Hi! New here

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Lougood, May 15, 2007.

  1. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    Well my girls turned one this last Saturday! YAY! I'm excited to be here and hope I don't drive you all crazy with all my questions! That said.....
    I'm trying to transition them to sippies but they aren't doing so well. The LOVE water in their sippy but anything else they just spit out like poison! Any ideas? I don't want to wait them out b/c they aren't the biggest in the weight department...especially my 16 pounder.

    Also, how did you all do the whole milk transition? Cold turkey? Little by little? Thanks so much for all your help! I just get overwhelmed sometimes b/c just when you think you get into a groove it's time to change everything. :blink:
  2. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Hi and Welcome! I started to incorporate a few ounces at a time into their formula at 11.5 months and by two weeks they were on whole milk and they were allergic to soy and milk. As for sippies I just offered it to them in the sippy cup and eventually they took it. I took every bottle away and only gave the nighttime for another two weeks by 13 months they had no bottles and were on whole milk. GL!
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member


    When the ped gave us the OK to switch to whole milk, we switched cold turkey (they were still getting bottles at that point), and they didn't even notice. So they were never really drinking formula from the sippies, because we were already on milk when we gave up the breakfast/dinner bottles.

    Then we switched one bottle at a time to a sippy. They didn't spit it out, but certainly didn't drink much. We just kept doing it, and the fewer bottles they had, the more they drank from the sippies. We gave milk at breakfast and dinner, and water the other times. Even after we were completely off bottles, it took another few weeks before they started drinking significant amount (more than 1-2 oz) of milk from their sippies. I just tried not to worry, and made sure they had other sources of calcium and were drinking a reasonable amount of water.

    In retrospect, it was not worth the amount of stress I had over it! Take your time and don't worry if it doesn't click right away -- there's no hurry.

    QUOTE(Lougood @ May 15 2007, 03:19 PM) [snapback]255819[/snapback]
    I just get overwhelmed sometimes b/c just when you think you get into a groove it's time to change everything.

    That's one nice thing (of the many) about being past the first year -- that's not so much the case anymore. Sometimes you get to keep a routine for months before something changes! ;)
  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Happy Bday and Welcome!

    Alden (Minette) gave you some great advice already.

    Just wanted to add that we made the switch gradually. I started with a 25%milk:75%formula mix, then switched to 50/50 in a couple of days and 75/25 a few days later, and then 100% milk. They LOVED the milk (and if you've ever smelled the formula I'm sure you'd love it too).

    Mine struggled with the sippy cup, we found these (ETA: link) that finally got us over the hump and now the boys will drink out of many varieties of sippies. They don't drink very much at a time (unless Gma gives them juice...then they suck it down like we haven't given them a drink in 3 days :rolleyes: ) .
  5. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    Cold turkey on the change to milk.

    As for sippies, be patient. My oldest was off the bottle completly at 1 year, but my twins were a different story. They weren't ready to give up the bottle & I wasn't ready to battle. We waited until 18 months & it was a breeze. I did keep giving them cups in the interim, but didn't take the bottles away all together until 18 mos.
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to 1-5! We did the switch to milk/sippies cold turkey. I did have them use Straw sippies and that worked much better for us than the regular sippy cups.
  7. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    We did not use the Sippy cups exclusivly until they were closer to 18mths. Like a PP said mine were not ready to switch completly at 1 yr either. Each baby is different. As for switching to milk. Mine were lightweights as well so i kept them on the Stage 2 formula until they were close to 20 months. They did great on it and it also made me feel better knowing they were getting all the nutrients they needed. Welcome to the 1-5 Board!!!! :sign0016:
  8. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    just want to welcome you to the 1-5 board. you've gotten some great advice so far so I won't add my 2 cents worth...

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