Her night time collection is spiraling out of control.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twoin2005, Feb 10, 2007.

  1. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    A month ago, Hannah would ONLY go to bed with her two blankies. That was it, nothing else except a binky would be allowed in that crib. She'd have a fit if something unexpected was found in there.

    Now, she refuses to go to bed unless she has the following:

    1) Her stuffed cat
    2) Her stuffed lady bug
    3) Her thin blankie
    4) Her thick blankie
    5) A binky in her mouth
    6) A spare binky in her right hand
    7) A spare binky in her left hand
    8) Her pillow
    9) Her baby doll
    10) Her baby doll's blanket

    I don't think there is any room left in the crib for HER! It is ridiculous. And heaven forbid I forget to send her to bed without one of those things. Even funnier, trying to see her half asleep in the morning collect all these things into her arms so that she can take them out of the crib with her!!!
  2. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    A month ago, Hannah would ONLY go to bed with her two blankies. That was it, nothing else except a binky would be allowed in that crib. She'd have a fit if something unexpected was found in there.

    Now, she refuses to go to bed unless she has the following:

    1) Her stuffed cat
    2) Her stuffed lady bug
    3) Her thin blankie
    4) Her thick blankie
    5) A binky in her mouth
    6) A spare binky in her right hand
    7) A spare binky in her left hand
    8) Her pillow
    9) Her baby doll
    10) Her baby doll's blanket

    I don't think there is any room left in the crib for HER! It is ridiculous. And heaven forbid I forget to send her to bed without one of those things. Even funnier, trying to see her half asleep in the morning collect all these things into her arms so that she can take them out of the crib with her!!!
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    [​IMG] [​IMG] That's so cute and funny!! Alison has a crib full, but doesn't necessarily HAVE to have ALL of it. I find them sleeping on top of all kinds of stuff that I sometimes am trying to get out from under them in the night. Most of the time I just leave them unless it's a hard item.

    What's funny is that the blanket was always Martin's lovie and the monkeys and other stuff was Ali's, but as soon as they learned the name "lovie", Alison had to have hers too! She doesn't chew on hers like Martin does (she prefers monkey or bear arms) but she now calls it 'lovie' and will ask for it.

    It is so incredible watching their little minds grow, isn't it?! I just find it fascinating!!
  4. CapeBretoner123

    CapeBretoner123 Well-Known Member

    Saw it on the Nanny once..give her a special bag allow her to place 2 things ..only 2 in it. Tell her this is for bedtime and when she goes to bed thats it.
    Took about a week on the show but worth a try.
  5. lovafox

    lovafox Well-Known Member

    Kayla is the same way! Aidan has a monkey, two lovies, a binky and two blankets. Kayla has MUCH more...bunny, frog, dog, lamb, baby jaguar, two lovies, binky, two blankets...

    The funny thing is, Cinderella just got banned from the crib. I didn't think it was possible to get the boot! Wonder what Cinderella did???

    I figure as long as everything is soft and safe and she still fits among it all, what's the harm?
  6. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Sofia does the same thing. She has like 9 things in there(6 stuffed animals, one lovey, one soft book, a blanket). Not sure how she finds room for herself.
  7. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    Same story here.

    Melissa (the worse offender) has:

    1 binky
    2 stuffed monkeys
    1 stuffed pig
    1 beany cat
    1 teddy bear
    1 knit blanket
    1 quilt
    1 NY Jets hat ("Jets Jets Jets hat")
    1 taggy
    1 gumball machine container with a die in it
    on any given night 4-6 Little Critter books!

  8. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't see it as a battle worth fighting. Sarah had her crib FULL of babies and blankies, but she loved it and she slept well. Even now, she has a ton on her big bed and loves snuggling down in the midst of it all. She knows that she's only allowed 1 baby out of the house and then it stays in the car. Past that, it really doesn't matter too much if she has a ton.

  9. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Um... has she been hanging out with Blake!? [​IMG]

    He has every Thomas train he owns (sometimes there are upwards of 10 plus trains in his bed at a time!), plus two blankets, teddy bear, pillow, pacifiers, cup of water... [​IMG]

    Sometimes I try to limit but like a pp said usually he wins this battle as I am to tired to fight it! [​IMG]

    It looks like many of us are in the same boat!
  10. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    1) Her stuffed cat
    2) Her stuffed lady bug
    3) Her thin blankie
    4) Her thick blankie
    5) A binky in her mouth
    6) A spare binky in her right hand
    7) A spare binky in her left hand
    8) Her pillow
    9) Her baby doll
    10) Her baby doll's blanket


    Have you taken a picture of that! IT so unds adorable I wanna see! [​IMG]
  11. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Aww Kate... that is too cute! The only things my guys want to sleep with is .... me, LOL

    Plus, Zackary HAS to have his 'bippy' one of those huge burp rags with the tag... he loves playing with the silk tag.
  12. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Has my daughter, Maya, been visiting you house? She has about 15 stuffed anilmal/blakies/babies that she brings to bed EVERY night (Not exaggerating here!). If I try to get her to bed and she actually falls asleep without ALL of them, she eventually wakes up in the middle of the night crying for the missing item. I'm always amazed toi hear "Where's my white kitty" at 3 AM- how does she KNOW???? But, she does. So, I just go with it. It's easier to hunt them all down before bed than to have a midnight search for MR. Bear!,

    It really is cute how much they love these things, but geeze, it does get a little nutty!
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Wow -- the scary thing is that it happened so fast! Mine are still at the age where they want their blankies and one lovey, nothing else. (Though Amy has recently been wanting to take a book to naptime.)

    I especially laughed at
    6) A spare binky in her right hand
    7) A spare binky in her left hand

    Does she carry all this herself, all at once?
  14. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    That is SO cute! You really have to get a picture if it won't wake her up.

