Hitting me

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cohlee, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    I have posted before about my monster child and her temper tantrums and her hitting, well it is OUT OF CONTROL! She has beating the CRAP out of me! She goes for my face! The other day she actually scratched my eyeball and today she ripped a fistful of hair from my head and I have scratches down the side of my face. It took everything in me NOT to hit her back.

    HELP please!
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Hugs. Is she having any problems expressing herself? (ie - can she talk and tell you what she needs?) How about hearing? Do you think perhaps she's frustrated or overwhelmed because she can't understand things or communicate her needs?

    [I wrote all that and realized how silly my questions probably are... so I guess I have nothing... other than a big hug!]
  3. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Actually someone else had suggested having her hearing checked too, but I know she knows what I am saying and she can speak (not as well as her sister but as well as any other 2yr old).

    I am at my wits end with this child! She beat me for a good 15mins leaving the eye doctor today, there was nothing I could do because I could not put her down in a crowded hospital. When we got to the car I strapped her in the carseat and left her there throwing a fit while I stood outside the car trying to get my self under control.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: I have nothing again but hugs!! I know that they used to be in EI have you thought about calling them and seeing if they had any suggestions?? :grouphug:
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    :hug: :hug: :hug: Big hugs to you!

    I would still recommend getting her hearing checked. My nephew was the same way. He would respond to you and spoke a little. So my brother and SIL thought there was no way it could be his hearing. Come to find out....it was! His was due to ear infections that caused scar tissue. He had tubes put in and had a little bit of speech therapy and is now back on track speech wise. His aggressiveness has improved DRAMATICALLY since they did all this.

    I would certainly, at least, discuss your concern about her outbursts with your ped. Maybe he/she can help you figure it out.
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Cohlee - I just thought of a few more questions. Does she mainly have tantrums in stressful situations (like the hospital yesterday), when you're moving from one activity to the next, when she doesn't get what she wants, or is it random? If there's a specific trigger, you might be able to work on just that for now. And I agree with maybe asking EI to come back out and observe for a little while to see if they have any tricks that might work.
  7. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Can I choose all of the above? She is just a very stubborn, strong willed little girl and will have a tantrum for any reason she sees fit. The thing with the hospital yesterday was she wanted to walk, I said she had to hold my hand and she kept trying to pull away, I gave her 3 warnings that if she did not hold my hand I would have to pick her up, then I picked her up and she was p*ssed and scratched the heck out of my face and ripped my hair out.

    We had out EI eval last week and I am sure she still qualifies for self care, so I am going to tell her I really want to work on communication and temper tantrums, see what she thinks.
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Why are your girls in EI? I think I missed something.. And what does 'self care' mean??

    Are you worried that there is something EXTRA going on besides being a bratty 2 yr old? (i have two who sound A LOT like your daughter..)
  9. christineinhk

    christineinhk Well-Known Member

    If she is strong willed, perhaps offer her more CHOICES in as many situations as possible.

    Can you imagine telling a strong willed person to do everything your way only (or its the highway?), they see red and retaliate. If they have choices, they calm down a lot.

    Certainly check out the hearing as well.

    GOod luck and big hugs
  10. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    :hug: WOW!! my one twin is the same way, but with his twin only.. he takes everything out on him . I am also @ my wits end with this boy.. does she just do it to you?

    I take my DS & hold him in a bear hug with his arms by his side & let him get as angry as he wants but he can't move until he calms down. that does work SOMETIMES.

    good luck.. & ur not alone..
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