Help with the fear...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    So, potty training has been a huge success around here! I'm highly impressed(for those who don't know-we did the 3 day potty training) so far. We went from 10 accidents/each, to 5/0, to no accidents yesterday(day 3)! Woohoo!

    Anthony did poop in his underwear when he woke this morning(no diapers/pull ups at all). Nicholas pooped the first day(every.freaking.time), but it was miniscule. Yesterday he did as well with dh. Today....

    It was pure torture. The crying. The fear. He was sooo afraid. He kept saying it hurt. He was so upset. He was trying to hold his butt, so it couldn't come out! :laughing: I can only laugh now because it's over with. After a good 20 minutes of crying, etc, he could hold no more and (tmi) that –––– FLEW out! OMG! I never knew that could happen!

    So-how do you help them get over this fear? It was most certainly loose, not hard at all(Anthony's is though-and always has been). What foods can I give them? I've been thinking of some miralax to help speed things up/move things along.

    Thanks for the help ladies!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    When Ana PT'ed she was just getting over a stomach virus. While this worked great for Meara (she much preferred watery poop in the potty than her pull-up/undies), it FREAKED Ana out! She started to hold it and got horribly constipated. Eventually it all worked out (pun intended), after several enemas (poor baby) and 5 days of Miralax (thats 5 days BEFORE.SHE.FINALLY.POOPED!).

    I guess I would just keep trying with your boys so they don't get backed up. You could try the Miralax or prune juice (Ana actually liked it), along with lots of fiber and water. Do they poop at any particular time of day? Maybe set them up in front of a DVD on the potty and let them have some time to go? GL!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Cherries! Raspberries! They both have tons of fiber and really help get things moving. Cricket was afraid of pooping on the potty for several weeks and the thing that helped was me getting down to her level while she was sitting on the toilet and telling her "poop stories", basically little made up examples of when I was a kid how I learned how to use the toilet. I told her how scared I had been, and how my mom hugged me and sang me a song, and how I learned how to use the toilet with no problems. And each time I'd hug Cricket and sing her a song and she'd relax enough to go without thinking about it. We did this for a week or two and she got over the fear and newness of the situation. I think it really helped her to know that her fear was normal and something that I went through too (although I don't think I really did...).
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I have pt'ed the twins yet but my dd has always been my constipated kid and her Ped told me that she would be probably be more difficult to PT because of it. She said to make it easier for them to go and then they can't really help it and just praise it, when it happens.

    Good luck! SOunds like things are going great!
  5. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    One of mine is on Miralax. The pedi thought it was a good idea, since we were thinking of PT. She gets very constipated and would be terrified to go in her diaper. Now that she is pooping in her diaper normally, we are going to try PT for real. She pees in the potty all the time. She hasn't pooped yet. We'll see how it goes.
  6. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    It took Sarah months to poop. She just refused and continued to poop in her pullup. I jsut left her alone about it because she would go absolutely insane if we tried to make her. She continued to poop in her pullup for a couple of months and then I pulled out the sticker chart again and by that time she was ready. I don't know why she decided that pooping was scary, but she did and there was no forcing her to do it. She peed in the potty months before Allison and was completely pee trained before Allison even started, but Allison was completely potty trained months before Sarah would even attempt to poop in the potty. I never gave her anything, just let her decide when she was ready to poop. Yes, it was a real drag, but she did eventually go on her own.
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thanks ladies for all of the advice! He did go three times yesterday, the last time being a bit better-as dh was home. Maybe that's the trick? However, this morning he went all on his own-even told me he had to go! Sat down for a few minutes-no tears, no screaming-nothing-and went! I was super happy for him! And he was relieved and told me it didn't hurt and he was excited as well.

    Anthony on the other hand is holding out! I just remind them both throughout the day. We'll see where this takes us!

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