Hi! I'm wandering over from the first year forum...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kuchar, Dec 19, 2007.


How long did you breastfeed your twins?

  1. was not able to breastfeed

    0 vote(s)
  2. chose not to breastfeed

    0 vote(s)
  3. 0-5 months

    0 vote(s)
  4. 6-12 months

    0 vote(s)
  5. 13-18 months

    0 vote(s)
  6. over 18 months

    0 vote(s)
  1. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking time to ween should be coming up soon, which lead me to wonder how long you other twin moms chose to/ or were able to nurse your twins. Thank you for taking the time to give your response.
    I'll be graduating to this forum in less than 2 months! It is flying by way too fast!
  2. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    I was only able to bf for 4 months. They never took to the breast so I had to pump. I started to dry and had to quit. *IF* I could have done it however long I wanted, I venture to say that they would still be bfing now b/c I planned to do it until they were 2 or 3.
  3. Mattsgal

    Mattsgal Well-Known Member

    I BF until exactly 6 months. I stopped only because I had 4 rounds of mastitis in a row, and was just deathly ill. I would have gone to at least a year if my body had cooperated.
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    When they turned one, they just seemed too young to wean yet. When they turned two, they were able to express with words that they want to nurse. So, on we go. I never planned to go a certain period of time and I'm fine with it at this point. They nurse at our 3 regular times and I know if they ask at any other time, there is a reason... which has alleviated DH's fears that they'd be pulling my shirt off in public or announcing loudly that they want to nurse RIGHT NOW. I think if more women knew what it was like to nurse a toddler, they wouldn't stop at 12 months.

    Still, it's a very personal decision and there are many considerations beyond what everyone else has done. Are you having mixed emotions when thinking about weaning?
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I voted in the 13-18 month category, but mine weaned themselves in the 13th month not long after their birthday.
  6. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    I stopped my twins from nursing at 21 months..after my son was born. Then I nursed my son until 22 months. :)

    Its up to you..but I think your kids let you know when they are ready to stop. I couldnt stop mine at 10 months..or even a year. One did stop on her own at 6 months..but would nurse every now and then. The others wouldn't stop..and it was hard to wean them when I did.


  7. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    The twins nursed 2 yrs 8 mths :)
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I voted 0-5 months, but that was only b/c I had major supply issues from hormone problems & my milk just dried up on its own around 5 1/2 mos. :( If I'd been able to, my plan was to nurse until 12 mos & gradually wean then.
  9. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    21 and 22 months. They weaned slowly...which I was greatful for because I don't think I could have dealt with the pain.
  10. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Great job bfing those babies for 10 months!!! :Clap: :Clap:
    I bf my girls for almost 7 months. 6 months was my goal and it took about another month to wean them gently. I was very comfortable with my decision and proud of myself for getting through those months. It's such a personal decision. Just do what feels right for you and your babies!
  11. nanhancan

    nanhancan Well-Known Member

    I nursed my girls until their 1st Birthday - so, 12 months.
  12. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    Beyond 6 months exclusively breastfeeding, I never really had a goal. I vascillate between loving that they still love it so much and finding it a bit annoying that they still love it so much. Suddenly around 17 months - right around the time I tried to wean them to twice a day - the girls really began to ask to feed. Right now I'm thinking I'll get them through their first winter in daycare and maybe wean them when they're around two. I rather like that idea, but who knows whether they'll agree! It's still something very important to them.
  13. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Mine weaned themselves right after their first birthday.
  14. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    We're still at it, and who knows how long!!! One thing I really like about bfing after they turn 12 months is that the stress of bfing is gone :) I think the freedom of not having to worry about weaning is what makes it so easy to continue. Whereas when they were younger than 12 months I was always worried about my supply, pumping, are they getting enought, etc.

    If you aren't sure about weaning then don't, if you want to partially wean then go ahead, if you want to completely wean then do.....just don't let anyone make the decision for you!!!
  15. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    Thank you all! Debid... you asked if I was having mixed emotions about weaning... yes! I was sure in the start I would stop at a year, if we were able to make it that long. But as the year gets closer and closer, I can't imagine being done yet. Most people don't care either way, but I have some in-laws already making comments like "will you be breastfeeding them in school???", and I hate dealing with that. So I'll see how the next couple of months goes. My opinion has always been if they wouldn't need formula past a year, why would I still nurse... but now that it is getting close, I'm re-thinking that.
  16. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    I voted that I wasn't able to. My girls wouldn't latch on. I pumped for about a week but it got to be too much and my supply wasn't enough. I would have liked to though.
  17. AZBabes

    AZBabes Member

    Kuchar, I am right on track with you...we are just over 10 months and I am so happy I've made it this far!! I started BFing with hopes of making it to 6months and was open-minded for anything beyond that. As that time came and went I just couldn't imagine dealing with bottles and formula which would have been all new again! I was also so comfortable with BF and the routine of it. I also agree with your comment of not needing formula, why continue to BF, though I didn't want wean too early and have to introduce formula. I will be returning to work at 1year so I will for sure have weaned all daytime feedings but really not sure how long I will keep the morning and the night feeds - not sure I want to continue into two years but nor can I say that I want to give it all up just yet either:)
  18. Tasha

    Tasha Well-Known Member

    Congrats for all that you have already done. We were down to 1 feed at 17 months, and weaned really close to 18 months. :)
  19. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I didn't breastfeed because they never figured it out but I did pump every 3 hours until they were 8 months old so they could have breastmilk. My DS Dax is 9 months old and nowhere near weaning.
  20. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you asked this. Mine are still BF at 14 months. I've been thinking about weaning too, but I guess I've been waiting for them to take the lead. They haven't so here we are. Tonight we missed the bedtime feed b/c I was out getting my hair cut and DH put them to bed. I may drop the nightime feed this week, but I also have mixed feelings...
  21. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    I breastfed until they were 20 months. I basically let them lose interest on their own. I think you should continue as long as you are all happy with it - don't worry about meeting a set deadline/age. Breastmilk is such an excellent source of nutrition and there is no subsitute for the antibodies that would help build your toddlers' immune systems so they can fight off illness. My boys go to daycare 2 days a week and aren't sick nearly as much as I expected them to be. In fact, they'll pick up a mild bug, be done with it in 2 days, then I catch it and am flat out sick for 2 weeks :rolleyes:

  22. kuchar

    kuchar Well-Known Member

    When I do start weaning, the bedtime session will probably be the last to go. It is our primary method of getting them to sleep at night! A lot of their daytime naps are spent with me holding them after nursing.
    I don't know how this whole weaning thing is going to go... :(
  23. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    I breastfed them until 13.5 months. We began weaning at 12 months and dropped one feeding a week and that lasted 6 weeks. So we made it til 13.5 months. I could have gone longer but surpassed my goal. There is no rush and it really is a great gift you are giving them.

    Good job on getting so far!! :good:
  24. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I voted over 18 months because I think we'll be going until two and they have no real interest in not nursing at the moment.
  25. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    9 months. I would have like to go longer but I felt like I was forced to stop. At least one of them would wake up every hour all night long and would only go back to sleep if they were nursed. After a good month or two of this and trying everything else, I just couldn't take it anymore and weaned them cold turkey.
  26. TwinMom205

    TwinMom205 Well-Known Member

    I tried so hard to breastfeed, and I really loved it! If it was up to me I would have breastfed until they were 12-18 months old. But, as premies, Aiden lacked the ability to nurse, and I couldn't do "nurse N, pump, bottle feed A, pump any leftover, repeat" for more then a few weeks.
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