
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rojo6pak, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. rojo6pak

    rojo6pak New Member

    HI everyone! I just registered here and I'm delighted to find(only after two years :rolleyes: ) that there is a website designed especially for twins. I have 25 mo. old twin boys and I'm OVERWHELMED!! I've never joined a "twin support group" in my area(as I didn't think I would need it :huh: ) However, I'm regretting that decision more and more everyday! At this phase, I can complain about everything from bad memory, lower back pain and the list goes on... I'm generally a happy-go-lucky person, lately feeling overwhelmed and crying. LOL I know it's silly to feel that this is "abby normal" in my situation, especially telling you all and feeling that perhaps you all will think I'm a whimp :lol: I found the perfect place here and I have the feeling this is what I needed a lonnnnnggg time ago! So, anyone got any tips for "coping"??? I have to say, that I am VERY blessed to have twins, and they bring me happiness and I love them so much. I feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed and depressed (at times) Is this truley normal and will it ever pass?????
    thank you all for taking the time to read this! I'm anxious to get replys, anything will help!
  2. mar66rus2

    mar66rus2 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(blessedx6 @ Jul 1 2008, 07:42 PM) [snapback]855211[/snapback]
    HI everyone! I just registered here and I'm delighted to find(only after two years :rolleyes: ) that there is a website designed especially for twins. I have 25 mo. old twin boys and I'm OVERWHELMED!! I've never joined a "twin support group" in my area(as I didn't think I would need it :huh: ) However, I'm regretting that decision more and more everyday! At this phase, I can complain about everything from bad memory, lower back pain and the list goes on... I'm generally a happy-go-lucky person, lately feeling overwhelmed and crying. LOL I know it's silly to feel that this is "abby normal" in my situation, especially telling you all and feeling that perhaps you all will think I'm a whimp :lol: I found the perfect place here and I have the feeling this is what I needed a lonnnnnggg time ago! So, anyone got any tips for "coping"??? I have to say, that I am VERY blessed to have twins, and they bring me happiness and I love them so much. I feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed and depressed (at times) Is this truley normal and will it ever pass?????
    thank you all for taking the time to read this! I'm anxious to get replys, anything will help!

    :sign0016: to TS!!!

    You will find some much support here! Its been a lifesaver for me. I do hope that things get better for you. My twins are 10 months old, so I haven't hit the toddler stage yet with them. I do admit I am kind of nervous about it, and wonder if it is going to be harder than them being infants.

    I do know that others will be able to give more advice. Please visit the Twins (Ages 1-4) will get great advice and support there too!

  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    so glad you found this site!!
    I am overwhelmed a lot as well ~ (and cry a lot too!!) :)
    twinstuff is SO amazing & helpful - I know that I get something out of it every time I am online.
  4. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Welcome to TS!!!!!

    This stage will pass and you'll move onto another stage with it's own rewards and difficulites...but remember, most of this is just normal toddler behavior and "this too shall pass!" Hang in there and in the mean time, commisserate with those of us who have been there done that with age 2!
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    :sign0016: Nice to see you here!! This is a great place to come for support and just to read that people understand how you feel!! Feeling overwhelmed is so normal. And I think it happens at different times throughout--or so it has for me. We recently went on vacation with our girls, and it just didn't turn out how I thought and I was completely overwhelmed and exhausted the entire trip. But now that we're home, everything is back to normal. So totally understand the feeling!! Don't feel guilty!! It's totally normal--IMO.
  6. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    Yes, :sign0016: to TS. You are most definitely in the right place. I'm sorry you are feeling so stressed right now. Mine are only 20 months, but I am finding toddlerhood much more challenging than infancy. You are most definitely NOT a wimp, you are human, like the rest of us.

    Please do visit the 1-4 board and ask questions, vent, get support. You will find it all.
  7. rojo6pak

    rojo6pak New Member

    HI everyone! I just registered here and I'm delighted to find(only after two years ) that there is a website designed especially for twins. I have 25 mo. old twin boys and I'm OVERWHELMED!! I've never joined a "twin support group" in my area(as I didn't think I would need it ) However, I'm regretting that decision more and more everyday! At this phase, I can complain about everything from bad memory, lower back pain and the list goes on... I'm generally a happy-go-lucky person, lately feeling overwhelmed and crying. LOL I know it's silly to feel that this is "abby normal" in my situation, especially telling you all and feeling that perhaps you all will think I'm a whimp I found the perfect place here and I have the feeling this is what I needed a lonnnnnggg time ago! So, anyone got any tips for "coping"??? I have to say, that I am VERY blessed to have twins, and they bring me happiness and I love them so much. I feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed and depressed (at times) Is this truley normal and will it ever pass?????
    thank you all for taking the time to read this! I'm anxious to get replys, anything will help!

    I originally posted this on the "parenting" page, and I was kindly given the suggestion by another member to go to this page as it would be helpful, (with 2 yr olds) so I just decided to copy and paste my original post.
    Thanks again :)
  8. jpartlan

    jpartlan Active Member

    I'm sure everyone here has felt overwhelmed at times. I mean those first 3 months were the worst, and it hasn't gotten "better" but "different". I mean you just start to overcome on hurdle and the next one is RIGHT there. I would definitely join a Mom's of Multiples group in your area if not for the outreach help with coping, for the camaraderie. The Mom's Night Out's are a lot of fun too.

    I love to write more but I'm not sure what you are overwhelmed with. I can say there are good days and frustrating days. However, I'm a working mother while my husband stays home with the kids. (We have a whole other set of issues there...playgroups, no other SAHDs).

    Feel free to vent and let us know what you need help with. Don't worry this too shall pass...
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I'm going to merge your posts into the 1-4 forum. You will find that all age related stuff goes in the 1-4 (since you have 2 yr. olds) and general stuff is out in the Parents Club. There are a lot of fun features!! WELCOME!!!
  10. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Welcome!! I can't say if it passes, but I'm hoping so since mine are the same age & I'm feeling the same way. I don't know how your local group works, but I'd think you could still join. It's been a lifesaver for me; our moms meet once a month w/o the kids & I look forward to it all month!

    But I think you found the right place; the ladies here are awesome!
  11. rojo6pak

    rojo6pak New Member

    Again thank you all for your quick reply's I KNOW that I will get through this, it's been a tough week or so. Just reading some of the posts here(parents having twins within a yr. a part or triplets,etc) makes me realize that I've got some work to do on being more grateful and happy in my situation. I love my boys and they are certainly a gift. I know this website will be of great value to me as I go along in this adventure :D If you all can survive, so can I!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  12. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    oh boy, do i feel your pain :) there are many good days....and many bad days...i've just been through about a week of bad days. i think i locked myself in my room once....put them in their cribs once. i just couldn't take it!!!! i love my children more than anything....but we are human and we have to put ourselves in check too.

    as others have said....this too shall pass...but it will pass into a whole other phase :p easier, but harder in other ways.

    good luck!
  13. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    Welcome to you!!!
    I have boys that are about the same age as yours!!! It is crazy isn't it!!! I just started feeling comfortable taking them to the park by myself and Costco and a few other places. It certainly helped to not rely on others for that! But, I am really looking forward to preschool!! I have to wait until Sept. '09 for where I want them to go, but I am looking at a local church here to see if I can use there program twice a week for this year- to get them out with other kids there age and get some "boy" tips and well... have a break!!! They are a handful- my daughter is a handful with summer camps and sleepovers, etc. and my dh is a handful as he is only 5 months into a new job- and driving me crazy with all that entails!
    Anyhow, just wanted you to know, I feel your pain as well!! I keep thinking one day- I'll miss this age!!!
    TAke care-

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