Hitting us in the face...............

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by WENDERELLA, Jun 14, 2007.


    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    is driving me crazy.........................any suggestions besides holding his hand and saying no or putting him down? James started this 2 weeks ago and it's getting progressively worse.............he thinks it is funny........even when I put him in the crib, he either laughs or whimpers for like 30 seconds and then is fine..............any new ideas are welcome!!! TIA!!!!!!!
  2. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I would try to react as little as possible as hard as that is. If he does it just put him down. Most likely he is intriqued by the reaction that he's going to get from you. If he doesn't get a reaction then it won't be fun for him anymore. Sorry, I hope that this phase passes quickly.
  3. Tif3

    Tif3 Well-Known Member

    I agree with the pp. Try not to react at all and he will get bored with it. I know its hard but it really is probably the only thing that will work.
    Consider yourself lucky my ds (14 months old) likes to head butt people!! ;)

  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would just very calmly say "we don't hit" (no emotion - very matter of fact) and then put him in a place (like high chair turned away from the action) for a min and 20 secs. Just say it "we don't hit, time out" and then when the time is up, let him up and play. He won't remember what he was there for at the end at that age, but eventually it will mean something. The initial shock of being away from the action at hand will be hard for him!
  5. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    Leighanna likes to hit too, she hits her sister in the head and hit us if shes mad. We tell her "we don't hit" then we say "we love each other, we give hugs and kisses." Then she'll give us or her sister a hug. It seems to work will well for us. HTH
  6. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Cooper just started this too. Must be the age :D Like the PP's said we just tell him No and get a firm hold on his hand so he can't do it again.
  7. admomom

    admomom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(WENDERELLA @ Jun 14 2007, 10:09 PM) [snapback]292890[/snapback]
    is driving me crazy.........................any suggestions besides holding his hand and saying no or putting him down? James started this 2 weeks ago and it's getting progressively worse.............he thinks it is funny........even when I put him in the crib, he either laughs or whimpers for like 30 seconds and then is fine..............any new ideas are welcome!!! TIA!!!!!!!
  8. admomom

    admomom Well-Known Member

    I hear you - had/having tough time with one boy, the supposedly more sensitive one. For me the "we don't hit", don't react, just put him down, time out etc. didn't seem to lessen behavior. Probably because I wasn't consistent enough due to my own frustration and fatigue. It didn't help that DH and DN (even dearer nanny) did not seem to be targets. For the last couple of month, I try to look for triggers and get my face out of his reach. Triggers are usually attention seeking like he was trying to say "mommy don't even LOOK at my brother" or "I'm angry because you kissed my brother before me", etc. When he does catch me off guard and make contact, I try to respond by mirroring how he reacts to a minor injury. I pout, pull back, rub the affected spot and say with words (no whining, another issue), "ow-ie, that hurt. mommy does not hit you. you do not hit mommy. Kiss please? Hope this helps - good luck.
  9. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    My Lilly likes to slap us around too, but I don't know if she knows twhat she is doing. I have been taking it as if she wants to touch my face but can't do it softly, what I do is I take her hand and I have her caress my face, and I say "soft" "nice" and then she tries to do it herself, but it only lasts a second before she slaps again. Still, I don't think she means to hurt. I don't know if at this age they know what that is.

    WENDERELLA Well-Known Member

    well, we are trying our best and not getting too frustrated...........................hopefully this phase will pass soon! Not that I wish this 'hitting' on any of you, it'd a bit comforting knowing that it seems somewhat common................and I'm glad it's not so much between them but directed at us...............thanks for all the comments and suggestions........it seems like we were doing what we need to be, so it was good affirmation from yall! THANKS!!!!!!
  11. Brownsugar

    Brownsugar Well-Known Member

    The hitting me in the face is driving me crazy too!! My son thinks it's very funny. I tell him no, we don't hit, but he laughs. Most of the time it's when doesn't get what he wants, he'll hit me or his sister in the face and laugh. I have started doing time out (like the pp said - away from the action) for a minute of two. Sometimes if I take something from him that he is not supposed to have and replace it with a toy, he will run and fall on the floor then come back over to me and touch me, not hit, but touch me. I laugh on the inside, but show no emotion and move his hand off my body. What's up with that?
  12. Amanda+2

    Amanda+2 Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you. I don't really have any adivce, I'm new to all this discipline stuff, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one. I think I might try the no reaction and just putting them down if they do it. They def love to get a reaction out of me!
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