hi everyone been a long time.. and a twinstuff support needed

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2btwins, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    wanted to go out tonight with the hubby..girls were supposed to sleep at moms..which they do on an every other week ormontly basis.. never a problem..today we had a kiddie party for one of the boys at schools bday .. they wre tired..didnt nap..when i went to my mothersh ouse.. they didnt want to stay..screamed..cried.. lexie said she wanted to go home in her own bed etc.. with that..we had to take them home.. and our plans got ruined... i am home with them all week i wold like to get out with the husband for dnner.. please tell me sometiems ur kids do this..
    and with babysitters i had a great one but she got into a fender bender and is now laid up..how do i even begin to look for a new one.. b/c my kids dont stay with anyone@!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@2
  2. ihavesevensons

    ihavesevensons Well-Known Member

    I think that I would have left them anyway and just asked my mom to call later when the kids were not around to hear her talking to me.

    The sounded over tired, and over stimulated and just seemed whiney.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry your night got ruined. :hug:

    Are you part of a mom's club? Maybe someone would have a referral for a sitter for you?

    Do you attend a church? Maybe they know someone in the congregation that does sitting?

    I have friends and family that have had luck through SitterCity online. They say you have to weed through the candidates, but that it's worth it.
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I also would have said too bad. It is lot like you were leaving them at someplace strange or with strange people. Sorry but time with my DH is more important sometimes. We all need a break so we can be better parents. THey probably would have been fine in a few minutes an dcoudl always go to be early if over tired at g-ma. Sorry you missed out. But don't give up
  5. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I would have left them as well, unless your mom just said she didnt want to deal with their crying. My mother watches my kids sometimes on weekends when I have to work (like today) and if they cry when I leave, they will be ok within 5 minutes, so they have to get used to it.

    Just wondering though, your mother couldnt watch them at your house for you and hubby to go to dinner?
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