hip pain at night

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jenanne, Nov 17, 2007.

  1. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I have just entered the lovely world of excruciating hip pain. I only get it night, starting around 4 am. Up until that time I am of course flipping from side to side at least 8 times so both sides are killing me by 4. I use a body pillow between my legs, and I tried using it differently when I saw a post last week about keeping your lower leg straight and hanging your upper leg over the pillow, nothing is working for me!!! I don't want to take Tylenol but my sleep is so poor these days with the bathroom visits and now this. I guess I needed to whine a bit :) Have any of you had this and found a solution?
  2. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    i havent found much relief but i do know that when im on my back(which some ppl say that is bad) it allows me to get a couple winks in. i go to the bathroom every time i turn over and by the morning my hips are sore as well. i have used a heating pad on hips on medium and try to keep it away from my belly. not sure if any of this helps. i dont like taking tylenol either. have u tried a warm bath to relax all ur muscles b4 u go to bed maybe that will make it alittle easier?? hope it gets better for u and not worse
  3. camdensmommy

    camdensmommy Well-Known Member

    My hips have been hurting since about 20 weeks, it started with just at night when I was laying, but now, it is anytime I change positions get up to potty, lift my leg up... any lifting motion really. I found the pillow helped, and tylenol, but last week when I was in the hospital it was hurting so bad. I told me doc, and he gave me some flexerill, it helped so much- I didn't have any pain for 2 or 3 days. And then last week it came back with avengence. So- come to find out- they babies had gone head down when the pain go better- but now little miss baby a is back transverse in my hips- so I know it is her doing it. So there is not much I can do for it! Just keep trying different positions with your body pillow, and take some tylenol if it means you can get some rest ;)
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Ugh, I remember that all too well. I felt like all I did was flip from one side to the other every night. I used the pregnancy boppy between my knees too, hoping that would help, but it didn't. We even bough a memory foam for our bed thinking it would help. And it did for a bit, but then it was back. I am sad to say that the only thing that worked for me was delivery my babies, after they were born was when the pain went away. I remember the same thing with my oldest DD too.
  5. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    I had the same problem with my second pregnancy. I tried 4 different pillows, nothing worked. It was awful not to sleep so I asked my doctor if I could sleep on my back if I propped my back up. He said yes, so for the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy I slept on my back with 2 pillows propping me up. It was almost like how you would be in a hospital bed. It worked great, but it took a few days to get used to sleeping almost in a sitting position. Good luck....
  6. nettiemom

    nettiemom Active Member

    Mine have been bad for some time but the last few nights have had me in tears. There's just no getting comfortable! I have to switch every 10 - 15 min and when I do it's been excruciating. I, too, have wondered what can be done but from my experience birth is about it. ;) I am going to try soaking in the tub from now on before bed, maybe that will help, but getting out of the tub isn't so easy anymore either. :)
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