Hi all! New to 1-5...nap question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 3sweetps, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    I just can't believe I've graduated to this board! My babies aren't babies anymore...we celebrated their first b-days today.

    They've been napping at 9am & between 1&2pm but the naps are getting shorter. Should they just go to one nap a day now? When did you all go down to one nap a day? And what time in the day is it? My first son was sleeping from 12 -2 or 3pm at 18 months, but I can't remember when we started doing that.

    Thanks for any advice...very excited to be here!
  2. 3sweetps

    3sweetps Well-Known Member

    I just can't believe I've graduated to this board! My babies aren't babies anymore...we celebrated their first b-days today.

    They've been napping at 9am & between 1&2pm but the naps are getting shorter. Should they just go to one nap a day now? When did you all go down to one nap a day? And what time in the day is it? My first son was sleeping from 12 -2 or 3pm at 18 months, but I can't remember when we started doing that.

    Thanks for any advice...very excited to be here!
  3. micheleinohio

    micheleinohio Well-Known Member

    Mine were 15 months. One was ready and one didn't seem to be around a year so I waited a couple more months until I thought they could both transition.
  4. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    Hi Leila,

    Welcome to the 1-5 board. My babies are a month older than yours, and for a while there, they went down to 1 nap. Now they are back up to 2. Sometimes they sleep for 2 hours. Sometimes they only sleep 1/2 hour. It depends on the day, how they are feeling and so forth.

    They usually nap from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, or if they are doing the short thing it is 11:30 to 12:15.

    Then they usually take a nap from 3:30-4:30. I don't know if I'm of any help! [​IMG]

    Good luck.

    Bridget [​IMG]
  5. thompsontwinners

    thompsontwinners Well-Known Member

    Doesn't it feel funny to be here?

    My girls didn't switch to one nap until 14 months. We tried at 13 and it backfired. We had the nap get shorter each day and night waking. So we went back to 2 until the end of the month.

    I would first shorten the morning nap to one hour max. This will help them get tired for the afternoon nap and it should be the longer one of the day. Eventually you can wean off that morning nap and move the afternoon nap earlier.

    Before we went down to one nap. Our girls were sleeping 10-11 and then 2-4. Then we went to one nap around 12-12:30 until 3:30. We had to make sure they didn't sleep more than 3 hours or bedtime would be a struggle. Good luck!
  6. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Mine at 16 months just really started to go to one nap a day. I think you try and work towards having it in the afternoon, but ours is still late morning. Welcome to the 1-5 board! Nice to see you!!
  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I think we were around 16 months or so before we switched to 1 nap. We had tried it around 13 months and they just weren't ready yet.
  8. ~*Twinmom22*~

    ~*Twinmom22*~ Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think mine were about 16 months when they switched themselves to one nap a day. They just would not lay down for their mid-day nap. But yeah, I think that you should switch to a nap around noon/1pm to 3 or 4. But, ofcourse, they more than likely, will make whatever switch themselves.
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