High BP, protein in urine, Contractions and Dilated

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by dallasm, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    Ok so I am 3cm dilated, have protein in urine, have high bp and contracting daily since Saturday. Why is it that no one seems to be too concerned? I had a NST and they looked great. Is that why they dont seem to want to do anything about it? When should I be worried?? Any thoughts?
  2. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    Well honestly I would be worried now ... Why aren't the drs doing anything ? I had all those symptoms with my first son i had pre -eclampsia ... When do you see the dr again
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm not sure when they'd worry. If I were you, I'd give them a call back and tell them YOU are worried. :hug:
  4. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    I emailed them because I was worried after everything I have read (thanks to having too much time on my hands due to bedrest!) and she said that they are monitoring me via NST testing that if I see spots, have blurry vision, or abdominal pain (hmm...not sure how I can tell the difference between that and contractions) that I should go to l and d. I have another visit on Friday so I guess that they feel I will be ok!
  5. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    Trust me You would know the diff in the pain they are talking about and contractions it feels like somethings just not right !! as long as they are watching you really close try not to worry to much !! hang in there
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Id say for the contractions & dilation your almost 35 weeks so thats no problem. You are right on track!

    As for the high BP what are you calling high? As for the protien in urine how much? was it a trace or 1, 2, 3?
  7. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree how high was the bp and the protein level?

    My ob was "careful" of my bp when it was 140/80, modified bed rest and salt free diet. When it hit 170/110 I went on bp pills 4 times a day and it went BACK down to 140/80, where it stayed for the rest of my pregnancy with my ds. I never spilled any protein so it was just high bp, not pre-e.

    I know it's worrisome but unless you have a brand new dr, I'm sure he's watching you carefully :)
  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had a one shot deal with protein in the urine and BP but it all depends on your baseline BP and present BP. My baseline is usually 116/50's and it got up to 160/ 95 they look at the second (the lower number diastolic for people under 55) I just had my own BP machine and took it every 3 hours or so. I really found bedrest was the best. I did go into the hospital for about 2 days since I had some swelling that increased on my shins area which is more telling than just the other swelling I had with my Kankles. When I was in the hospital my BP dropped back down to normal and I was on no meds there. The reason was I was lying down and being fed, no stairs to climb in the hospital.

    Hope that helps you some. I'd definately get a BP machine it was worth it.

  9. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I also had BH contractions for months at the end of my pregnancy "irritable uterus" I guess is common in twin pg. My stomach would contract for hours and all throughout the day. Some docs give meds in the U.S. but I've never heard of them helping. I did take Codeine some nights when I was having a hard time with the contractions and the pubic pain (symphis pubis).
  10. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    I was told with Pre-E your swelling is in your hands and face real bad. I had it, but my swelling was gradual. I thought I looked ok, because I was used to seeing it every day. But my mom and MIL thought I looked really sick and swollen compared to the week before. At my next appt I had a higher BP than normal, but still in the normal range. I was concerned though, because it was high for me, since I'm always low. I also found I had protein in my urine, and had a few weeks back but nothing was done because my BP was ok (I didn't know about the protein the few weeks back. If I had I probably would have freaked out about it then, but I was a little irritated it wasn't brought to my attention). I really questioned him this time, but he still wasn't very concerned either. He was going to do a blood workup - I guess the only real way to know the protein #'s for sure, but said I could go to L&D and have them do it there so I could find out sooner. That's what I did, and sure enough I had Pre-E and had my c-section that night. I also had contractions the entire night before (they stopped just as I was thinking about going in) and I went from a 0 at the dr.'s office to a 3 at the hospital. I think all the contractions and the fact that you're dialating is your body's way of telling you you're ready to get these babies out. A friend of mine went to her 31 week checkup with no issues prior. She had considerable swelling in the week and found her BP had skyrocketed. They sent her to L&D for suspected Pre-E and her water broke on the way.

    It sounds like they are monitoring you in some way and at least you have another appt soon. It also looks like you're far enough along to have these babies without any concerns, so I'd try to take it easy the next couple days, because Friday might be the day! Good luck.
  11. kryscline

    kryscline Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(dallasm @ Dec 16 2008, 03:51 PM) [snapback]1113139[/snapback]
    Ok so I am 3cm dilated, have protein in urine, have high bp and contracting daily since Saturday. Why is it that no one seems to be too concerned? I had a NST and they looked great. Is that why they dont seem to want to do anything about it? When should I be worried?? Any thoughts?

    I would be very concerned if I were you. Did your dr actually say there is nothing to worry about? You should double check on that.
    Lots of luck. :)
  12. dallasm

    dallasm Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(E&Msmom @ Dec 16 2008, 08:08 PM) [snapback]1113210[/snapback]
    Id say for the contractions & dilation your almost 35 weeks so thats no problem. You are right on track!

    As for the high BP what are you calling high? As for the protien in urine how much? was it a trace or 1, 2, 3?
    The bp was 135/98 ( i am usually 112/70 as an average this whole time up until Saturday) and protein was a 3! I have been a 1 for a couple months and they didnt say anything about it. My bp was slowly rising up and now its high. i go back in Friday for a NST so we will see!Today I woke up with mega cramps and a LOT of mucus discharge so I am hoping they will be making an entrance soon! Thanks ladies for your advice and stories!

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