Hi! We are now joining you here in this forum!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    I feel like we have accomplished a milestone and we are now over here in the 1-4 year forum!
    What a year it has been for us and I am getting ready for what is next in the upcoming years ahead!
    I have a few questions for you all that I hope that I can get answers to! It's a mixture of ?'s so any advise would be great!

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.

    Please Help a first time mom out!

  2. alankford

    alankford Well-Known Member

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day? My twins are 17 months and still take 2 naps a day.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them? I just gave shots when the pedi told us to.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition? I did transition to sippy cups and milk at the same time. I also did it cold turkey. Worked perfect for us. We had to try a few different cups. They didn't drink great for about 2 days and then they have been great ever since.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day? 3 sippy cups and day and regular cups with water at meals

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib. We have dinner, take baths, brush teeth, get a sippy cup with milk, read a book and put them into thier cribs awake and turn on thier aquariums.
  3. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?

    The beebs kept skipping their afternoon nap and just playing in their cribs. I took it as a sign that they were ready to move to one nap. We made the switch at about 11.5 months and within a few days it was great.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?

    I didn't delay vaccines.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?

    We did formula and milk together...gradually increasing the amount of milk. We did 2 ounces of formula replaced with milk for 3 days, then 4 ounces for 3 days, and so forth until we were at all milk.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?

    At about 12.5 months I ditched the bottles. The beebs get milk in the morning, afternoon and evening in sippy cups and a sippy with water or water and juice once a day.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours?

    Since the bottles are gone, we let them play longer, then they come upstairs (on non bath nights) and get their jammies on and then my husband and I each read them a story. We give them their lovies and their pacifiers and tell them goodnight, and close the door :) Oh bath nights, they play less, but then get a bath before the jammie portion of our nighttime routine.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?

    15 months for us.

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?

    At 11 months, one week, we did it cold turkey. Formula in bottles one day, milk in sippies the next.

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?

    When we switched to milk in sippies, they were getting three bottles per day.

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.

    Ever since my girls could sit my routine has been to bring them in their room and do jammies, teeth, and books. After that we snuggle and I sing for a bit and then off to bed they go.
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    1. we went to one nap at 15 months, but I would have liked to wait a little longer (we did it for a vacation)

    2. All vaccines on schedule

    3. I bf, started 3oz's of whole milk/day and increased every 2-3 weeks while weaning. they get 2 8oz sippies a day.

    4. We stopped bottles around 9/10 months when mine wouldn't take them anymore.

    5. it has always been very simple, at 6:30/7pm we put them in PJ's, sleep sack and carry them upstairs and say night night!!!! (they did nurse before bed at your guys age)
  6. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    First of all, hi! Congratulations on making it through the first year with twins and welcome to the 1-4 forum!!

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    I feel like we have accomplished a milestone and we are now over here in the 1-4 year forum!
    What a year it has been for us and I am getting ready for what is next in the upcoming years ahead!
    I have a few questions for you all that I hope that I can get answers to! It's a mixture of ?'s so any advise would be great!

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?
    One dd went to 1 nap at 12 months and the other one at 14.5 months.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?
    We didn't delay them.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?
    We started by taking away an ounce of formula and adding an ounce of milk. Every 3-4 days we would take away another ounce of formula and substitute it with whole milk and so on until they were drinking milk only.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?
    At 12 months, my girls were drinking 2 8oz bottles of milk (sometimes 3).

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.
    Good, the sooner you break that habit the better. If they just want to be put in their crib to sleep, consider it a blessing. Some people have the opposite problem of trying to get their kids to sleep with OUT rocking.

    Please Help a first time mom out!

  7. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(nadana77 @ Aug 11 2008, 03:53 PM) [snapback]924852[/snapback]
    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?
    14 months. I LOVE the one-nap day!

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?
    I didn't delay them (well, by a month but that was just because I couldn't get an appointment). Our MMR is divided into three small doses here anyway (Ontario, Canada).

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?
    I started the transition at 11 months - adding an ounce of whole milk to each bottle and taking away an ounce of formula, adding another ounce each week...and by 12.5 months they were pretty much on all milk.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?
    We were down to one bottle per day at 14 months (the rest was milk in sippies) and then we ditched the bottles altogether at 15 months. My doctor advised us that 15 months was the oldest she likes to see a baby with a bottle for the sake of their teeth, development, rate of ear infections, etc. I wouldn't have pushed it if they LOVED their bottles but they were ready anyway so I figured why not.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.
    Dinner (with a sippy of milk), baths, diapers and pajamas, sleep sacs, stories in a dim room, snuggles, say "nigh nigh" to everything in room, give them their lovies and then lay them in cribs in dark room with parent sitting in chair until the fall asleep...see you in the morning (ideally!).

