Could it be eczema? Nate would flare up around his mouth when eating anything vaguely acidic when his eczema wasn't under control. Either way, I think you have the right idea switching back to plain yogurt. :good:

    Oh yeah, I love me some pineapple. When I was pregnant, I ate half of an entire pineapple in one sitting, and had sores in my mouth for a week! :laughing:
  8. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Nate and Jack's Mom' date='28 July 2011 - 03:14 PM' timestamp='1311884048' post='1806773']
    Are you sure it's hives? Could it be eczema? Nate would flare up around his mouth when eating anything vaguely acidic when his eczema wasn't under control. Either way, I think you have the right idea switching back to plain yogurt. :good:

    It's a raised, red, patchy looking rash that is all over their face and chin (except their forehead) that looks like what I would expect hives to look like but who knows!. I'll be sure to bring it up at their next appointment. Now I almost want to smear a little on their face to see if it happens strange!
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