Hi, I'm mean mommy. What's your name?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    They will not sleep. They got maybe 10 hours last night but will not take their nap. They just bounce and sing and screech. I've been in to remove their toys and pillows and when I left this last time, I told them that their blankies are next and to be quiet and go to sleep. Ruthless, I know, but they're quiet for the moment at least. All morning it's been whining and hysterical tears over stupid things so it's not like they are somehow not tired. GO TO SLEEP ALREADY! I'm off to be mean mommy now...
  2. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    You gotta do what you gotta do for their own good!! Be strong!!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I hope they fell asleep for you! Mine refused to nap yesterday afternoon (yes they are still taking 2 naps and need it!), and it was a LONG day... 8pm couldn't come fast enough for me or them.
  4. Ashliemj

    Ashliemj Active Member

    LOL! This post cracked me up. **Sending your twins happy sleeping vibes** Take care!
  5. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    We are now starting to have these fights over their morning naps... in the am we let them play in their crib so DF and I can catch a few more winks so they have plenty of toys in there... but now, they refuse to nap, they play.... even when there are no toys in there, they sing and yell and play with eachother.... DF came home the other morning and heard them and said should I go get them, I said "NO THEY HAVE TO NAP!!!!" When he asked how long they had been up there I felt guilty saying 45 minutes without getting even 5 minutes of sleep!

    In the battle of wills, Mommy will WIN!!!!! Well most of the time anyway.... ;)

  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I'm right there with you... mine are still contained in cribs/PNP's at nap time, so I don't have to take things away, but I can't handle all the crying. They are strong-willed!!!!!! Jacob hardly slept at all last night (10 hours?), refused to nap for the sitter this morning, and now is protesting an afternoon nap. He's so overtired, it's ridiculous.
  7. caba

    caba Banned

    Go for it, mean mommy! Sometimes it's all about tough love!
  8. jena4

    jena4 Well-Known Member

    We are in the thick of transitioning to toddler beds right now. Today when I put them in for naps one of them said...."mommy mad?"....and that was before anyone even tried to get out of their beds. Happily though now they are sleeping and it only took them about 15 minutes to fall asleep.
    Its amazing how they pick up your emotion. Made me feel bad, but in reality they need to know they have limits when necessary.
    Being a mommy is crazy!
  9. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    My name is [SIZE=18pt]The No-fun Mom[/SIZE]. I'm not kidding. DH calls me that anytime I call order to the chaos, remind folks that there is a schedule to observe or expectations to be upheld. Basically any time I don't give in to an indulgence that will set us back instead of crumbling to their every whim, simultaneously throwing out months of consistency by giving in to toddlerness. The boys now say "No-fun mom" when i do something they don't like...it's lovely to be so appreciated.

    Hope you wriggle a nap out of the day...I know you need some downtime. Hope you're feeling better soon. :hug99:
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I went in because there was crying and chaos to find Trent's blanket spattered with blood and Trevor repeatedly saying, "Mommy, Trent got owie." He bumped his lip -- no big deal but there was no nap after all of that excitement. They're pacified with Playdoh right now but it's going to be early to bed tonight. <_<
  11. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    Hey you gotta do what you gotta do. I think it is a full moon because they all seem to be boycotting their naps. I don't allow toys or anything in their cribs and they are not allowed to play in their room at all because I want them to think of it to sleep only.....now who is mean???
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :wave: Hi Mean Mommy! I'm cranky Mommy! Nice to meet you!

    Good luck!! I had to threaten that stuff. If you have their currency, you will prevail!! Stay strong!!
  13. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    well - i TRY being mean mommy and alisha just calls my bluff every time - the other day they wouldn't nap and were jumping and screaming and playing so i threatened to take away blankies and favorite stuffed animals (which has been a successful strategy in the past) and alisha just said "ok mommy" - so i took them away (i had to follow through!) and she couldn't have cared less. so now we're trying a sticker chart for being quiet at nap time (the reward is a special trip with mommy after a few days of getting stickers). it's working so far - but they also started school yesterday so they've been tired.
  14. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    So today was looking like a repeat performance of yesterday and I tried a new tactic. I ignored the craziness for a good 45 minutes hoping they'd wear down and then when they started calling that they needed to go potty, I went in and got them like naptime was over. As we were walking to the bathroom, I oh-so-casually said how it was really too bad they were going to miss out on the fun stuff I'd planned for the afternoon since only boys who take their nap get to do fun stuff. They went potty and they talked and talked about fun stuff and how they needed a nap and after bums were wiped I asked if they wanted to try again. They went and got back in bed and I stayed in the room this time to shoosh them and remind them to close eyes and be still. Trent was out in 15. Trevor took 30. Ah, sweet silence.
  15. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member


    My little ones can't talk back yet, thank goodness. But from Nadia: "Sometimes you say not-so-nice things, Mom, and it hurts my feelings." Said with much quivering of the lower lip for effect...

    These not-so-nice things, mind you, are A) Nadia, you've got five more minutes to play before bedtime, so wrap up what you're doing, and B) Will you please stop dawdling and get dressed already? We're going to be late for school...
  16. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: Brilliant, Debi! I'm taking notes for when mine are older.

    And OMG, Nadia is such a drama queen!

    I am also a very, very mean mommy. I don't let them play with knives (and they BEG for knives every time they're at the table - "Nye, nye, nye!"). I don't hold them at the microwave to push the buttons all day. I don't let them live at the park. Evil!
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