    Good luck and welcome!
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the 1-4 forum!!

    Mine went to one nap a day around 11 months.

    We never delayed shots so can't help you there!!

    We started whole milk right after their first birthday and transition slowly from formula to milk. We would replace the formula with a couple of ounces a week of milk until we completely replaced the formula.

    We didn't totally ween away from bottles until around 18 months. At that point we only had a bottle before bedtime.

    Our night time routine is usually a bath, lotion, hair and teeth brushed, and then sometimes they may have a sippie before actually getting into bed. The girls are in bed by 8:30. We always play some music and have a fan going in there room.
  9. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?

    19 Months.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?

    On time for vaccines.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?

    Started with a few ounces at a time in their formula until it was completely milk.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?

    They were off bottles by 13 months.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.

    I just did dinner, bathtime, snack and bedtime. I never rocked I had enough sleep issues the first year so I was happy to put them down without starting any habits.
  10. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?

    We're a little over 12 mos & still on 2 naps. We're starting to have a few days where 1 is skipping the afternoon nap, so I'm thinking the drop may be sooner than I hoped.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?

    Never delayed any vaccines. I would've waited on the Chicken Pox vaccine had they suggested it, but our clinic does that at 18 mos.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?

    I'm probably out of the norm in that we just switched one day. They wouldn't take formula out of sippies, so we started putting milk in their sippy cups. Then, as we ran out of formula, we'd do half milk & half formula, but that only lasted 3-4 days before we were on all milk.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?

    My boys were at 2 bottles a day when we went to all sippy cups at 11 1/2 mos.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.

    After dinner we do baths (every other day), play, get a sippy of milk, brush teeth, & go into the crib awake. They get their soothers turned on (or a CD, like tonight, since their soothers need batteries!), Aiden gets his silkie, & we turn on their white noise machine. Maybe ONCE a month does one ever fuss (usually on days that naps weren't great...usually daycare days).
  11. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: and welcome to the 1-4 forum! :Clap: :Clap:

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day?
    My two went down to one nap at 18 months.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them?
    I delayed the MMR. I let them have the MMR at their two year appointment. I was very unsure about it all, and kept finding mixed things on it. So my thinking {and I know I could be WAY off on this} was that if my son/daughter were to get autism, I needed to know them better and they had to be talking so that I could see it happening. Does that make sense? At one year of age, neither were talking much at all, so I needed that to tell if the MMR affected them. :wacko:

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?
    I did it over a few weeks. They were taking 3 8oz bottles at the time. So for a few days I did 2oz milk, 6 oz formula... after three days, 3oz milk, 3oz formula, etc. By the end I was just keeping formula in there so that I wouldn't throw it out. :blush:

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?
    At 12 months, they were still taking 3 bottles a day.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib.
    Our sleep routine, since they were about 9 months old, has been dinner, brushteeth, bath, jammies, straight into bed. I've removed their night time bottle when they were 5 months old. I gave it to them about an hour before dinner. :good:
  12. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for all the replies!
    Keep them coming the DH & I need all the help we can get!

    Take Care!
  13. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day? 15 months...with older kids out of school for summer 2 naps was just too hard.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: Got them all at 1 year old...excpet Chicken pox. THe actually got chicken pox at 10 months old from their siblings who had been vaccinated....there was an outbreak in out area at the time!

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition?
    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day?
    to answer 3 and 4....my boys were off bottles and on whole milk before their first birthday...somewhere between 11 and 12 months old.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Cup of milk about 30 mins before bed then they have always laid in their cribs to sleep

  14. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    I am a first time mom with my twins too . . . what a way to learn!

    1.)When did your twins go down to 1 nap a day? Around 18 months . . . and still randomly took two naps when they really needed it . . . maybe twice a month.

    2.) 1 year vaccines: if you delayed them which ones did you delay & which ones did you allow them to have? Also, if you delayed them what age are you going to allow them to receive them? No delays here.

    3.) starting whole milk how did you do the transition? We started it right before they turned one by putting half and half and then slowly putting less formula. They didn't seem to struggle with the transition.

    4.)How many bottles are your twins drinking a day? My twins drank their last bottle on their first birthday.

    5.) Sleep routine at night.... what is yours? Example: we give our twins a 8 oz bottle then rock them to sleep but, in the past week they do not want to be rocked or held just put down into the crib. The last bottle my twins received was the night bottle. I think it is great that they are transitioning themselves from being rocked to sleep to falling asleep on their own. This is definitely best for you and them!

    Good luck with everything! It sounds like you are doing a great job.
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