Hi To All

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by NINI H, May 22, 2008.

  1. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Hi girls! It's time for me to make my way over here to this forum. I go by Nini. I have 4 boys (all having birthdays this month). The twins Jesse and Joshua celebrated their first birthday on Sunday. They loved their ice cream and cake, then proceded to get hives from it. :huh: But otherwise they had a blast. David another DS celebrated his 6th birthday yesterday. Ben will be 8 next week. My older DS's play hockey, and the two little ones already have a fixation with the sticks and the game. :D The icehouse is our second home.

    Can't wait to get to know everyone here!! :) Twinstuff has been an excellent resource ever since I was pg and on bedrest.

    I would love to talk to some mommies of little guys that aren't growing well. I've posted at least twice about growth issues, but in other forums. We just had the twins first year appt. They have virtually stopped gaining. Joshua for the first time weighed less than his brother at 15 lbs 10 oz and Jesse was 15 lbs 12 oz. I was hoping for at least 16 lbs, but they didn't make it. At 9 months Joshua was 15 lbs even, so he has only gained 10 oz in 3 months. I really think he gained that in the first month maybe month and a half after the last appt. Jesse was 14 lbs 13 oz, so he gained a little more 15 oz. But again I know it was an early gain. He has been seen twice since then for sickness and has actually lost 2 oz in the last 3 weeks. They are growing in length still and their heads are too. So if they are starting to FTT then it's early in the process. We are having issues with milk and now maybe soy. So I guess for now, I'll continue to nurse. The family Doc wants to see them in a month to see if they have made any progress. I am hesitant not to act now and seek a referral to see a ped GI and endo.
    For those of you that have little ones with growth issues, how long was it before you were referred to a specialist for testing? And did any of you have identicals??
    Thanks girls!!!
  2. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Hi and welcome! :sign0016:

    My boys are fraternal, but I had growth issues with my twins and my daughter around 9 months to a year of age. All three of them stopped growing. With my daughter the pedi recommended blood tests to rule out several things, and after some horrible and painful blood draws, everything was fine. She started gaining after awhile and all is well.

    My boys did the same thing, but we would not allow blood tests this time around. We reminded our pedi that we went through the same thing with DD and all was well. We just think this is how our kids are.

    I BF all three. I doubt this has anything to do with the lack of growth at this age, since I'm not the only mom who has BF their 9-12 month old, but thought I'd mention it. I was convinced it was a factor, but was informed I was wrong! :rolleyes:

    One of my boys was very similar to yours in the fact that he didn't gain anything. In fact, he lost a few ounces from his 9 month visit.

    All three of my kids continued growing in length.

    The reason my pedi recommended blood tests right away was if there was anything wrong (I can't remember what the possible scenarios were), it was easier to successfully treat them early in the game rather than later. HOWEVER, the blood tests were horrid! She had to have blood drawn three different times. The last being from her femeral (sp?) artery in the hip by the doctor rather than the nurse. The previous two were from her foot or hand. The blood came out so slowly that it tainted the results (the tests were not all done on the same day. We had to keep coming back. Another negative).

    It's your call. You know your kids the best. All three of mine were eating and nursing well, so we couldn't quite understand why they weren't gaining. They must have been burning it off really well with their activity. None were walking at 12 months - DD did at 12.5, twinA at 14.5 months, twinB at 16 months.

    Good luck and again, welcome!
  3. Alli Baby

    Alli Baby Well-Known Member

    I don't have any info on growth issues (although we are having our 12 month check up next week and I'm a little concerned about Ashlyn's growth) but just wanted to welcome you! I look forward to getting to know you.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Hi Nini,

    Welcome to the 1-4! We don't have real growth issues with our girls, but one of them has gained much more slowly than the other. They're identicals, but one likes to eat more than the other. We had a feeding specialist work with us in the beginning because one of my daughters had some major intolerances (milk, soy, etc.). We were advised to add olive oil or butter to any solid food and really concentrate on breastmilk or formula. I don't know if your boys eat much solid food, but it's an easy way to get more calories without much effort.

    Good luck with whatever you decide on testing and working with a specialist!

  5. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Hi! Welcome to the site! :sign0016:
  6. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Hi and welcome.

    I can't really help with the absence of weight gain as my gain but slowly and mine weighed more than yours at their 9 and 12 month appointments.

    You got some good advice and hopefully you'll get some more.

    Wishing you the best, and welcome to the forum.
  7. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    No growth issues here, so I don't have any advice, but just wanted to say


    Mine did practically stop growing (at least that's what it seemed like) between 12 and 24 months, but they were pretty chunky at 9-12 months, so there wasn't any reason for concern. They have put on a few inches since they turned 2, but are now so skinny that we can almost see their ribs. Our ped says this is normal for toddlers, as long as they are happy and energetic.
  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :wavey: and Welcome Nini!! I'm sorry I have no advice about your little guys, just wanted to welcome you to the 1-4 forum and Toddlerhood! :D
  9. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Hi Nini! Our girls had IUGR in the womb, were in NICU for 3 wks until they could eat and were big enough to come home, and it's been 'slow growing' ever since. They were barely 19 lbs at 15 months, and the doctors at 9 months had us come in for a consultation with the dietician. I wrote down everything they ate for a week and they calculated everythign and decided NOT to make a decision -- just to watch. So at the 15 month appointment, the pedi looked at their developement, their height, their head size, and just said "They're small kids." End of story, no need to worry. The good news is, they have gotten more wear out of their 12 month old clothes than any other toddlers I know :lol:
    If their development is good and they're eating well, I wouldn't worry too much!

    Welcome to 1-4
  10. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Hi Nini-
    Welcome- I have identical boys who will be 2 this coming Sunday and my dd turned 9 last Sunday- so our three kids are May babies as well!
  11. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    No advice, just a big Welcome to the Board! And congrats on your big family. That's a lot of testosterone in one house!
  12. shoudeshell

    shoudeshell Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: and hi! I have no advice to you on growth issues I wish you well on them and hope the doctors can help! However, I did want to say hi to a fellow Virginian! It'll be good to get to know you!

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