High pulse (but not blood pressure) in 2nd trimester?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by desolation_anonymous, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    A little worried, because my pulse was around 80 before pregnancy, up until last weekend it was 88 resting- (we bought a home blood pressure monitor due to high blood pressure due to nerves at doctors office...)

    After yesterday all day up and down on my feet, my pulse (THIS MORING) is 95-105 RESTING


    Anyone else experience anything like this? Should I be concerned?
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Definitely talk to your OB about it. Towards the end, I would go in for NST's and my heartrate would stay in the 140's forever...it actually caused me to be admitted more than once. I was put on something for it at the end, because it was so high, all of the time. I had EKG's and heart u/s's done during one of my hospital stays, and they could never find anything. They attributed it to the extra blood volume of the twin pregnancy.

    If you notice it being high, lay on your left side and rest for awhile. It helped to keep mine down. :hug99: Towards the end, I couldn't get up at all because of the racing heart, not to mention I was as big as a house!
  3. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

  4. melstofko

    melstofko Well-Known Member

    Last time I went in to get checked out my BP was really low 96/60 and my heartrate was almost 100. I was laying on my left side and had not been doing anything strenuous. They said it could be from a number of things such as expanded blood volume, dehydration, etc. Usually when your BP is lower (which often happens in pregnancy also) your heartrate compensates by going up a bit. I would watch it and if continues to trend upward call your doc. Otherwise try to take it easy, tons of water and rest and bring it up at your next OB appt. :D
  5. VivGuest

    VivGuest Well-Known Member

    I've been having a high heart rate too. At my last visit to my OB on monday she said it could be because I was anemic. She had already put me on iron supplements for it at the visit before that. Like the pp said, it could be so many different things, I think it wouldn't hurt to call.
  6. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    I don't know about pulse, but I would get winded if I did a lot of talking during a conversation! Pretty embarassing at work. Twins do crazy stuff to your body!
  7. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    My pulse was high in my second and third trimesters as well. I would always take it on our home blood pressure monitor every morning when I woke up. It was always around 90-100. My doctor said it was fine, and my blood pressure was perfectly fine throughout my pregnancy.
  8. Mommyof3in05

    Mommyof3in05 Well-Known Member

    YOur pulse increases during pregnacy because you are moving blood to the babies so your heart is working harder.
  9. laurajrad

    laurajrad Well-Known Member

    By the end of my pregnancy my heart rate was consistently in the 140's. HTH!
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I know with my first pregnancy my resting heart rate was really high & it turned out to be my thyroid levels. Just something that required monitoring & went back to normal after I delivered. So, I would definitely mention it to your doctor next time your in for a visit.
  11. My pulse has gone from 60bpm to around 100bpm throughout the pregnancy! I was able to work out very strenuously pre-pregnancy and still have a pulse of 100...now I can barely exercise at all, I feel like I can't breathe. Like a pp mentioned, I even get winded in conversations sometimes. This twin thing sure can kick your butt! I think it's just a workout in and of itself!
  12. kcole

    kcole Well-Known Member

    YES! I experienced this with my multiple pregnancy and this one as well! Your heart is working overtime these days!
  13. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    Mine was also high during pg. I was even on bedrest! It's a lot of blood to pump!
  14. angelf

    angelf Well-Known Member

    I talked with my ob about my high pulse during my first trimester. He told me that my body is so busy pumping blood to the babies that it has to work extra hard when I need extra blood for anything (even just sitting up!). I also get winded very easily for the same reason.

    Judging by the pp's, I would talk to your ob because it looks like it could be a myriad of things. Good luck!
  15. davispigeon

    davispigeon Active Member

    I just checked mine and it was 105! My resting heart rate is usually in the high 60s, low 70s. Yikes!
  16. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    Mine was high when my blood pressure would drop. I dealt with very low blood pressure and related issues (faintness, racing pulse) throughout my pregnancy. It actually started before I even knew I was pregnant. But do mention it. I was referred to a cardiologist just to make sure everything was okay.
  17. wenmel

    wenmel New Member

    I am currently at 25 weeks and my pulse rate has been between 110-140. My blood pressure has been normal but I just can't breathe. I get dizzy and tired as soon as this starts. I'm sure this is normal but it scares me to have my pulse rate so high!!
  18. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    I don't know what my resting pulse rate is exactly, but I know I feel increases in the rate pretty frequently (I'm in my 2nd tri). In fact, last night as I was laying in bed, all of a sudden my heart rate increased. I was just laying there on my left side, doing nothing. I am assuming it is normal and has to do with increased blood demand, but maybe I'll mention it to my OB. Anyway, you're definitely not alone!
  19. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    My heart rate prepregnancy was in the high 70's low 80's. During the second trimester, it shot up to the high 90's. By delivery, it was RESTING in the low 100's. My doc wasn't concerned, as my BP was always low. He said it was due to the seriously high blood volume you have with twins. I delivered 11 days ago, and my heart rate is in the lower 90's now. Steadily going down....
  20. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    Not 100% sure what my heart rate is, but I have had some experiences of my heart racing and thumping out of my chest it feels like when I was lying down or not doing anything strenuous at all! My OB said it's totally normal as your blood pressure is naturally lower during pregnancy and with the increased blood volume that means that you heart has to work overtime to keep it pumping all around to those babies!

    He also said that if you kind of clench all of your muscles for a few seconds that it can release something that will make your heart calm down a little if it's making you uncomfortable.
  21. Kayla_Pray22

    Kayla_Pray22 Well-Known Member

    my pulse hasnt been under 100 since i was 18 weeks. It usually runs 110-130...my dr said its not good but its halfway normal for a small girl with twins. He put me on bedrest for that and a couple of other things also. But as far as he could find nothings wrong just a lot of stress on my body.

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