
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Moms2NTwins, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    I have a biter [​IMG]
    Joshua has really been sinking his choppers into his Sissy lately and he does it so fast I don't know what to do and I'm always too late when it is done. He bit her 4 times yesterday! I have no idea what to do/say to him. I have just firmly told him "no no, you no bite Sissy that hurts" and stick him in the pack n play for a minute. Then one of those times I had them in the pack n play while I was on the front porch and he got her [​IMG]
    He is such a bully to her and she will NOT defend herself at all. I don't get it. Any advice on how to stop this?
  2. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    I have a biter [​IMG]
    Joshua has really been sinking his choppers into his Sissy lately and he does it so fast I don't know what to do and I'm always too late when it is done. He bit her 4 times yesterday! I have no idea what to do/say to him. I have just firmly told him "no no, you no bite Sissy that hurts" and stick him in the pack n play for a minute. Then one of those times I had them in the pack n play while I was on the front porch and he got her [​IMG]
    He is such a bully to her and she will NOT defend herself at all. I don't get it. Any advice on how to stop this?
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Is he getting any teeth in? Jon was always worse about biting when he was getting his molars in. Unfortunately, he really isn't at an age where he understands cause and effect, so "no" really won't have a long term effect. At this age, the best thing is simply vigilant observance and distraction. Sorry, no easy answer to this one!
  4. Moms2NTwins

    Moms2NTwins Well-Known Member

    I dont think he is getting any but I could be wrong, they have popped through 4 teeth a piece lately so I am hoping for a break for them.
    I guess I will just have to watch them a lot more closely. I feel like I don't take my eyes off of them as it is and the second I do he bites.
  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    If a simple firm NO isn't getting it, you can try the following actions/conversations.

    1. flicking on the cheek after he does it.
    2. Show the mark and say "No bite. If you disobey, mommy will spank." Then spank (1-2 swats) the next time he bites. (this is what I do now after several weeks of #4 & #3
    3. "No no bite. Here if you need to bite something, bite this." Give a teething toy.
    4. "No no bite. What are teeth for? Teeth are for chewing food and talking. Be nice to your sister. How can you be nice? Kiss sissy. Hug sissy. but no bite sissy."

    Best advice I got on biting was that "the one who bites is often the underdog." Watch them and see if she is taking something from him or not giving something to him and then he bites her. Then you have to talk to her about changing her behavior.
  6. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Please don't spank or flick ur child yikes!!! (then wot do u do when the next thing ur child does is hit their twin, its ok for mommy to hit but not for twin to hit)

    Just "no" we don't bite it hurts, we can bite ie wet cloth, chewing toy, but not sister.. repeating will work eventually.

    amanda (mom of jorja and jessica 3 yrs)
  7. 4kids4me

    4kids4me Well-Known Member

    Amanda is right, don't flick, spank or bite your child. Consistantly remove the biter from the action when they bite. Ignore this child and go make a HUGE fuss over the victim, lots of obvious hugs and kisses Poor you!!! Pretty soon the attention given will make an impression and should help. Do watch for the teathing issue though.

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