High Ability program.

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Chrissy Nelson, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    Both of the girls got picked to go into the high ability program this year. The program is a split class of 2nd and 3rd graders and they learn at an accelerated pace. My big problem with this is the girls are in 2nd grade but they go to lunch with the 3rd graders, recess with the 3rd graders and even do their holiday programs with the 3rd. graders. There is only 1 classroom like this with a totla of 19 children. Out of these 19 there is only 8 from the 2nd grade and of those only 5 that they know. Yesterday was the first day of school and they are already sad that their recess time with their second grade friends is already shortened as well as not being able to eat with them at lunch.

    Zoe said some kids were asking why they go with the 3rd graders etc. I am happy that the girls are above on their learning but am also starting to second guess our agreement in putting them in this program. Social interaction is also extremly important to me as well.

    Has anyone else dealt with a similar program at school??
  2. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I haven't been through this .. but congratulations to the girls ! You must be proud !

    I would give it a little time and see how things go. Maybe they just need some time to adjust. I hope it works out for them .. it sounds like they are where they need to be academically. But that social stuff can be very important too.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Prior to the twins' arrival, I was the director of gifted and talented ed. for our district, which included 45 elementary schools. I also used to teach in the gifted program.

    A couple thoughts...socially and emotionally, your girls probably have lots in common with the kids' in their class, even if they are split grades (which lots of times is a reality, seeing as how there are limited numbers of kids at each grade in the program). In my opinion, the benefit of an accelerated program far outweighs the minor social inconveniences. They are still adjusting and it will take time.

    My words of advice to parents who called my office that first week of school...wait. You really need to wait and let your girls establish some friendships. They also need some time to immerse themselves in the program. Usually kids find that they enjoy being challenged. As a result, they are willing to trade their lunch recess with friends, knowing that they are getting the most of their academic hours.

    On the flip side, as a parent, I think it is important for you to ask how your girls are getting exposure to their peers. For example, do they have PE, Music, computers, etc. with general ed 2nd graders? I think those are fair questions to ask.
  4. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    They have no classes with 2nd graders at all. I went ahead and emailed the teacher :FIFblush: I know it is still early but yesterday Allison was crying because she said she has no friends anymore. So it really breaks my heart. I also know that they are on an alternating schedule so next year if they are still in the program they will then be with the 2nd graders so once again they will be on an off schedule. I suggested to the teacher that they alternate semesters for the lunch and recess that way both the 2nd and 3rd graders get a chance with their friends but I am sure that will not happen.
  5. momofangels

    momofangels Well-Known Member

    DS was in the AT (Academically Talented) program when he was in 4th and 5th grade. It was in a different school, and he was away from all his friends at the old school. And at the new school, he was kind of an outsider (just KIND OF, since their was an entire classroom made up of kids from all over the school district).
    I know it's not 2nd and 3rd, but some of your worries seemed similar to mine.
    He told me (now that he's in 7th) that he's glad he went to it. He was pretty bored before he switched, and he liked being challenged and around kids who didn't make fun of him for being smart, or think he was geeky b/c he liked school.
    On the other hand, not all kids can adjust. Some drop out, and it's not always b/c they can't hack it grade-wise. In a way, I'm glad neither of the other two got chosen for that program!
    I talked to a mother whose DS went in the program, and whose DD decided against it. They're a year apart, and both were valedictorian of their class in HS.
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I hope they adjust. I really enjoy the gifted and talented myself but we had enough to have kids who were all the same grade
  7. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I agree with giving them time.

    We moved a lot when I was kid and it was hard to go to a 'new' setting.

    In one location,I was in a split level GT pull-out class and it took awhile to get used to it, but I adjusted. It was awkward for awhile- but it all evened out once the dust of a new year settled.I also made some good friends the time I was there that I may not have made otherwise.
  8. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    I guess they get arouns 10 min with the 2nd graders on recess. They do have their program with the 2nd graders this year which is a bonus. Zoe seems to be adjusting well making alot of 3rd grade friends. As long as they play kickball she is good. Allison is still struggling but still I am hoping she will adjust.

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