High fever 104.8.....help

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by My3girlsDMJ, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. My3girlsDMJ

    My3girlsDMJ Member

    I brought all three girls to the doctor today but only one
    had a high fever(103.9)...he sent me home said to give fluids
    and motrin and call/come back in 2 more days if the fever isn't
    gone. It started on Sat early am..........what would you do?

    I am using little colds wipes,popsicles, juice & gatorade
    and I think I may put her back in the tub????

    She is 3 years old and 26lbs

    Thank you,

  2. homewithmy3

    homewithmy3 Well-Known Member

    When my girls got high fever I would alternate Tylenol then Motrin. I would take their clothes off and get a cool wash cloth and cool down their feet and head. I had them run around in the house with just their panties on. I had them drink 7-up, Orange Juice, LOTS of water.Most of their drinks had ice in it. The only thing they would eat was Pineapple,watermellon.

    All three of mine just recently had the high fever 2days each. Just when I got one healthy the other would come down with a high fever. Eachone's fever lasted about 2days. They were so tired, no energy and HOT. The one thing that I found that cooled them down the most was getting a cool wash cloth and rubbing their feet and head. My kids dont like the cool tub so the wash cloth was much easier to do.

    Ramzie 6/8/00
    Malena & Sofia 6/27/03
  3. My3girlsDMJ

    My3girlsDMJ Member

    Thank you for your quick reply............Her temp went up to 105.1
    but the cold wipes and popsicles finally did the trick.

    None of my girls ever had a temp over 103 before.
  4. My3girlsDMJ

    My3girlsDMJ Member

    I was really scared.........thank you again for taking the time,

  5. LLA

    LLA Well-Known Member

    I am sorry that she is so sick. I really do not have anything to add, but wanted to send wishes for a quite recovery.
  6. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    Poor little one! I hope she gets better soon. My son would spike fevers to 105 when he was little. I would alternate the Tyenol and Motrin every two hours until the fever went down. I also put him in a luke warm bath.
  7. mom i am

    mom i am Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Poor little girl.

    104.8 would scare me as well. [​IMG] Hope she feels better soon.
  8. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I'd be calling my pedi again- this is day what, 4?
  9. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    My dd has gone up to 104.9 this week.. she has an ear infection and a really nasty cold virus... I have rotated Motrin/tylenol every 3 hours at night to keep the fever down...and I give her motrin for nap... her fever seems to spike when she's sleeping...I make sure to keep her dressed lightly for sleep. I don't give her meds during the day unless she starts to get warm. I know that you aren't supposed to do a rotation of meds for more than 24/7 straight...so I try not to do it unless her fever keeps going up after the meds wear out. I would call the ped again if it's still around today. My dd has been over 103 every day since Saturday...so that's 4 days now...I took her in two days ago and now she's on antibiotics for ear infection..but if her temp is still high today and tomorrow I'm calling the doc again. 103 doesn't worry me much...but 105 makes me nervous. some kids have seizures at 103...but I know from past experience my dd is okay as high as 105...not that I let it stay there... I prefer stripping them down to undies, using a cold cloth on their head, since that's usually the hotest place and using motrin b/c it works much faster to bring a high temp down low.
  10. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    It is so scary seeing our kids so sick!

    ITA with alternating every 3 hours with motrin tylenol so the fever gets below 102. That is what the ER doc told us when Josh's fever got up to 105 with pneu. As long as your girl is drinking, the fever just has to run its course. It can last that long. But if she is on Rx it should make her feel better in 48 hours or so. That is when Josh started to be more like himself after all the antibiotics for his pneu.

    OHHH NO GATORAIDE! That is too harsh for kids stomachs. Can you get some pedialyte liquid or pops? My boys chugged that after 24 virus of puking/diarrhea finally subsided.

    Hang in there!
  11. My3girlsDMJ

    My3girlsDMJ Member

    Originally posted by 1girltwinboyz:
    It is so scary seeing our kids so sick!

    OHHH NO GATORAIDE! That is too harsh for kids stomachs. Can you get some pedialyte liquid or pops? My boys chugged that after 24 virus of puking/diarrhea finally subsided.

    Hang in there!

    Thank you! My girls are allergic to red dye so we have pedialyte
    unflavored but she wouldn't drink it..........so clear gatorade
    and blue ice are our backups. She also drank organic tea specifically made for kids w/colds and white grape juice. I pretty much offered her
    everyting. Typically gatorade wouldn't even be an option.

    I really appreciate everyone's advice/well wishes and her fever is down to 102.9 this am.


  12. cowgirl

    cowgirl Well-Known Member

    My pedi also said anytime a fever is that high he looks around the head. Usually there is ear infections or strep throat going along with a fever that high. Did you get a strep test? I would be calling back.

  13. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that you were able to get a response when you needed it.

    I just wanted to point out that you don't have to have a 'cold' or cool bath. The regular bath temperature is still going to be cooler than 102, 103, etc.

    My son did the 105.2 thing a couple of weeks ago. I took him to the ER. Wasted trip - I hate those! They just called it tonsilitus. But it's sure scary when they come in at 3:30 am and you touch them and you feel them burning up!

    Such scary stuff.
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