    My kids each have one stuffed animal, one blanket and usually one book/crib. Lately, though, when I go in to check on them, DD will have all of the items (their cribs are in a corner so they can pass things to each other).
  15. C.J.

    C.J. Well-Known Member

    And the joy, oh the joy of hearing through the babyphone the sweetest sound:
    "Where is teddy?? Me want Teddy. Wahhhhhhhhhhh!"
    knowing the inevitable is going to happen... knowing you will go up there and have to take out: two blankets, two muzzys (sort of like big hankerchiefs she is in love with), 4 dolls, 2 kitties, two toy-mobile phones, a rabbit, a tiger and 3 books, and a baby girl, just to find the teeny tiny teddy hidden under her sleeping bag!
    And then having to put it all back in!!!
    Love, CJ, whose nanny-girl is just like that!
  16. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Minette:
    Wow -- the scary thing is that it happened so fast! Mine are still at the age where they want their blankies and one lovey, nothing else. (Though Amy has recently been wanting to take a book to naptime.)

    I especially laughed at
    6) A spare binky in her right hand
    7) A spare binky in her left hand

    Does she carry all this herself, all at once?

    Oh yes, she TRIES to carry it all at once but she can't!!! It is ridiculous. I will have to get a picture tonight if I can. But like Marissa said, it really isn't a battle worth fighting, it is more comical than anything else. Just glad to know she is not alone!
  17. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by rosie19:
    Lately, though, when I go in to check on them, DD will have all of the items (their cribs are in a corner so they can pass things to each other).

    I used to find this too. What was happening was Sofia would wake before Ryan and she would throw things at him hoping to wake him up. I actually caught her red-handed one day. She was about to throw a bear at him as I opened the door. [​IMG]
  18. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    LOL...mine alternate on who's more obsessive about the menagerie they take to bed with them, and it's so funny because it can totally change overnight! For a long time Natalie wanted her Taggie and her Ugly Doll and NOTHING else in the crib. I bought them both little stuffed bears from Ikea, and Natalie always tossed it over into Rita's crib, so now those both officially belong to Rita. From the day she got it, Rita HAD to have her Little Mommy doll in the crib with her and she carried it around half the day, too, but then one day out of the blue she latched on to this Gund hippo they've had forever and "baby" was no big deal. Natalie has never been that into the baby doll, and actually I ended up not keeping it into her crib because she always threw it into Rita's crib, and it's hard, so...

    But now, my girl who previously only wanted the Taggie and Ugly now has about 37 things in the crib with her. Like Rita with the hippo, she has this very small stuffed panda that she carries around with her. Actually it was a toy at daycare and after she carried it around all day for the week before Christmas, our daycare provider ended up giving it to her. [​IMG] Anyway, other than the hippo and the panda, they both have pretty much the same things in their cribs, but they have different levels of attachment to them. The hippo and the Taggie are the MUST HAVES.

    And yes, I have come in to find a sleeping Natalie buried under stuffed animals that Rita has tossed in there in an effort to wake her up. Sometimes I hear, "Hello, Natalie, helloooooooo!" and go in to see poor Natalie buried under and avalanche of toys. [​IMG]

    Now their big thing is that I have to wrap up their Little Mommy dolls in their blankets and give them to them. Forget the fact that I actually wanted to cover them up with the blankets. [​IMG] Oh yeah, and many nights Rita has to take a wipe to bed with her. Girlfriend is obsessed with wipes! [​IMG]
  19. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    My DS is just like that. When he comes to our bed in the middle of the night, he brings it ALL with him. I don't have a clue how he gets it all across the house, down a hallway, and into our bed in the dark but he does. He has 3 big blankets, pillow, baby elmo, baby elmo's green blanket, spiderman, and two stuffed dogs.
  20. Sandsam

    Sandsam Well-Known Member

    If it's any consolation, my girls probably have 15 stuffed animals in their cribs - each. Plus 2 blankets for warmth and a snuggle blankie. Both also have a nuk. Sara, my nuk junkie, usually manages to stash a couple spare nuks in her crib as well.
  21. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    Have you taken a picture of that!

    I was thinking the same thing. How cute to see her snuggled in all those lovies.

    We are not at that stage yet, but I can see Chloe totally bringing all her animals to bed with her.

    Too cute!!
  22. cowgirl

    cowgirl Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] I am thinking you may want to trasition straight on into a King size bed.

  23. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    How funny!

    K&M's collection isn't that bad at all. It is all in the arrangement for them.

    They each have a "baby", a small taggie and their binky.

    They both have a blanket. It doesn't matter what blanket but Katherine's needs to be pink and Michael's needs to be blue.

    The blankets then need to be draped over their respective cribs in the correct spot.

    And heaven forbid, if the blanket should fall before they are asleep!
  24. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    I am falling on the floor!!!
    I put Gillian down tonight with
    1) At least 4 babies
    2) Her soft balnkie
    3) the fluffy bedding on her bed
    4) 2 life sized Dora's
    5) The "Princess" book
    6) The "Godmother" book
    7) Barbie coloring book

    I'm sure there were other misc items, but I'm bleary!!!
  25. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG! That is so funny! My kids are the same way. Meghan needs her babies, blankets for her and the babies, her cat, her book,.....

    Nolan needs his football, his basketball, a little plastic golf ball, sometimes Meghan lets him take Girl (her twin babies have very original names....Girl and Boy).
  26. Tracy B

    Tracy B Well-Known Member

    These are so cute to read! I still remember needing to sleep with all of my stuffed animals at once as a child. But I would stuff them into an empty pillowcase in case of a fire so I could save all of them (my dad was a firefighter, so I was a little bit paranoid about fires)!

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