Hilarious handout from the pediatrician

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    From our "well child care at 4 years" handout:

    "Breaking rules occasionally occurs at this age. Making children stand in a corner by themselves for 4 minutes is usually an effective punishment."

    Well, I'm glad to know it's just that easy. :rotflmbo:
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :laughing: I love those hand outs we get at our doctor's office too. Da&n, who knew it was SO simple. And the use of the word "occassionally" is funny as well :D
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Yep, definitely effective :good:
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Ooooh, "occasionally"! Sounds great, sign me up! :rofl:
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sure would be nice if it were that easy. :wacko:
  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Now THAT's funny! If they were in my house, it would state "Breaking rules happens daily. Making Mom go to her room for 31 minutes should be effective in helping to save her sanity". I often wish I were told to go take a time out for 31 minutes (a minute for every year of age, right?)
  7. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

  8. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    ooh Melissa - I get 33 minutes! LOL

    And now I know where the book on how to raise a 4yr old is!! Wonder if they have how to raise a 5y old and a 7yr old too!!!
  9. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :laughing: If only it were that easy!
  10. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo:
  11. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    We got the SAME handout here in NH. The really funny thing is the fact that you brought this up! I was just saying this exact same thing to my sister the other day. LOL. I had found this hand out (after 6 months) and read it and that line caught my eye. Don't the people who write these things work with children??????
  12. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think it's the AAP boilerplate -- the ped probably hasn't even read it. What I thought was funniest was that that was the entire "behavior" section. :laughing:
  13. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

  14. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Stand in the corner...ha! I'm just glad mine actually stay in one place in timeout...usually they lay down and put their feet up on the wall..I can't imagine trying to get them to stand. However...I might just have to try that :D
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