Help...WWYD? DD still sick!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I posted a couple of days ago that Lacy was throwing up and had an upset tummy. Well, the throwing up has went away BUT, her tummy is still VERy upset so far (eight or nine)runny diapers so far today. She's not eating anything but: crackers,cheerios,toast,bananas. She's only drinking pedilyte. She's much more fussy today than yesterday she seemed like she was getting better but, not now. So her upset tummy thing has been going on since Thursday and the throwing up started Sat Night and lasted until Sunday Evening.
    I called the Pedi office and again they told me that a toddler can be throwing up for 5 days and have upset tummy for up to 12 days before they get concerned so, they didn't want me to bring her in.
    I feel so bad for her! Thank Goodness Logan hasn't caught it yet(knock on wood)which suprises me!
    Does anyone have anymore suggestions on what to do? Should I be feeding her something else or giving her other things to drink? WWYD?
    Please any advise would be greatly appericated!!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Tons of bananas, toast, rice, applesauce. My girls had a tummy issue last fall (around 15 months) and their runny diapers lasted for a MONTH. It was awful!! The pedi had told us at the time that it can take a while after a GI bug for their systems to get back to normal.
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: It's always so sad when your little one is sick! Unfortunately it can take a long time to get back to "normal". If she is keeping things down well, and if she is having wet diapers, then all you can do is ride it out. If she is starting to get dehydrated, then you need to call the doc again. These viruses can be so awful (especially for the parent who has to watch their baby be miserable).
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    When we had Rotavirus last winter, the puking only lasted 2-3 days, but the runny, blow out poos lasted much longer. To put the boys back in daycare they had to be diarrhea free for over 24 hrs & I think they were out about 8-9 days. Even after the diarrhea ended, they still had looser, mushier stools than normal & that lasted a while, too. I vaguely recall their spunk & appetite coming back about 5-6 days after everything started, so my guess is Lacy will be feeling better soon (whether it's rotavirus or another bug...pretty much all viruses last 7-10 days max). Like pp mentioned, if she starts to appear dehydrated, then bring be sure to take her in. Otherwise, while I don't agree with your Ped on setting a 'set number of days' a child has to be ill to be seen, I know first hand that they'll tell you exactly what we're telling you...fluids, rest, light foods, Tylenol/Ibuprofen for fussiness, etc. Hang in really is horrible. Count your blessings that Logan hasn't gotten it...I'd really wash hands, clean toys, etc to keep him from getting it!!!!!!
  5. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    I know this sounds weird- but it can't hurt... my great aunt always said to have them eat instant mashed potatoes-- you can lessen the butter or exclude it! Not homeade potatoes- has to be instant. Their is something in there that binds things together and will lessen or alleviate the diarreah. It has worked for us- or we were just getting over whatever was ailing us!
    Take care!
  6. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    If she'll eat yogurt in addition to the other things on your list, it will help set her tummy straight again. We've got something similar going on here and it ain't pretty...
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