High-quality management training programs or courses

Discussion in 'General' started by doublewishes, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. doublewishes

    doublewishes Member

    Does anyone have recommendations for high-quality management training programs or courses, specifically focused on product management skills? I'm based in the U.S. and interested in developing expertise for leading product teams, especially those working on AI and machine learning initiatives. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. axyezaza

    axyezaza Member

    I'm not totally certain, but I think I came across an online school called ELVTR that offers something relevant to what you're looking for. From what I can recall, they have a course called "Product Management for AI and ML" which seems like it could potentially align with your needs for product management training geared towards AI/ML products and projects. You may want to check out their website at https://elvtr.com/course/product-management-for-ai-and-ml to see all the details on that specific course - the curriculum, cost, schedule, etc. I don't have any firsthand experience with them, so I can't vouch for the quality. But based on the course title, it might be worth exploring further if it matches what you're seeking. Of course, I'd encourage you to thoroughly research any options to ensure they meet your requirements and expectations. Let me know if you need any other suggestions as you're looking into management training opportunities.
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